Submitting forms on the support site are temporary unavailable for schedule maintenance. If you need immediate assistance please contact technical support. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Search 535756 - Typo in PAMSearch.exe.config for archiveconnectionstring
Exchange 533181 - Support 01958112: Archived mailboxes are removed from manual group in Archive Manager when the mailbox is removed from Exchange Server Exchange 533447 - Support 01968833: Error during script execution after upgrade Exchange 532448 - Support 01946549: drafts are collected by job and stuck in pool with error Exchange 535800 - MAM4EX: Import multiple exchange servers on the same time in to address book manager - not working Exchange 536110 - Support 02066898: Oracle db sql deadlock Exchange 536151 - Support 02066904: Unable to export emails in to mailbox (Application is using MAPI when EWS is set) Exchange 536187 - Support 02007548: Unable to include deleted mailbox in del job.
NEW Exchange 539620 - Support 02128008: PST import fails with the error: Error, given key was not found in the dictionary Exchange 539656 - Home server is not updated for public folder mailbox after sync Exchange 539670 - Support 02132924: Unable to import Exchange Online
OWA 531903 - Restore items from multiple folders does not work - Failed to locate message.
NEW OWA 539940 - Unable to connect with remote powershell OWA 540039 - Cannot read the configuration file due to insufficient permissions
Post processing 534039 - Support 01993987, 02030571: fulltext indexing errors in DB causing documents not to be indexed. The issue is pointing to the Oracle DB Post processing 536089 - Support 02033317, 01986299: Searches and listing of emails from the archive takes performance hit when post processing service is running.
Files 534787 - Support 02030386: Cannot archive data beyond 01/17/2071
ArchiveWeb 532298 - Items are not visible in task preview ArchiveWeb 532075 - Click on the link does not open the page in web browser ArchiveWeb 532597 - Support 01926884: SMTP change request notifications are not being sent (unable to send notification email to group members) ArchiveWeb 532745 - Support 01951336: ArchiveWeb MFA Issue ArchiveWeb 535254 - Use ALIAS as server for preview
NEW ArchiveWeb 539411 - Support 02112289: The folder in AW, only spinning icon is shown, items not loaded.
NEW SMTP 539584 - Support 02102022: unable to archive with SMTP after upgrade to 8.7