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DateRelevanceViews 1551の26から50を表示
Is there a way to turn these switches, LOCK, BUFPOOL, SORT inside of Spotlight? (4283453)

1. There is no data in the "Lock Waiting" panel until the switch is turned on. ... (db2 update dbm cfg using dft_mon_lock on). ... Is this how it suppose to work? ... 2. Is there a way to turn these switches, LOCK, BUFPOOL, SORT inside of Spotlight?

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 281 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Monitoring of Dynamic SQL takes a long time to load and detail rows mismatched. (4259542)

When opening the Dynamic SQL Tab under Top SQL the results take a long time to load (approx 2minutes) and when selecting a row to show Dynamic SQL Details the results displayed are for a completely different SQL statement.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 243 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Spotlight on DB2 LUW Hotfix (4263470)

CR7604 ... LDAP database connection results in "Datasource error in connection "dbname"" error. ... Spotlight on DB2 LUW ... ... CR76460 ... On the applications drill down the right-click 'Show only active' applications was not working correctly.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 167 ビュー
Knowledge Article
DB2 does not report 'Total Uptime' properly (4230952)

We stopped/started our DB2 production instance at 10 am this morning 2010/10/19. ... It is now 12:45 pm and the 'Total Uptime' is being reported as 9 hrs and 46 minutes. ... Run callibration after connection a database.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 143 ビュー
Knowledge Article
There were missing 3 icons from the main page of Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 (4246263)

Customer launched Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 and found there were missing 3 icons from main page: Database manager Summary, Tablespaces, and FCM Analysis. ... There were 4 Spotlight on 2, Oracle, SQL Server installing on the same folder

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 236 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Datasource error in historical connection for "CSR 8": Out of memory (4274015)

User has accessed a large/busy database ( 2500+ connections daily) thru Spotlight on DB2. ... User has to wait for long time to get response but error came up for client application: ... 'Datasource error in historical connection for "CSR 8": Out of memory'

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 331 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Error: 'Create new profile..no connection provider found' (4278749)

Uninstalled Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 and reinstall it on different folder and chage name of icon more like SoDB26.7.2.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 290 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Does Spotlight for DB2 require an agent on AIX for DB2 V9.7? (4278933)

1. Does Spotlight for DB2 require an agent on AIX for db2 V9.7 We have just upgraded from db2 8.2 to db2 9.7 and wanted to know if those agents we had installed on the AIX machines need to be upgraded.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 369 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Enhancement Request: Top SQL drilldown to provide the CPU Time, Data Reads, or Physical Data.< (4248989)

Request for the Top SQL drilldown in Spotlight on DB2 to provide the CPU Time, Data Reads, or Physical Data Reads columns on the Dynamic SQL and Current SQL tabs, similar to the columns available on the Static SQL tab.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 182 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Enhancement Request:: Monitoring of Indoubt transactions. (4254822)

Request for Spotlight on DB2 to provide information on indoubt transactions, similar to the information provided by the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command in DB2.. ... WORKAROUND: None ... STATUS: Enhancement request CR76042 has been submitted for consideration in a future relase of Spotlight on DB2,

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 245 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to display inactive client applications? (4244363)

<p>In Spotlight on DB2&#39;s Client Application Analysis, only active sessions are displayed. How to display the inactive ones?</p> <p>Right-click on the Client Applications pane and uncheck &quot;Show only &#39;active&#39; applications&quot;.</p>

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 262 ビュー
Knowledge Article
SQL Statements not appearing on Client Application Analysis drilldown or Top SQL (4274199)

User had Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 connecting to production database, Client Application screen shown data but Top SQL ... If connected to QA database, it shown ok on both client application and Top SQL screens.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 260 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to download Quest Management Suite for DB2 (4302872)

I purchased Quest Management Suite for DB2 but don't know where to find it. ... type 'Quest Management Suite for DB2' in the Keyword box and 'Toad for DB2' in the Product Name box.

製品: SQL Optimizer for DB2 LUW, Toad for DB2, Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 451 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Getting a 'data source error in connection' (4274173)

Delete and redefine connection profile from Spotlight on DB2.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 184 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Missing Buttons from menu bar of Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 (4283136)

<p>After installation of Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2, user found some buttons missing from menu bar.</p> <p>Reinstall Spotlight on DB2, it works.</p>

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 142 ビュー
Knowledge Article
How to Uninstall Spotlight for DB2. (4321217)

2) Select Spotlight for DB2 and click Change/Remove. ... 4) Continue to click Select All and Next until the un-installation process is complete.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 951 ビュー
Knowledge Article
'Access violation at address 0075F606 in module Spotlight.exe' (4238894)

User launched Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.2 and got error: 'Access violation at address 0075F606 in module Spotlight.exe' ... However, user installed Spotlight on DB2 on to other machine it worked. ... Client machine must be rebuilt.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 307 ビュー
Knowledge Article
'SQL5066W The database configuration parameter value for token "SQLF_DBTN_STMTHEAP" has been trun (4273999)

User launched Spotlight and connected to the DB2 V8.2 database then received warning messages. ... SQL5066W the database configuration parameter value for token "SQLF_DBNT_STMTHEAP has been truncated.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 170 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Spotlight on DB2 for LUW is giving a "Class Not Registered" message when being run on W (4320253)

Getting the following error when trying to run Spotlight on DB2 on Windows 7: ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... 007837B1 (Spotlight.003827B1) 76B13677 (kernel32.00012677) 77459D72 (ntdll.00038D72) 77459D45 (ntdll.00038D45)

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 266 ビュー
Knowledge Article
'ISpotlightConnection.AttachDrilldown called with nil datasourceManager' (4283237)

User tried to connect to his DB2 v 9.7 from our Spotlight on DB2 v and got an error: Product: Spotlight on DB2 for LUW ... Message:

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 223 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Requested SQL statement to be copied to clipboard (4268701)

User wanted to copy SQL statement for reviewing. ... His transactions are fast responding and refresh interval time 15 seconds. ... He stated: When viewing the client applications screen and the SQL tab is selected for an application - because of the speed that our DB2 runs at, it is often hard to select all the SQL text and copy it to the clipboard for analysis in the DB2 explain tool we have.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 213 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Does the parameter 'SQL Archive Option' in the Spotlight on DB2 connections apply to version 9 (4327852)

Does the parameter SQL Archive Option in the Spotlight on DB2 connections apply to version 9 DB2 databases? ... Spotlight on DB2 does collect SQL in the SQL Acrhive, so please make sure that the SQL Archive is swicthed.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 304 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Missed alert for DMS tablespace over utilization of 99% (4274066)

User connected remote desktop to Windows 2003 server, used Spotlight on DB2 v 6.7.1 to monitor his database DB2 v 8.2.5. ... He said one of his tablespace utilized spaces 99% but Spotlight on DB2 did not give any alert.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 272 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Missing SQL statement from drill down detail of application on Spotlight on DB2. (4274549)

User is on the client application drill down screen. ... User tries to drill down further to one application. ... Then click on unit of work, but SQL statement is missing. ... Expand the "mon_heap_sz" from your DBM configuration.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 341 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Getting error "'0905A' is not a valid integer value" after applying fix pack 10 to a db2 luw 9.5 (4274190)

Getting error "'0905A' is not a valid integer value" after applying fix pack 10 to a db2 luw 9.5 database . ... Please upgrade to latest version of Spotlight on DB2.

製品: Spotlight on DB2
最終更新日: 2023/05/07
NA rating | 155 ビュー
Knowledge Article
Technical Support