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If you purchased the licenses for this Software by executing an order form with Quest or if you have an agreement with Quest that states that all purchases are governed by such agreement, then the terms and conditions of that agreement supersedes and takes precedence over the Software Transaction Agreement.
Simplify Office 365 pre-migration analysis, migration and management with Essentials for Office 365. Use a single console to easily move and reorganize content from multiple cloud service providers and on-premises SharePoint and File Shares, manage permissions and licenses and gather key intelligence about user adoption.
While troubleshooting Essentials Sharepoint connectivity issues, the Metalogix Essentials was deleted in the Entra tenant, Enterprise Apps list. However with OAuth enabled, and going through the SP Connect, Claims, Essentials does not initiate the whole process and migration admin is not being prompted to create a consent, which is creating an Enterprise App. It's initiating a prompt to authen...