
Stat 6.2 - User Guide

Introduction to Stat Connecting to Stat Change/Service Requests Stat Consoles Tasks and Time Entries Stat Projects Search Engines Reports and Graphs Personal Rules Object Tools and Wizards Change Management for PeopleSoft
Object Management (PeopleSoft) Object Archives (PeopleSoft) Object Migrations (PeopleSoft)
Change Management for Oracle Applications
Object Management (Oracle Applications) Patch Management Object Archives (Oracle Applications) Object Migrations (Oracle Applications)
Change Management for Generic Applications
Object Management (Generic Applications) Object Archives (Generic Applications) Object Migrations (Generic Applications)
Appendix: Troubleshooting Chart Appendix: Migration Options Appendix: User-Specific Parameters Appendix: Supported PeopleSoft Proprietary Objects Appendix: Stat Reports

Environment Refresh Reports

Environment Refresh Activity Period (List Format)

List of environment refresh activity sorted by time period.

Refresh History by Environment (List Format)

List of environment refresh events sorted by environment.

Graph Reports

Graph Reports display CSR information in either a bar graph or pie chart format.

Graph of Aging Active CSRs (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of the amount of time active CSRs have remained opened. This report can be filtered by Application Code, CSR Type, Assigned User Id, Queue Id, and/or Priority Code.

Graph of CSRs by Application (Pie Chart Format)

Displays a pie chart presentation of CSR activity by application.

Graph of CSR Activity by Assigned User (Pie Chart Format)

Displays a pie chart presentation of CSR activity by assigned user.

Graph of CSR Activity by Day of Week (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of CSR activity by day of week and priority.

Graph of CSR Activity by Priority (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of CSR activity by priority.

Graph of CSR Activity by Time and Prio (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of CSR activity by time of day and priority.

Graph of CSR Activity by Department (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of CSR activity by department.

Graph of CSR Activity by Type (Pie Chart Format)

Displays a pie chart presentation of CSR activity by Type of CSR.

Graph of Completed CSRs by Month (Bar Graph Format)

Displays a bar graph presentation of CSR activity by month completed. Displays up to three years of comparative data.

Issue Tracking Reports

Issue Tracking Reports display information concerning CSR issues and Stat project issues.

CSR Issue Tracking (Landscape List Format)

List of CSR issues sorted by CSR and issue ID.

Project Issue Tracking (Landscape List Format)

List of project issues sorted by project and issue ID.

Maintenance - General Reports

Maintenance - General Reports display information concerning Stat system parameters defined in general maintenance tables.

Country Custom Labels (Landscape Excel Format)

Displays country definitions, including custom defined labels.

Customer Phone List (Excel Format)

Report List of customer phone numbers.

Customers (Excel Format)

List of customers sorted by customer name.

Customers by Department (Excel Format)

List of customers sorted alphabetically by department. Includes address and telephone information.

Department Codes (Excel Format)

List of department definitions.

File Servers (Excel Format)

List of file servers connected to Quest® Stat®.

File Template Maintenance (Excel Format)

List of file templates defined in Stat.

Generic Application Environments (Excel Format)

Generic Application File Type Location


Generic Application File Type Location (Excel Format)

List of file type locations for generic applications.

Generic File Types (Excel Format)

List of file types defined for generic applications.

Issue Tracking Custom Labels (Excel Format)

List of issue tracking custom labels and the values assigned to them.

Issue Tracking Statuses (Excel Format)

List of issue tracking statuses.

Oracle Applications Environments (Excel Format)

List of defined Oracle® Applications environments including database connections.


Oracle Applications File Type Location (Excel Format)

List of the Oracle Applications file type locations.

Oracle Applications File Types (Excel Format)

List of Oracle Applications File Types.

PeopleSoft Environments (Excel Format)

List of defined PeopleSoft® Environment including database connections.


PeopleSoft File Type Location (Excel Format)

List of the file type locations defined in Stat for PeopleSoft.

PeopleSoft File Types (Excel Format)

List of file types defined in Stat for PeopleSoft.

Service Domains (Excel Format)

List of service domains defined in Stat.

Source File Locations for Generic Files (Excel Format)

List of source file locations for generic applications. This report has the same data as the Generic File Locations Report but is sorted by environment.

Source File Locations for PeopleSoft (Excel Format)

List of source file locations defined in Stat for PeopleSoft. This report has the same data as the PeopleSoft File Locations Report but is sorted by environment.

Stat Reports (Excel Format)

List of Stat reports


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