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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.4 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Profile Manager

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Profile Manager

Profiles saved in SQL Navigator can be:

  • Re-used in other versions of SQL Navigator.
  • Made available to other users of SQL Navigator.
  • Used on other computers.
  • Made available to support staff to help resolve issues.


To backup a profile

  1. Open the Profile Manager: Windows Start | All Programs | Quest Software | SQL Navigator | Profile Manager
  2. Select Backup User Profile.
  3. Select the version of SQL Navigator which has the preferences you want to save.
  4. Select the directory into which the backup file is to be saved.
  5. Enter a name for the backup file, or accept the name displayed.
  6. Click Backup.

Note: The file is saved into the designated folder and has an extension of .prof.


To restore a profile

  1. Open the Profile Manager: Windows Start | All Programs | Quest Software | SQL Navigator | Profile Manager

  2. Select Restore User Profile.
  3. Select the directory from which the backup file is to be restored.
  4. Select the file containing the backed-up profile file. Click Next.
  5. Select the version of SQL Navigator that you want the backed-up to replace. Click Restore.

Project Manager

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Project Manager

The Project Manager provides instant access to your frequently used database objects and connections. Projects are holding areas where you can store shortcuts to things that you frequently need to work with instead of searching for them in various lists and directories.

Project Manager Toolbar

Icon Tool Tip Description
Select types of items to display See the Project Filter Dialog.
Sort items by specified field Sort items.
Display items in a list Show/Hide item details.
Display extra details about each item

View Tree

Show/Hide Tree View.

Navigate between projects. Navigate folders in projects.

Go Up One Level Navigate the Project Manager.
Create New Folder Organize items in the project in folders.

Manage Your Projects

Action Description

File Menu | New Project

Create a project.

File Menu | Rename Project

Rename the current project.

TIP: Change the current project in the Project Manager window.

File Menu | Delete Project

Delete the current project.

Drag and drop into the Project Manager window.

Add items to the current project:


These items can include:

  • schemas (in particular connections)
  • schema objects
  • code location bookmarks within stored programs
  • schema object templates

Actions on Items in the Project Manager

Select an object in Project Manager and ...

Action Description

Preview the source code of text objects

Source Preview

To connect to a database from the Project Manager

You can select a database object in your Project Manager and open it for viewing or editing. SQL Navigator automatically opens the required database connection and displays the object’s properties in an object editing window. Double click on the shortcut to open the connection.

Code Location shortcuts

Drag the selection from the result list in Database Source Code Search to the Project Manager.

Drop an object

  1. Select the object in the Project Manager window.
  2. Locate the object in DB Navigator.
  3. Drop the object in DB Navigator.

Keyboard Shortcuts In The Project Manager Window

TIP: Right click in the Project Manager window to see all options available.


Keyboard Shortcut Description


Add Objects in Project Manager. Open Select DB Object Dialog.


Add Files in Project Manager


Hide items of the selected type (Requires you to select an object in the Project Manager).


Go up one level (Requires you to have navigated to a sub-folder in the Project Manager window).

Project Filter Dialog

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Project Manager > Project Filter Dialog

Select the object types you want to display in the project manager window.

Publish Java to PL/SQL

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Publish Java to PL/SQL

Create a PL/SQL package from a Java class stored in the database.

  1. Select a Java Class stored in the database. Use DB Navigator or the Find objects Dialog.
  2. Click Object | Publish Java to PL/SQL.
  3. Follow the prompts to generate a PL/SQL package that stores the procedures and functions used to call Java methods for handling the stored object.
  4. The package is generated and displayed in the window. Do you want to open it for editing before saving it to the database, or save it as shown?
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