Submitting forms on the support site are temporary unavailable for schedule maintenance. If you need immediate assistance please contact technical support. We apologize for the inconvenience.
--------- Exchange --------- 539634 - Support 02060426: Unable to restore some messages 540410 - Support 02116387: Unable to unite PF folders 540805 - Support 02097374: Missing "You have replied to this message on" text after restore 541990 - Support 02219776: Sorting no longer seems to work in the Mailbox Rights Manager. 542267 - Support 02218593: Import wizzard could not import new mailbox: Connection to server failed. 546674 - Addressbook manager: search groups by display name (O365) 545429 - Update group failed during connection to deleted exchange server 540843 - If search value contains special character (e.g. space), Advanced archive search does not work 546615 - Support 02325841: Publicfolder not archived by Job 547976 - Add restriction for long folder path 547916 - Support 02385193: System erro after syncing non existing mailboxes 547904 - Support 02386533: Error during CU installation 547076 - Support 02293620: Unable to archive SQL reports (EWS) 546588 - Support 02323862, 02318484: new group member is not imported after group update 546844 - Support 02314856: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_EXCHANGEPAMTMPALLSHORTCUTS' 547164 - Failed to mark all selected documents for deletion in advanced search results (when paging is activated) 548705 - Support 02363535: Icons disappear after archiving NEW: 549866 - Add possibility to increase the value for "Maximum number of search results" NEW: 546844 - Support 02314856: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_EXCHANGEPAMTMPALLSHORTCUTS' error during promote delay shortcut NEW: 549013 - Support 02418699: Failure in XML document erro during archiving
---- OWA ---- 546698 - Enable only Entra ID application 547070 - Replace icons for OWA 546724 - Support 02334257: OWA search is not working correctly NEW: 550352 - Support 02445364: OWA Hybrid. Buttons appear, but preview fails with error
----------- ArchiveWeb ----------- 542093 - IndexOutOfRangeException during login 540845 - Missing folder with item marked for deletion 541021 - Popup window is missing if Global permission "Allow policy managed download" is enabled 539992 - Support 02141941: Linked mailbox is not able log in to AW 540286 - Support 02149215: Unable to log in to AW after moving emails to o365 542066 - Roles - Missing vertical scroll bar in Warning window 542105 - Search template cannot be deleted. 542015 - Support 02211788: Unable to export from ArchiveWeb in to PST file 546710 - Hide client secret in configuration manager 546572 - Support 02313877: Problem adding groups or user to Profile / Permissions. Throwing object Reference. 545934 - Support 02305023: Not getting any results in archive web searches in specific scenarios. 547837 - Search operations do not work in a distributed environment 547476 - Unable to login with O365 account 548829 - Recipient search does not work for case-sensitive DB NEW: 549605 - Support 02432324: Archiveweb Login Problem of M365 Exchange User
---------------- Post Processing ---------------- 547835 - PostProcessing: The Scope server name is case sensitive for MSSQL 541654 - Support 02131410: Slow PostProcessing
----- SMTP ----- 540232 - Support 02150540: Certain MSG files collected in SMTPPool are crashing the MAM Handler Service.
----- IMAP ----- 541656 - Support 02208752: A vulnerability was reported on IMAP
------ Files ------ 540174 - Support 02079178: Scheduled job status remains as running
---- HSM ---- 542061 - Support 02227268: Packer pool is increasing 545392 - Support 02294582: Multiple sessions to the backup server (IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server) are open. 548691 - HSM: corrupted encryption key is not updated
--- CU --- 546971 - CU: Warning message for DB update