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"Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'Connection'] at [position: 3018, line: 99, column: 77]" error appears when trying to link a database in any source control system (4372150)
"Parse error: [Incorrect syntax near 'Connection'] at [position: 3018, line: 99, column: 77]" error appears when trying to link a database in any source control system
Repro steps: - Create a database - With the attached SQL procedure create a storage procedure [documentation].[SprocGetWorkflowCategorySQLObjects] - link a database in for example dedicated Git source control system - The Action Center will open with the following message "Database and source control are synced", although the mentioned procedure isn't linked and does not exist on the repository
Expected: The user should be able to link the attached stored procedure to a Git repository without any issues.
해결 방안
Workaround: In the Stored procedure at lines: 102 and 103 in front of [column_alias] the AS should be added.
(cast(ta.fldproperties.query('data(//*:CommandText)') as nvarchar(max))) AS ObjectName, (cast(ta.fldproperties.query('data(//*:ConnectionName)') as nvarchar(max))) AS Connection,
With this workaround, the stored procedure is parsed correctly and is shown in the Action Center.