
StoragePoint 6.1 - PowerShell and API Reference Guide

PowerShell Guide
StoragePoint PowerShell Overview Getting Started Profile and Endpoint Management Cmdlets Timer Job Scheduling Cmdlets BLOB Information and Migration Cmdlets Miscellaneous SharePoint Utility Cmdlets PowerShell Script Examples StoragePoint API Reference
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This command will create and save a new storage endpoint in StoragePoint.


·EndpointName (epn): The name of the new Endpoint. REQUIRED.

·Connection (conn): The connection string for the Endpoint. REQUIRED.

·AdapterName (adn): The adapter name; e.g. FileSystem, Azure, etc. REQUIRED.

·Foldering: When specified (-Foldering), folders will be created within the endpoint BLOB store. Use -Foldering:$false to disable foldering.

·FolderingLevel: A number associated with the needed level of foldering within the BLOB store:

o1 = Year

o2 = Year and Month

o3 = Year, Month, and Day

o4 = Year, Month, Day, and Hour

o5 (default) = Year, Month, Day, Hour, and Minute

o6 = Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second

·UseCompression: When specified (-UseCompression), indicates the endpoint should compress content written to it.

·UseEncryption: When specified (-UseEncryption), indicates the endpoint should encrypt content.

·EncryptionPassphrase: Encyrption passphrase used to generate an encryption key. REQUIRED IF -UseEncryption is specified.

·EncryptionProviderId: The Guid Id associated with the encryption provider that will be used to encryption content. The default is AES 256-bit encryption which is appropriate for most scenarios.

·Status: Endpoint status (Online = 1, Offline = 0).

·EndpointType: Endpoint Type (0=Normal, 1=System Cache, 2=Default Template, 3=Backup).

·IsWORMDevice: True or False; endpoint is ignored for Unused BLOB Cleanup if True.

·ErrorCountThreshold: Number of consecutive write errors before endpoint is automatically taken offline.

·ErrorCountWarningThreshold: Number of consecutive write errors before a warning email is sent.

·FreespaceThreshold: Amount of freespace (in MB) below which endpoint is automatically taken offline.

·FreespaceWarningThreshold: Amount of freespace (in MB) below which a warning email is sent.

·FreespacePercentThreshold: Percentage of freespace below which endpoint is automatically taken offline.

·FreespacePercentWarningThreshold: Percentage of freespace below which a warning email is sent.

·UseDefaultContacts: Send freespace warning emails to default contact list (maintained in General Settings).

·OtherNotify: Other email addresses (separate multiple with ;) to send freespace warnings to.


The following example will create a new StoragePoint endpoint with only the required parameters applied. All other values will be assigned default values when the endpoint is created. This endpoint will be on the file system and use folder \\server\blobShare\EP2.

Add-Endpoint -epn MainEndpoint2 -conn "PATH=\\Server\blobShare\EP2;AUDITDELETE=False;BUFFERSIZE=8192;SHREDONDELETE=False;" -adn FileSystem

This example creates an endpoint with compression and encryption turned on, and declares it a WORM device.

Add-Endpoint -epn MainEndpoint2 -conn "PATH=\\Server\blobShare\EP2;AUDITDELETE=False;BUFFERSIZE=8192;SHREDONDELETE=False;" -adn FileSystem -IsWormDevice –UseCompression –UseEncryption –EncryptionPassphrase "encryptionpwd"


This command will create a new StoragePoint profile. It creates one endpoint but others can be added afterward by the Add-EndpointToProfile command (see below).


·ProfileName (pn): The name of the new Profile. REQUIRED.

·ProfileType (ptype): The type of profile to create, e.g.  WebApplication, or ContentDB. REQUIRED.

·ScopeId (sid):  The GUID Id value of the scope of the profile. For a ProfileType of ContentDb, this is the Id of the content database. For a ProfileType of WebApplication, this is the Id of the web application. REQUIRED.

·Externalization (extrn): Whether externalization is enabled or not on this new profile. The default is yes; use 0 for No.

·EndpointId (eid): The Id or Name of the first endpoint to create on the profile. REQUIRED.

·BlobRetentionDays: Number of days to retain BLOB files after they have been removed from SharePoint. Default is 30 days and it cannot be 0.

·UseRBS: If specified (-UseRBS) then RBS will be used if a Content Database profile is being created. By default EBS is used for SharePoint 2010. REQUIRED to use RBS, even on SharePoint 2013. If EBS is preferred, it must be enabled on the SharePoint 2010 farm.

·SelectEndpointAsync: If specified (-SelectEndpointAsync) then the profile will evaluate endpoints asynchronously. This allows the use of file type and scope  filters, as well as SharePoint properties promotion. It is also required for enabling Large File Uploads, performing backup and restore functions, Records and Holds Management options, Bulk Migration and Archiving. Make sure a system cache has been configured to use asynchronous operations.

