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How to change the tool invoked in the in the Group Document defaults (4364248)

Is there a way that I can change what view is displayed when I click the "1 Understand", "2 Query", etc. buttons? ... I didn't see any option for this when browsing through the Tools -> Options. ... What I'd like to do is make these changes:

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/10/18
NA rating | 129 ビュー
Knowledge Article
MS Azure SQL DB partitioned table and PK index DDL show up incorrectly in table Script tab (4344794)

Specifically, the partitioning scheme info is not shown, and the ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS and ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS have incorrect values (they say OFF, which is not the default, whereas they should say ON). ... The impact of this issue is that the DDL pulled from Toad produces the incorrect result.

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/10/17
NA rating | 800 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Error in License Portal: "License type is not supported for the product." received when adding a license (4371068)

Error in License Portal: "License type is not supported for the product." received when adding a license The license entered belongs to an unsupported product or a different edition of the product.

製品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
最終更新日: 2024/10/11
3 rating | 7861 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How do I purchase additional licenses? (4044588)

I need to purchase additional licenses.

製品: KACE Desktop Authority, KACE Systems Deployment Appliance, KACE Systems...
最終更新日: 2024/09/27
1 rating | 9745 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to access "Options" on Toad Workbook (4376993)

To get to “Options” in Toad Data Point traditionally go to “Tools &gt; Options”, how do we get it on Toad Workbooks since it doesn&#39;t have the Tools menu? Follow these steps to access &quot;Options&quot; in Toad Workbook.<br>

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/09/20
NA rating | 790 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Query Tab is missing in the Query Builder (4239291)

It only has a Diagram and Results tab. ... Corrupt QueryBuilder.xml file. ... 1) Close Toad

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/09/13
NA rating | 1193 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Data shows as EXCLUDED in the data grid (4233807)

When running a query on a table that has a text data type column, the records for the text column show as "excluded" in the data grid. ... Clicking on the cell prompts that I must resubmit query to see the information.

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Point, Toad for DB2, Toad for...
最終更新日: 2024/09/06
NA rating | 3099 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Failed to connect to Microsoft SQL Server with Encrypted Connection Enabled (4370303)

When attempting to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server instance with encrypted connection enabled, an error “The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted” results and unable to connect.

製品: Toad Data Point Subscription, Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/30
NA rating | 1215 ビュー
Knowledge Article
The initial Excel connection does not change when trying to use another Excel connection in an existing Workbook, the name of the connection and results are from the initial Excel connection (4346933)

The initial Excel connection does not change when trying to use another Excel connection in an existing Workbook, the name of the connection and results are from the initial Excel connection Defect Id: QAT-17523 Workaround: Use a new workflow for each excel connection QAT-17523

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/29
NA rating | 387 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to change connection info in the scheduled Toad for Data Point task files (4363065)

How do I change connection info in the scheduled Toad for Data Point task files? ... 3. Use the ellipse box next to your current connection to change the database

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/29
NA rating | 277 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to disable auto-startup for a database if Toad is crashing. (4345004)

How to disable auto-startup for a database if Toad is crashing. ... <div> </div> ... <div>3. ... Find the folder that corresponds to your Toad Data Point for example if you are using Toad Data Point version 5.1, you will find a 5.1 folder</div>

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/29
NA rating | 404 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Cannot export to excel instance "Object does not match target type. Export is cancelled" (4361342)

Cannot export to excel instance &quot;Object does not match target type. ... Close all the Microsoft applications (Outlook, Excel, Word, Etc) and also Toad Application</div>

製品: Toad Data Point, Toad for DB2
最終更新日: 2024/08/28
NA rating | 1324 ビュー
Knowledge Article
What's New in Toad Data Point 6.3? (4376724)

What&#39;s New in Toad Data Point 6.3? Toad Data Point 6.3 introduces these items:<br> ... <ul><li>The Visual Query Builder now allows for more control over compound Where conditions with horizontal grouping</li><li>Data can now be exported to JSON format</li><li>Enhancement to the pivot grid</li><li>Additional filter options were added to the Data Compare wizard</li></ul>

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/22
NA rating | 1125 ビュー
Knowledge Article
In Toad Data Point, every SQL table I’d open up would give a count of records (4376251)

In the old Toad, every SQL table I’d open up would give a count of records in the lower right, like so: But opening the same table in 6.2, and it’s just blank: What’s especially weird is that I do get the Record count like normally if I’m viewing a query I built, but not in any of the Tables or Views.

