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DateRelevanceViews 242の1から25を表示
CLI snapshot throws ModelLoadException (4374590)

When running a Command many times in a loop to take a snapshot, and when using PostgreSQL 15 and any of the following Java versions 11.0.1 or, this will cause an exception error: ... Exception:

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2025/02/05
NA rating | 509 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Getting "org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin.start() of bundle org.eclipse.debug.core." in Toad Edge CLI (4376534)

File.list() method is returning the installable plugins in a random order. ... If the plugins are installed in a sorted way (alphabetically), then this issue should not happen <p>WORKAROUND<br><br>Replace the toadedge.jar file with the one attached .<br>If there is an error message, please go to the lib directory and delete the following files.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/12/23
5 rating | 605 ビュー
Knowledge Article
TE crashes after new installation of 2.11 in MacOS (4376554)

How to identify the error: ... Step 1: When attempting to start Toad Edge, the application crashes and displays the following error message: ... *** If the log file indicates the above Error then refer to the below given workaround

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/12/23
NA rating | 592 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Exports to CSV take a long time, since updating Toad Edge to v2.11 (over 2 minutes to export) (4377933)

Exports to CSV take a long time, since updating Toad Edge to v2.11 (over 2 minutes to export), when it previously was just a few seconds in v2.8 ... After updating Toad Edge from 2.8 to 2.11, the export of query results to clipboard / file (csv) is significantly slower.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/12/12
NA rating | 422 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Error in License Portal: "License type is not supported for the product." received when adding a license (4371068)

Error in License Portal: &quot;License type is not supported for the product.&quot; received when adding a license The license entered belongs to an unsupported product or a different edition of the product.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
最終更新日: 2024/10/11
3 rating | 7861 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How do I purchase additional licenses? (4044588)

I need to purchase additional licenses.

製品: KACE Desktop Authority, KACE Systems Deployment Appliance, KACE Systems...
最終更新日: 2024/09/27
1 rating | 9745 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to get the Toad Applications version in MacOS without opening the Toad software (4377158)

How to get the Toad Applications version in MacOS without opening the Toad software. ... Follow these steps to get the version of any Toad applications running on MacOS.<br><br>1. ... Click on the Finder icon<br>2.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/10/03
NA rating | 853 ビュー
Knowledge Article
NullPointerException when using the application (4376769)

Getting a NullPointerException when opening a table by double click.<br>The table opens but the Toas returns another error : java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke &quot;org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.getViewReference(org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPart)&quot; because &quot;page&quot; is null at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.setReference(Workbench.java:2082)).<br> system uses IE and it doesn&#39;t have the relevant support for Edge Go to C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad Edge\<br>Open ToadEdge.ini file<br>Add -Dbrowsertype=IE<br>Save and close the file

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/23
NA rating | 700 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to apply an offline license key? (4291015)

offers an alternative pathway of offline licensing. ... After having purchased an offline license, you will obtain a license file, e.g. license.dlv, and you will not be required to sign-in to your Quest account.</p>

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/19
NA rating | 4374 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to activate Offline License Key on Windows and Mac OS (4353846)

<p style="box-sizing: border-box;margin: 3px;list-style: outside decimal;"> </p> ... <div><strong>NOTE: </strong>A <strong>.dlv</strong> ... file has no restriction on where it should be placed however it&#39;s important that the user has the necessary permissions to access the chosen folder as well as to the path where the DLV file resides.</div>

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/19
NA rating | 1391 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Unable to locate jar for Toad Edge. Getting error "Configured folder doesn't contain CLI tools" (4333565)

Getting error below when trying to build a project with the files generated by Toad: ... -database_system MARIADB -out '"/C:/Program Files (x86)/Jenkins/workspace/Edge1/TMP_OUTPUT10"' && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%" Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Edge1\cli-dir/lib Copying C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Edge1\TMP_OUTPUT10 to C:\Edge\generate_create_script.sql FATAL: Failed to copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Edge1\TMP_OUTPUT10 to C:\Edge\generate_create_script.sql java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Edge1\TMP_OUTPUT10

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/07
NA rating | 903 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Getting the message "Non-certified database" when connecting to PostgreSQL (4329954)

Getting error below when trying to connect to the database: ... That means that the version of the database you are trying to connect is not officially supported by this version of Toad Edge. ... Please check if there is a new version of Toad Edge available and check the release notes to see the databases supported.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 786 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Toad edge unrecognised option: database_system (4333002)

