Gets configuration.
Get-ASConfiguration [-Core] <ConnectCore> [[-SettingDefinition] <SettingDefinitionEnum>] [[-SettingGroup] <SettingGroupEnum>] [[-UserName] <string>] [[-ModuleId] <Guid[]>] [-SettingScheduleId <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASConfiguration cmdlet gets a list of configurations. The core parameter is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASConfiguration -SettingDefinition EVCollectorParallelism |
/* Gets Enterprise Vault Collector module parallelism global setting */ |
Get-ASConfiguration -SettingDefinition MyTimezoneOverride -UserName "domain\username" | fl Get-ASConfiguration -SettingDefinition MyTimezoneOverride |
/* Gets Timezone global setting of specified user */ /* Gets Timezone global setting of all users */ |
Get-ASConfiguration -SettingScheduleId 1 Get-ASConfiguration -SettingDefinition EVCollectorParallelism -SettingScheduleId 1 Get-ASConfiguration -ModuleId 96f342f8-4b7f-e811-838a-005056982247 Get-ASConfiguration -ModuleId c9a0d554-1980-e811-838a-005056982247 -SettingScheduleId 1 |
/* Gets all settings related to specified schedule profile */ /* Gets specified setting of schedule profile */ /* Gets settings of GLOBALschedule for specified module */ /* Gets settings of specific schedule for specified module */ |
Add Archive Shuttle setting schedule.
Add-ASSettingSchedule [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-Name] [<string>] [-Schedule] [<string>] [-Color] [<string>] [-ModuleId] <Guid> [<CommonParameters>]
The Add-ASSettingSchedule cmdlet creates new schedule for setting definition. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Add-ASSettingSchedule -Name SCHEDULE01 -Color "#FF00FF" |
/* Creates custom schedule profile */ |
Add-ASSettingSchedule -Name SCH01 -Color "#FF00FF" -Schedule "3cf8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000f3c" -ModuleId b44e3afe-4b7f-e811-838a-005056982247
Add-ASSettingSchedule -Name SCH02 -Color "#FF00FF" -Schedule "3cf8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000ff8000f3c" -ModuleId ((Get-ASModule -ModuleType EVExport -ComputerName Computer01).ModuleId) |
/* Creates custom schedule profile with schedule assignment for specified module (command accepts only hexa format of schedule assignment) */ |
Set Archive Shuttle setting schedule.
Set-ASSettingSchedule [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-Id] [<int>] [-Name] [<string>] -Schedule] [<string>-Color] [<string> [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-ASSettingSchedule cmdlet sets schedule name, color or schedule hours. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Set-ASSettingSchedule -Id 1 -Color "#FF00FF" -Schedule "3c0200000200000200000200000200000200000200003c" |
/* Sets color and schedule of specified existing schedule */ |
Get-ASSettingSchedule -SettingScheduleId 1 | Set-ASSettingSchedule -Name "CHANGEDNAME" |
/* Gets specified schedule and changes it's name */ |
Get Archive Shuttle setting schedule.
Get-ASSettingSchedule [-Core] <ConnectCore> [-SettingScheduleId] [<int[]>] [-Name] [<string[]>] [[-ModuleId] <Guid>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-ASSettingSchedule cmdlet gets schedule for setting definition. Core parameter in the cmdlet is mandatory. You can specify core as a parameter, or call Connect-ASCore once and the core parameter will be automatically added from the session state.
Get-ASSettingSchedule | Format-Table -AutoSize |
/* Gets all available custom schedule profiles */ |
Get-ASSettingSchedule -Name SCHEDULE01 |
/* Gets specified custom schedule based on schedule Name */ |
Get-ASSettingSchedule -ModuleId c9a0d554-1980-e811-838a-005056982247 |
/* Gets custom schedules of specified module */ |
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