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 331 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Compare Data Sync Script Oracle to PostgreSQL incorrect (4332760)

When trying to compare data between Oracle and PostgreSQL the generated script is incorrect and wont run unless modified. ... Steps to reproduce the issue: ... Run this script in Oracle ... CREATE TABLE HR.TestCompare

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 898 ビュー
Knowledge Article
User with limited DB access can not open saved WB - "Cannot restore the results. To restore the results please re-execute the query". (4361157)

When a user with limited DB access tries to open saved WB, TDP 5.4 and forward, denies it and throws an error &quot;Cannot restore the results. ... To restore the results please re-execute the query&quot;.<br>If you try to change the connection from full access user to the limited access user while having that same WB open, TDP throws an error &quot;Failed to change connection&quot;<br>This issue has been regressing from TDP 5.2 to TDP 5.4 and forward, while in the previous version limited access user can open that same WB but as a &quot;read-only&quot; user and every time that same user tries to edit something he receives an error message &

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/08
NA rating | 339 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Import_1 - rows failed in Prescan step. (4361329)

Mismatch of datatype Verify that the data coming from the source database is the same datatype as the target database.

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/08
NA rating | 398 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Executing JavaScript MongoDB in the editor (native code) (4361364)

Toad Data Point does not supports executing JavaScript MongoDB in the editor (native code) Enhancement Request:QAT-16555 Workaround: None QAT-16555

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/08
NA rating | 324 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Cannot connect to MySQL when using SSL and turning off "Allow unsecure connections" in Google cloud platform. (4343121)

Toad Data Point fails to connect and returns &quot;Access denied for user &#39;root&#39;@&#39;localhost&#39; (using password: YES)&quot;. ... <p><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA06R0000007CrfSAE_1.png"></img></p>

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 548 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Problems editing templates in the export wizard activity (4329764)

The Export wizard uses a template which is populated with a Query file.<br>At some point we want to change the file that populates this template and we do this by following the steps below:<br>1.

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 330 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Does Toad Intelligence Central(TIC) support Chinesse characters? (4257467)

Publish snapshots that named with Chinese characters will fail with an error, as screenshot below shows:</p> ... <p><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA06R0000006jHGSAY_1.png"></img></p>

製品: Toad Data Point, Toad Intelligence Central
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 967 ビュー
Knowledge Article
When an import/export template is created (.tim file), the Server name for Microsoft Azure SQL Server is saved with additional characters attached to it, causing a connection error in the automation script (4329370)

Steps to reproduce the isssue: ... 2. Go to Automations ... 3. Create an Import or Export template ... 4. Save the automation script and run it ... Expected result: The automation script runs successfully

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 955 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Getting error "System.UriFormatException" after installig MySQL (4334612)

It keeps throwing the following errors: ... System.UriFormatException: ... Reinstall MySQL. ... Make sure the MySQL version is a supported version by Toad Data Point. ... To see the list of supported versions go here, click on the Release Notes, and go to the System Requirements section.

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/06
NA rating | 573 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to recover all your named queries files from an old computer? (4375674)

As a new TDP installation in a new computer, you should do manually all the named queries, since only you will have the default set up and that task will consume a lot of time. ... TDP default installation doesn&#39;t have the named queries.

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/07
NA rating | 532 ビュー
Knowledge Article
"ERROR [22001] [IBM] CLI0109E String data right truncation. SQLSTATE=22001" occurs when entering data manually in data grid (4372916)

SQLSTATE=22001&quot; occurs when entering data manually in data grid. ... <p>Error occurs when entering random data.</p> ... <p><img src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_kA06R000000V3P0SAK_1.png"></img></p> <p>This behavior is described on IBM support page it is data base related<br> </p>

製品: Toad Data Point
最終更新日: 2024/08/07
NA rating | 777 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Technical Support