·Externalization: Indicate whether externalization is enabled, disabled, or Archive Only.

·EndpointStartFolder: Specifies a start sub-folder to use on the endpoint to write content from the profile.

·EndpointAsyncPromoteFilename: If specified (-EndpointAsyncPromoteFilename) then the SharePoint filename will be used as the basis for the filename of the externalized BLOB file. (Requires SelectEndpointAsync.)

·EndpointAsyncPromoteFolder: If specified (-EndpointAsyncPromoteFolder) then the SharePoint folder structure will be used as the foldering on the BLOB store for a given externalized BLOB. (Requires -SelectEndpointAsync.)

·EndpointAsyncPromoteExtension: If specified (-EndpointAsyncPromoteExtension) then the extension of the SharePoint filename will be used as the extension on the externalized BLOB file. This is ignored if AsyncPromoteFilename is also true. (Requires -SelectEndpointAsync.)

·EndpointFileSizeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a file size filter is specified. 0 for <= or 1 for >=.

·EndpointFileSize: The file size in KB if a file size filter is specified. Default is -1 (no size filter).

·EndpointFileTypeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a file type filter is specified. 0 for Exclude or 1 for Include.

·EndpointFileTypes: A comma separated list of file extensions to filter on (DOCX, PPTX, TIF, etc.). If the SharePoint filename contains the extension, then it will be included. (Requires -SelectEndpointAsync.)

·EndpointScopeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a Scope filter is used. 0 for Include and 1 for Exclude.

·EndpointScopes: Specifies a comma separated list of scope filter values. See the StoragePoint API Reference for more information on the syntax of scope filters. (Requires -SelectEndpointAsync.)

·BackupEndpoint (be): On new profile creation, the backup endpoint can be designated. It can also be added later with Add-BackupEndpointToProfile.

·BackupRetentionDays (brd): How long files must remain on the backup endpoint.

·LastAccessDateRetention (ladr): Indicate whether this profile should retain Last Access Date for BLOBs. The default is No; use 1 for Yes.

·SetMasterKeyEncryption (setmk): Create the master key encryption for the content database in cases where the profile scope is a content database. It will need to be entered during profile creation by adding the following line to  beginning of the script: $SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password" -AsSecureString



This  example creates an RBS ContentDb profile with an asynchronous endpoint:

$cId = Get-ContentDbId -s http://s3-sp16-wfe1:33472/sites/testSC2

$newprofile = Add-Profile -pn MainProfile2 -ptype ContentDb -sid $cid.tostring() -UseRBS -Externalization "Yes" –eid NASEndpoint –EndpointAsyncPromoteFilename –EndpointAsyncPromoteFolder LastAccessDateRetention 1 -BackupEndpoint "BkEp" -BackupRetentionDays 180

This example creates a ContentDb profile and sets it for asynchronous endpoint selection so a file type filter can be applied to the endpoint.It also sets the BLOB retention period to 180 days and sets the SharePoint filename and folder promotion options. It also creates the master key encryption.

 $SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password" -AsSecureString

$cId = Get-ContentDbId -s http://s3-sp13-wfe1:33472/sites/testSC2

$newprofile = Add-Profile -pn MainProfile2 -ptype ContentDb -sid $cid.tostring() –BlobRetentionDays 180  –eid NASEndpoint –SelectEndpointAsync –EndpointAsyncPromoteFilename –EndpointAsyncPromoteFolder  -EndpointFileTypeOp 1 –EndpointFileTypes “DOC,DOCX,XLS,XLSX” -setmk $SecurePassword

If the scope ID is known:

Add-Profile -pn MainProfile2 -ptype ContentDb -sid aad5c5f3-8d0b-43ae-a078-57cc15c34b4f -Externalization 1 –BlobRetentionDays 180 -UseRBS –eid EP1 -EndpointStartFolder "Wss_Content" –SelectEndpointAsync –EndpointAsyncPromoteFilename –EndpointAsyncPromoteFolder -be "Backup EP2" -brd 25 -ladr 1


The command allows you to add an endpoint to an existing profile.


·Endpoint (ep): The Id or name of the endpoint. REQUIRED

·Profile (p): The Id or name of the profile. REQUIRED

·StartFolder: Specifies a start sub-folder to use on the endpoint to write content from the profile.

·AsyncPromoteFilename: If specified (-AsyncPromoteFilename) then the SharePoint filename will be used as the basis for the filename of the externalized BLOB file. (Requires WriteMode to be set to Asynchronous.)

·AsyncPromoteFolder: If specified (-AsyncPromoteFolder) then the SharePoint folder structure will be used as the foldering on the BLOB store for a given externalized BLOB. (Requires WriteMode to be set to Asynchronous.)

