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Rapid Recovery 6.4 - Installation and Upgrade Guide

Overview and System Requirements Installing Rapid Recovery Upgrading Rapid Recovery Managing Rapid Recovery licenses

Agent dependencies

The following dependencies are required and are installed as part of the Agent installer package:

  • For Debian 7 and Ubuntu 12.xx and 14.xx:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, libblkid1, e2fslibs, libpam0g, libc6, libpcre3, perl, make, e2fsprogs, xfsprogs, python-minimal, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, sysvinit-utils

    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      module-init-tools, gcc, build-essential, coreutils (>= 7.4), patch

  • For Debian 8 and 9 and Ubuntu 15.xx, 16.xx, and 17.xx:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, libblkid1, e2fslibs, libpam0g, libc6, libpcre3, perl, make, e2fsprogs, xfsprogs, python-minimal, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, systemd

    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      module-init-tools, gcc, build-essential, coreutils (>= 7.4), patch

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, CentOS 6, and Oracle Linux 6:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, make, gcc, pam, pcre, glibc, python, perl, e2fsprogs, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, nbd, libblkid, e2fsprogs-libs, xfsprogs, ntsysv

    • The nbd requires:


      NOTE: nbd is a Network Block Device, used to access storage remotely across the network instead of residing locally. If the nbd module is compiled into the kernel, Linux can use a remote server as one of its block devices. Every time the client machine wants to read /dev/nbd0, it sends a request to the server using TCP. The server replies with the data requested. Unlike NFS, it is possible to put any file system on it, but nbd does not allow shared access from multiple machines.

    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      coreutils, cpio, findutils, gawk, gcc, grep, gzip, sed, tar, bash > 1.99, module-init-tools

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, and Oracle Linux 7:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, make, gcc, pam, pcre, glibc, python, perl, e2fsprogs, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, nbd, libblkid, e2fsprogs-libs, xfsprogs, systemd

    • The nbd requires:


    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      bash > 1.99, coreutils, cpio, findutils, gawk, gcc, grep, gzip, kmod, sed, systemd, tar, rpmlib

  • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, make, libblkid1, libext2fs2, pam, pcre, glibc, xfsprogs, python, perl, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, sysvinit

    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      coreutils, cpio, findutils, gawk, gcc, grep, gzip, sed, tar, bash > 1.99, module-init-tools

  • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12:
    • The rapidrecovery-agent requires:

      lsscsi, make, libblkid1, libext2fs2, pam, pcre, glibc, xfsprogs, python, perl, apprecovery-dkms, rapidrecovery-mono, systemd

    • The apprecovery-dkms requires:

      bash > 1.99, coreutils, cpio, findutils, gawk, gcc, grep, gzip, kmod, sed, systemd, tar, rpmlib

Linux scripting information

Information about Bourne Shell scripting supporting Linux protected machines is now included in the Rapid Recovery Commands and Scripting User Guide . See the topic "Using Bourne Shell and Bash scripting with Rapid Recovery."

Installing or upgrading Rapid Recovery Agent on a Linux machine

If AppAssure Agent is currently installed on the Linux machine on which you want to run Rapid Recovery Agent, you must first uninstall AppAssure Agent. Before removing that software, consider backing up the agent ID. For more information, see Backing up and restoring the AppAssure Agent ID and Uninstalling the AppAssure Agent software from a Linux machine.

See the prerequisite steps in the topic About installing the Agent software on Linux machines before continuing with this procedure.

Standard online installations of Rapid Recovery Agent require an internet connection on the Linux machine you want to protect. You can obtain the latest Agent software from the Rapid Recovery License Portal in the form of a repository package (a Linux archive with the appropriate files). The files are extracted and installed using a package manager appropriate for the Linux version you want to protect.

If you want to protect a Linux machine that is offline (such as an air-gapped secure computer or a machine in a remote location), instead of using package managers and repository packages, you can download a shell script from the license portal. This single script can be used to install Rapid Recovery Agent on any supported Linux distribution and version. For more information, see Installing the Agent software on offline Linux machines.

The Linux distributions that Rapid Recovery supports use the package manager utilities shown in the following table.

Table 3: Linux distributions and relevant package managers
Linux Distribution Package Manager
Linux distributions based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), including RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux yum
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) zypper
Linux distributions based on Debian, including Ubuntu apt

To install or upgrade Agent on a Linux machine, you must obtain the repository package relevant to your Linux distribution and version. These packages are found on the Rapid Recovery License Portal , as described in step 6.

The package managers work with a local Rapid Recovery repository created as part of this process. The local repository retrieves packages and files from remote repositories that Quest maintains for each specific Linux distribution. This process guarantees you have the correct files accessible for the Linux machine you want to protect.

If installing Rapid Recovery Agent for the first time, there is no need to uninstall software, or back up any configuration files.

