
StoragePoint 6.1 - PowerShell and API Reference Guide

PowerShell Guide
StoragePoint PowerShell Overview Getting Started Profile and Endpoint Management Cmdlets Timer Job Scheduling Cmdlets BLOB Information and Migration Cmdlets Miscellaneous SharePoint Utility Cmdlets PowerShell Script Examples StoragePoint API Reference
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This command configures Record Management rules for migrating BLOBs based on declaring or undeclaring a record. After these are configured, existing records can be migrated using Set-MigrateRecordsJob.


·ProfileName (p): The Id or name of the profile. REQUIRED

·Enabled : True or false, to enable or disable records management on the profile.

·Scope (s) : The scope of the records management rule. This cannot be broader than the scope of the profile.

owa:<Web Application Id>/cdb:<Content DB Id>/s:<site collection Id>

·DeclaredAsRecord : True or False, whether to migrate a BLOB when the item is declared a record.

·DeclaredAsRecordEndpoint (de) : Name of the endpoint where BLOBs should be stored when declared a record.

·UndeclaredAsRecord : True or False, whether to migrate the BLOB when the item is no longer declared a record.

·UndeclaredAsRecordEndpoint : Name of the endpoint where BLOBs should be stored when no longer declared a record.


The following example shows how to enable and add Records Management rules to a profile.

Set-RMToProfile -p "Main Profile" -Enabled:$true -Scope "cdb:c54827c2-ff44-4569-86c0-d15e348ac71c/s:2dac99fe-b477-451a-bb1e-8f5279694a7d" -DeclaredAsRecord:$true -DeclaredAsRecordEndpoint "EP2" -UndeclaredAsRecord:$true -UndeclaredAsRecordEndpoint "EP1"


This command configures Hold Management rules for migrating BLOBs based on placing a file in a Hold. After these are configured, existing content can be migrated using Set-MigrateHoldsJob.


·ProfileName (p): The Id or name of the profile. REQUIRED

·Enabled : True or false, to enable or disable holds management on the profile.

·Scope : The scope of the holds management rule. This cannot be broader than the scope of the profile. REQUIRED

owa:<Web Application Id>/cdb:<Content DB Id>/s:<site collection Id>

·OnHold : True or False, whether to migrate a BLOB when the item is put in a hold.

·OnHoldEndpoint : Name of the endpoint where BLOBs should be stored when placed in a hold.

·RemovedFromHold : True or False, whether to migrate the BLOB when the item is no longer in a hold.

·RemovedFromHoldEndpoint : Name of the endpoint where BLOBs should be stored when no longer in hold.


The following examples show how to enable and add Holds Management rules to a profile.

Set-HMToProfile -p "Main Profile" -Enabled:$true -Scope "cdb:c54827c2-ff44-4569-86c0-d15e348ac71c/s:2dac99fe-b477-451a-bb1e-8f5279694a7d" -OnHold:$true -OnHoldEndpoint "EP2" -RemovedFromHold:$true -RemovedFromHoldEndpoint "EP1"


Determines whether the specified endpoint exists.


·EndpointId (ep):  The endpoint name or Id. REQUIRED.


Get-EndpointExists -ep MainEndpoint1


True if endpoint exists. False if not.


This command will retrieve an endpoint object. An EndpointAPI object is returned. See the StoragePoint API Reference for more information on properties of this object.


·Endpoint (ep): The name or Id of the endpoint to retrieve. REQUIRED.


This example will retrieve the endpoint object and list all properties of the object for viewing.

Get-Endpoint -ep MainEndpoint1

This example shows how to assign an Endpoint object to a variable within the PowerShell pipeline and then use this object later on in the script.

$endpoint = Get-Endpoint -ep MainEndpoint1

Add-EndpointToProfile –ep $endpoint.EndpointId.ToString() –p MainProfile1


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