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The following reports comprise the executive summary reports, providing an overview of your Exchange organization:
Server Traffic Usage Executive Summary
This report provides executive-level information about the email traffic in and through a Microsoft Exchange organization from a server perspective. The report also provides relevant usage metrics from a server perspective.
Use this report to identify the usage trends for capacity planning, for load balancing, and for successful service delivery. To enable the gatherings required to provide content for this report, see Gathering the Server Traffic Usage Data .
Recipient Traffic Usage Executive Summary
This report provides executive-level information about the email traffic in and through a Microsoft Exchange organization from the perspective of the senders and recipients.
The data can also provide relevant usage metrics from a mailbox perspective, and can identify usage trends. Usage trends are critical in capacity planning, load balancing, and successful service delivery.
The graphs can contain partial information for the period since the report includes metrics for the current period-to-date. As a result, some graphs appear differently each day of the current period as the messages for the top users are aggregated.
Presence Icons
If you right-click a status icon, you can communicate with the mailbox owner. For information about presence icons in reports, see Viewing Presence Information .
Exchange Service Delivery Executive Summary
This report provides executive-level information about average delivery times for messages and server uptime across your Exchange organizations. Use the data in this report to define Service Level Agreements and to measure the success of adhering to the agreement.
To enable the gatherings required to provide content for this report, please see Gathering the Service Delivery Data .
Exchange Capacity Executive Summary
This report provides executive-level information about the components of an Exchange environment that can affect storage, including mailbox and quota metrics.
An overview of storage capacity is critical to understanding how service levels are measured against usage patterns, and ensuring that service level expectations are met.
The Storage Snapshot graph is not dependent on the period that you selected. The graph is a snapshot of the most recent storage statistics.
Exchange Financials Executive Summary
This report provides executive-level information about financial metrics related to an Exchange environment. The report can help you calculate operational costs, including the cost of sending and receiving Internet email messages and storing data. You can also use this report to identify chargeback amounts to departments.
For more information, see Gathering Financials Data .
These reports can answer the following questions:
The organization-level reports provide information on the objects at the top level of the Exchange organization. These reports are valuable for enterprises that have more than one Exchange organization.
You can use the reports to identify issues that are apparent at an organizational-level, and you can use other MessageStats Reports to focus on the issues.
Auditing allows you to specify message header details such as the originator, receiver, subject line, and message identifier to be checked for matches. Message subject auditing allows you to search for text strings that are contained in message subject lines.
The Subject Auditing reports show the messages that were captured by comparing text from a defined list of text search criteria and the message subjects of all messages contained in the tracking logs for a selected server.
You can define the message subject auditing criteria using the Message Subject Auditing property page in the MessageStats Console.
Subject Sent Audits
This report lists the relevant message header information for messages that originated in the Exchange organization that match the defined list of subject audit criteria.
Subject Received Audits
The Subject Received Audits report lists the relevant message header information for messages that originated outside the Exchange organization that match the defined list of subject audit criteria.
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