If Rapid Recovery Agent is already installed and you are upgrading your Linux machine to a new version, steps are included to remove the previous local software repository.

Complete the following steps to install or upgrade the Rapid Recovery Agent on any supported Linux distribution.

  1. Open a terminal session with root access.
  2. If Rapid Recovery Agent was never installed on this machine, skip tostep 6. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
  3. If upgrading from a previous version of Rapid Recovery Agent, verify whether a local software repository is installed. Type the command shown below for the appropriate Linux distribution, and then press Enter:
    Option Command
    RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux rpm -qa | grep rapidrecovery-repo
    SLES rpm -qa | grep rapidrecovery-repo
    Debian and Ubuntu dpkg -l | grep rapidrecovery-repo
    If the repository for staging Rapid Recovery Agent files already exists, a value is returned; otherwise, no output results from this command.
  4. If the repository exists, remove it. Type the command shown below for the appropriate Linux distribution, and then press Enter:
    Option Command
    RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux rpm -e rapidrecovery-repo
    SLES rpm -e rapidrecovery-repo
    Debian and Ubuntu dpkg -P rapidrecovery-repo
    The repository is removed.
  5. Determine if the package manager is configured to download Rapid Recovery. Run the following command, and view the output. Type the command shown below for the appropriate Linux distribution, and then press Enter:
    Option Command
    RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux yum repolist
    SLES zypper repos
    Debian and Ubuntu ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    The output lists existing local repositories. If Rapid Recovery is not listed in the output, then the local software repository has not been installed.
  6. Download the new repository package from the license portal following the steps below.
    1. Log into the Rapid Recovery License Portal at
    2. From the left navigation menu, select Downloads.
    3. On the Downloads page, scroll down to the Linux-Based Applications section.
    4. Download the Agent repository package for the appropriate Linux distribution and version.
  7. Update the local repository. Type the command shown below for the appropriate Linux distribution, and then press Enter:
    Option Command
    RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux yum clean all (to delete files in the cache and update metadata)

    yum makecache (to leave cached files and update metadata)

    SLES zypper refresh 'rapidrecovery repository'
    Debian and Ubuntu apt-get update
    The local repository is updated with the correct files from the repository package to install Agent.
  8. Instruct the package manager to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software. Type the command shown below for the appropriate Linux distribution, and then press Enter:
    Option Command
    RHEL, CentOS, and Oracle Linux yum install rapidrecovery-agent
    SLES zypper install rapidrecovery-agent
    Debian and Ubuntu apt-get install rapidrecovery-agent
    The package manager prepares to install all dependent files.
  9. If prompted to confirm installation of unsigned files, enter y and then press Enter.

    NOTE: To ensure that the proper kernel module version is used to protect your machine, the best practice is to restart the machine after theRapid Recovery Agent upgrade is completey.

Linux commands by package manager

Each supported Linux distribution uses a specific package manager, as listed in the table below. The package managers use commands that sometimes differ to accomplish the same task. The appropriate Linux commands required to remove AppAssure Agent, or install, upgrade, or remove Rapid Recovery Agent , are included in each individual topic. Those commands are repeated in this topic, listed by package manager for easy reference. Each cell in this table contains one complete command.

Table 4: Commands by package manager and Linux distribution
Command description yum (RHEL, CentOS, Oracle Linux) zypper (SLES) apt (Debian, Ubuntu)
Manually remove AppAssure Agent and dependent files manually rpm --nodeps -e appassure-vss appassure-vdisk appassure-mono appassure-agent rpm --nodeps -e appassure-vss appassure-vdisk appassure-mono appassure-agent dpkg --force-all -P appassure-vss appassure-vdisk appassure-mono appassure-agent
List all local software repositories yum repolist zypper repos ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
Confirm if a local repository for Rapid Recovery Agent exists rpm -qa | grep rapidrecovery-repo rpm -qa | grep rapidrecovery-repo dpkg -l | grep rapidrecovery-repo
Remove existing rapidrecovery-repo rpm -e rapidrecovery-repo rpm -e rapidrecovery-repo dpkg -P rapidrecovery-repo
Update the local repository yum clean all (deletes cache first)

yum makecache (just updates metadata)

zypper refresh 'rapidrecovery repository' apt-get update
Install Rapid Recovery Agent from the repository package yum install rapidrecovery-agent zypper install rapidrecovery-agent apt-get install rapidrecovery-agent
Remove Rapid Recovery Agent and Mono database yum remove rapidrecovery-agent rapidrecovery-mono zypper remove rapidrecovery-agent rapidrecovery-mono apt-get remove rapidrecovery-agent rapidrecovery-mono
Remove dependent files yum autoremove [Included in previous command] apt-get autoremove
Remove the repository package yum remove rapidrecovery-repo zypper remove rapidrecovery-repo apt-get remove rapidrecovery-repo
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