Set command to workflow policy.
Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-WorkflowSequenceId] <int> -WorkflowPolicyId] [<int>-CommandId] <int>] [[-SequenceOrder] <int>] [[-WorkflowTriggerDefinition] [<WorkflowTriggerDefinitionEnum[]>-IsWaitOnAllPrevious] [<bool>
-RunInParallelWithPrevious] [<bool>-RetryFailed] [<bool>-RetryFailedAfterMinutes] [<int>-RetryUnresponsive] [<bool>-RetryUnresponsiveAfterMinutes] [<int>-IsContainerGranularityOnly] [<bool> [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep cmdlet updates workflow policy step = updates step of workflow policy. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep -WorkflowPolicyId 48 -WorkflowSequenceId 265 -SequenceOrder 0 |
/* Changes order of specified Workflow Step within defined Workflow Policy */ |
Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep -WorkflowPolicyId 48 -WorkflowSequenceId 265 -WorkflowTriggerDefinition NoTrigger -RunInParallelWithPrevious 0 -RetryFailed 0 -RetryFailedAfterMinutes 10 |
/* Changes various settings of specified Workflow Step within defined Workflow Policy */ |
Get-ASWorkflowPolicyStep -WorkflowPolicyId 48 | Set-ASWorkflowPolicyStep -WorkflowTriggerDefinition NoTrigger -RetryFailed 1 -RetryFailedAfterMinutes 120 |
/* Retrieves all Workflow Steps of specified Workflow Policy and then sets various settings for each */ |
Add new filter policies.
Add-ASFilterPolicy [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [[-Name] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASFilterPolicy cmdlet adds new Filter Policies. The Filter Policy can be used as an input parameter for the Add-ASContainerMapping command. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Add-ASFilterPolicy -Name "NEW FILTER POLICY NAME |
/* Creates new Filter Policy (filter condition is required to be created afterwards) */ |
Add new filter condition.
Add-ASFilterCondition [[-Core] <ConnectCore>] [-FilterPolicyId] <int[]> [-FilterDefinition] <FilterDefinitionEnum> [-Operator] <FilterOperatorEnum> [-Value] <DateTime/long/bool/string> [-Unit] <FilterDefinitionItemSizeUnitEnum> [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASFilterCondition cmdlet adds new filter condition for existing filter policy. You have to add value in according to filter definition type. These are DateTime (ArchivedDate,ItemDate), string (Path,RetentionCategory), long (ItemSize) and boolean (HasLegalHold). You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Common parameters:
FilterPolicyId, ConditionDefinition
Patameters according to ConditionDefinition value:
For ArchivedDate and ItemDate: Operator (Equal/YoungerThan/OlderThan/NotEqual/Like/NotLike), Value
For Path: Operator (Equal/NotEqual/Like/NotLike), Value
For RetentionCategory: Operator (Equal/GreaterEqual/GreaterThan/LessEqual/LesserThan/NotEqual/Like), Value
For HasShortcut : no more parameters
For ItemSize: Operator (Equal/NotEqual/Like/NotLike), Value, Unit (B, KiB, MiB, GiB)
For HasLegalHold: Value (True/False)
Add-ASFilterCondition -FilterPolicyId 3 -FilterDefinition HasShortcut |
/* Creates new Filter Condition for specified Filter Policy */ |
$filtePolicy = Add-ASFilterPolicy -Name "ARCHIVED DATE 01/01/2016" Add-ASFilterCondition -FilterPolicyId $filtePolicy.FilterPolicyId -FilterDefinition ArchivedDate -Operator YoungerThan -Value "2016-1-1" Add-ASFilterCondition -FilterPolicyId $filtePolicy.FilterPolicyId -FilterDefinition ArchivedDate -Operator OlderThan -Value "2016-1-2" |
/* First creates new Filter Policy then two new Filter Conditions to filter out items archived at 01/01/2016 only */ |
Get-ASFilterPolicy -Name "FPNAME" | Add-ASFilterCondition -FilterDefinition ItemDate -Operator Equal -Value "2016-1-1" |
/* Creates new Filter Condition for specified Filter Policy */ |
Get file name policy.
Get-ASFileNamePolicy [-Core] <ConnectCore> -FileNamePolicyId] [<int> [[-Name] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASFileNamePolicy cmdlet gets file name policy. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASFileNamePolicy |
/* Retrieves all file name policies */ |
Get-ASFileNamePolicy -Name Ownerless |
/* Retrieves only specified file name policy */ |
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