Getting error below when trying to build a project that creates snapshots in Jenkins with the files provided by Toad Edge: ... Encountered exception while parsing: Unrecognized option: -database_system

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 926 ビュー
Knowledge Article
What's new in Toad Edge 2.11? (4376597)

This article contains some new features released with version Toad Edge Version 2.11 <span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="font-family: Aptos,sans-serif;"><b>Look what&#39;s new:</b></span></span>

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/05
NA rating | 348 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to get both Online and Offline licenses for Toad Edge? Entitlement to Online and Offline licenses for Toad Edge. (4295253)

Entitlement to Online and Offline licenses for Toad Edge.<br>Can an Offline and Online license be applied to the same install of Toad? <p>The Online license key requires Toad to have access to the internet.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/08/08
NA rating | 1600 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Toad for MySQL no longer provided, (4341044)

Why is Toad for MySQL no longer available on the Quest Support site or with Toad for Oracle MSI installers? ... Toad for MySQL is a discontinued product.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/05/31
NA rating | 425 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to assign someone the Admin or Owner role for a license? (4299816)

How to assign someone the Admin or Owner role for a License in the Database Tools License Portal ? ... The license portal provides Roles Based Access Control feature to make the management of licenses and people using those licenses easier.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad...
最終更新日: 2024/05/22
NA rating | 5833 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to transfer and assign subscription licenses from one user account to another? (4369136)

How to transfer and assign subscription licenses from one user account to another? ... The account (seat) of a license can be transferred via the Database Tools License Portal from one account to another.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad...
最終更新日: 2024/05/22
NA rating | 5132 ビュー
Knowledge Article
What's new in Toad Edge 2.9? (4375330)

Import improvement ... Introduced columns mapping configuration between source and destination columns while importing CSV data. ... Sign In/Up flow improvement ... Users now have the ability to configure the driver within the new connection dialog as well

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/04/10
NA rating | 332 ビュー
Knowledge Article
What's new in Toad Edge 2.10? (4375329)

Support for Stored Procedure Cursors ... Users now have the ability to view cursor information directly from the user interface (UI). ... Support for MariaDB Function Parameter Modes ... Users now can compare login/group roles for PostgreSQL and EDB databases within the Schema Compare Feature.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/04/10
NA rating | 556 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Error in License Portal: "License exists and you have no access." received when adding a license (4371041)

Error in License Portal: &quot;License exists and you have no access.&quot; received when adding a license This error occurs:<br>1. ... When adding a commercial license to an organization and the license has been already entered in the license portal by another user.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad...
最終更新日: 2024/03/21
5 rating | 2948 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Misleading Unsupported Warning in PostgreSQL/EDB Versions 12.9, 13.9, 14.9 (4375106)

These versions are typically supported, we were getting the unsupported warning. ... Defect identified. ... <ol start="1"><li>

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/03/13
NA rating | 437 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Toad Applications randomly shut down, even in the middle of a query. (4374989)

Toad Applications randomly shut down, even in the middle of a query. ... No prompt to save changes or exit gracefully. ... It shuts down when minimized, idle, or in the middle of a query.<br><br>Here are the Windows error details.<br><br>Event ID 1000<br>Task Category: Application Crashing Events<br><br>Faulting application name: toad.exe, version:, time stamp: 0xfb689bbb<br>Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.3636, time stamp: 0x81cf5d89<br>Exception code: 0xc0000409<br>Fault offset: 0x000000000007286e<br>Faulting process id: 0x5d78<br>Faulting application start time: 0x01da6414a09f2eba<br>Faulting

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Studio Subscription, Toad Data...
最終更新日: 2024/03/01
NA rating | 7340 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to add licenses and register them to a specific product? (4307635)

How to add licenses and register the license to my product? ... Follow the below steps using the License Portal to assign seats for a license: ... A license can be added to an individual Quest account e.g. jane@mail.com or to an organization account e.g. Quest Software Corp.

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Studio Subscription, Toad Edge...
最終更新日: 2024/01/12
2 rating | 7114 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How can Toad Edge be installed in a computer without internet connection? (4318894)

How can Toad Edge be installed in a computer without internet connection? <span style="margin: 0px;font-family: &quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif;font-size: 10pt;">In order to have Toad Edge installed without an internet connection, a commercial offline license will be needed for that.

製品: Toad Edge
最終更新日: 2024/01/04
1 rating | 1200 ビュー
Knowledge Article
クエリにエラーがあります:Request Error。
Technical Support