·AsyncPromoteExtension: If specified (-AsyncPromoteExtension) then the extension of the SharePoint filename will be used as the extension on the externalized BLOB file. This is ignored if AsyncPromoteFilename is also true. (Requires WriteMode to be set to Asynchronous.)

·FileSizeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a file size filter is specified. 0 for <= or 1 for >=.

·FileSize: The file size in KB if a file size filter is specified. Default is -1 (no size filter).

·FileTypeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a file type filter is specified. 0 for Exclude or 1 for Include.

·FileTypes: A comma separated list of file extensions to filter on (DOCX, PPTX, TIF, etc.). If the SharePoint filename contains the extension, then it will be included. (Only works on profiles created with the -SelectEndpointAsync option.)

·ScopeOp: Specifies the operator to use if a Scope filter is used. 1 for Include and 0 for Exclude.

·Scopes: Specifies a comma separated list of scope filter values. (Only works on profiles created with the -SelectEndpointAsync option.)

[Target=Site Collection]

s:<Site Collection ID>:<Root Web Title>:<Site Collection ID>



w:<Web ID>:<Web Title>:<Site Collection ID>


[Target=Web CT]

ct:<Web CT ID>:Document:<Site Collection ID>



l:<List ID>:<List Title>:<Site Collection ID>:<List ID>


[Target=List CT]

lct:<List CT ID>:<List CT Name>:<Site Collection ID>:<List ID>


·SizeFilterType: Specifies the size filter type. '-1' (default value) means no size filter and '1' means file size filter. This parameter is only valid in SharePoint 2013.

·MetadataRules: Specifies a metadata rule for externalization to the endpoint. Metadata rules must be expressed in xml.


NOTE: For Operator, values (>=,<=,>,<, <>) cannot be entered directly; it will not work with the xml format. Instead, use the following syntax:   &lt; (<), &gt; (>).

·PromoteImpRetention: Specifies whether retention settings created in IMP for externalized content will be promoted to the endpoint.

·If more than one externalization filter is added to the endpoint, the rules can be configured to work in an AND/OR configuration. AND (default) requires that all conditions are met. OR means that the content needs to meet any of the conditions to be externalized to that endpoint. Values are 0 (AND) or 1 (OR). 







The following example shows how to add an endpoint to a profile. This example adds the endpoint using all of the default values (no filename/folder promotion, no endpoint filters).

Add-EndpointToProfile -ep MainEndpoint1 -p MainProfile1

The next example looks up the profile using the Get-Profile cmdlet and then adds the endpoint to it using the ProfileId property on the Profile object returned. This example shows the use of Profile objects in PowerShell scripts.

$profile = Get-Profile –ProfileType SiteCollection –SiteUrl http://sharepoint

Add-EndpointToProfile –ep MainEndpoint1 –p $profile.ProfileId.ToString()

This example shows adding an endpoint with several advanced features including SharePoint filename/folder promotion, a file type filter (to include only Word and Excel documents), and a metadata filter. (Note that the file type filter in this example requires that the profile was created with the SelectEndpointAsync option.)

Add-EndpointToProfile -ep MainEndpoint1 -p MainProfile1 –AsyncPromoteFilename –AsyncPromoteFolder –FileTypeOp 1 –FileTypes “DOC,DOCX,XLS,XLSX” -MetadataRules "<MetadataRule><PropertyId>8553196d-ec8d-4564-9861-3dbe931050c8</PropertyId><PropertyName>Name</PropertyName><Operator>contains</Operator><Value>TestText</Value></MetadataRule>"

Adding an endpoint with more than one metadata rule and IMP retention promotion.

Add-EndpointToProfile -p p1 -Endpoint "XXX1" -MetadataRules "<MetadataRule><PropertyId>8553196d-ec8d-4564-9861-3dbe931050c8</PropertyId><PropertyName>Name</PropertyName><Operator>=</Operator><Value>TestName</Value></MetadataRule>,<MetadataRule><PropertyId>fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247</PropertyId><PropertyName>Title</PropertyName><Operator>&lt;&gt;</Operator><Value>Title</Value></MetadataRule>,<MetadataRule><PropertyId>28cf69c5-fa48-462a-b5cd-27b6f9d2bd5f</PropertyId><PropertyName>Modified</PropertyName><Operator>&lt;</Operator><Value>9/18/2015 12:00:00 AM</Value></MetadataRule>" -PromoteImpRetention:$true



The command allows you to add a backup endpoint to an existing profile. This endpoint will be used to configure the BLOB Backup timer job. Backup endpoints are configured using Add-Endpoint, EndpointType=3.


·Endpoint (e): The Id or name of the endpoint. REQUIRED

·Profile (p): The Id or name of the profile. REQUIRED


The following example shows how to add a backup endpoint to a profile. Backup Endpoints don't use filters or other options.

Add-BackupEndpointToProfile -e BackupEndpoint1 -p MainProfile1


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