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Power365 Current - Power365 Premium Integration Pro (Cloud to Cloud) Quick Start Guide

What’s Next?

Now that the Premium Integration Project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing Users, Groups and Teams.


There are three (3) optional but recommended configurations.

  1. Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync, and cutover options. Every User, Group, or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that you create at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams to manage the different migration workloads. Beyond that, create as many as are required to meet the project’s needs. Click here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

    It is recommended that you set the license setting in the Migration Profile, especially if you have non-enterprise licenses assigned to the source users.

  2. Migration Waves – Migration Waves can be used to organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical groupings so that bulk actions and schedules may be applied to the members. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project needs. Users, Groups and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out more about Migration Waves, click here.

  3. Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide an optional means to schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. They also allow the Sync frequency and number of intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. More details about Migration Schedules can be found here.


All configurations are now complete. When you are ready it is time to begin creating target objects, doing the initial content syncs, and then planning the cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities Prepare, Sync, and Cutover with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all target Users be created at once If possible, this should be scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize available resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the Workflow for matching (created earlier in this guide) again.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision Users’ licenses and mailbox enable the target User so content migration may begin. It is recommended that Users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned Cutover date. Don’t sync users and then wait weeks or months later to sync them again. Plan your initial Sync as close to the Cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many Syncs and Cutovers can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single Cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a User or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that Cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many object Cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their Cutover events because it provides more time with lower impact to accomplish more migrations. However, it also injects more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage Cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during each Cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync, and Cutover by visiting the online help center.


Now that the Premium Integration Project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing Users, Groups and Teams.

There are three (3) optional but recommended configurations.

  1. Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync, and cutover options. Every User, Group, or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that you create at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams to manage the different migration workloads. Beyond that, create as many as are required to meet the project’s needs. Click here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

    It is recommended that you set the license setting in the Migration Profile, especially if you have non-enterprise licenses assigned to the source users.

  2. Migration Waves – Migration Waves can be used to organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical groupings so that bulk actions and schedules may be applied to the members. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project needs. Users, Groups and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out more about Migration Waves, click here.

  3. Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide an optional means to schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. They also allow the Sync frequency and number of intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. More details about Migration Schedules can be found here.


All configurations are now complete. When you are ready it is time to begin creating target objects, doing the initial content syncs, and then planning the cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities Prepare, Sync, and Cutover with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all target Users be created at once If possible, this should be scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize available resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the Workflow for matching (created earlier in this guide) again.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision Users’ licenses and mailbox enable the target User so content migration may begin. It is recommended that Users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned Cutover date. Don’t sync users and then wait weeks or months later to sync them again. Plan your initial Sync as close to the Cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many Syncs and Cutovers can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single Cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a User or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that Cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many object Cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their Cutover events because it provides more time with lower impact to accomplish more migrations. However, it also injects more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage Cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during each Cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync, and Cutover by visiting the online help center.


Now that the Premium Integration Project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing Users, Groups and Teams.


There are three (3) optional but recommended configurations.

  1. Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync, and cutover options. Every User, Group, or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that you create at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams to manage the different migration workloads. Beyond that, create as many as are required to meet the project’s needs. Click here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

    It is recommended that you set the license setting in the Migration Profile, especially if you have non-enterprise licenses assigned to the source users.

  2. Migration Waves – Migration Waves can be used to organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical groupings so that bulk actions and schedules may be applied to the members. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project needs. Users, Groups and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out more about Migration Waves, click here.

  3. Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide an optional means to schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. They also allow the Sync frequency and number of intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. More details about Migration Schedules can be found here.

All configurations are now complete. When you are ready it is time to begin creating target objects, doing the initial content syncs, and then planning the cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities Prepare, Sync, and Cutover with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all target Users be created at once If possible, this should be scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize available resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the Workflow for matching (created earlier in this guide) again.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision Users’ licenses and mailbox enable the target User so content migration may begin. It is recommended that Users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned Cutover date. Don’t sync users and then wait weeks or months later to sync them again. Plan your initial Sync as close to the Cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many Syncs and Cutovers can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single Cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a User or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that Cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many object Cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their Cutover events because it provides more time with lower impact to accomplish more migrations. However, it also injects more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage Cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during each Cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync, and Cutover by visiting the online help center.

FAQs - Premium Integration Pro (Cloud to Cloud)

  1. What workflows are created automatically?

    There is a Workflow created for the Prepare, Provision, and Cutover activities for each project.  A total of four Workflows will be configured initially, and they are:

  • Power365 Prepare Workflow for ProjectName

  • Power365 Provision Workflow for ProjectName

  • Power365 Cutover Target Workflow for ProjectName

  • Power365 Cutover Source Workflow for ProjectName

    Additional Workflows will be needed when domain move is in scope and will be created automatically when the domain move job is triggered.

  1. What other components are automatically configured in Directory Sync?

    During the Tenant-to-Tenant Project setup, the cloud Environments will be automatically deployed and configured for you. The required Workflows, associated Templates, and advanced mappings are also auto-generated. If a Hybrid Tenant is used, a local Environment will be created and associated with cloud Environment automatically. 

    Note, additional local Environments can be added and associated with the tenant in a multi-domain/forest setup.

  2. Can I edit the workflows or template mappings?

    Not in version 1 but this ability is coming soon. In the meantime, it is possible to use Power365 Directory Sync to create the User objects ahead of time using custom mappings.

  1. If the Template mapping cannot be edited, is there a way we can create the users with custom ser attributes such as display name based on ‘FirstName, Last Name’?

    As mentioned above, the answer is Yes. To achieve this, additional Workflow(s) and Template(s) should be created in Power365 Directory Sync.  There is a sample setup guide under Appendix A in this document.

  2. Can I control where I want the Users created, Cloud vs Hybrid On-Prem?

    Yes.  If you want to create the target User in a location that is different from the source, use Power365 Directory Sync to create the User object, then match the target User in Power365 Tenant-to-Tenant. 

  3. Can Power365 Tenant-to-Tenant remove the license assigned to Room/Resource and Shared Mailboxes?

    Yes, this feature is coming soon.

  4. Where do I set up GAL Sync?

    All directory integration requirements will be orchestrated and managed from Power365 Directory Sync.

  5. Where do I migrate or sync Distribution & Security Groups?

    Although Distribution and Security Groups are still discovered and displayed in Power365 Tenant-to-Tenant, it no longer migrates groups or members. They are discovered for matching purposes and displayed for matching reporting purposes. DS Lite provided limited solutions for Bi-Directional GAL Sync therefore all directory integration requirements will be orchestrated and managed from Power365 Directory Sync.

  6. How do I sync a User’s personal contact properties?

    All directory integration requirements will be orchestrated and managed from Power365 Directory Sync.

  7. What advantages does Power365 Directory Sync bring to my Migration and Integration Projects?

    There are several areas of improvement that Power365 Directory Sync offers with Cloud to Cloud projects.

  • No Agents to Install with Cloud to Cloud projects!

  • Intelligent Provisioning – Target Objects are created based on the source object, either in the Cloud or On-Prem

  • Mixed Users – If your source User is Hybrid but you prefer your target User to be Cloud only, we support that! Just create and match them before running Prepare.

  • Cloud Only with Hybrid – No more separate projects to migrate your shared mailboxes! Shared, Room and Equipment Cloud only Mailboxes are fully supported with your integration projects.

  1. How do I re-Prepare a User if the target User was deleted from the tenant?

    The following steps should be taken to re-Prepare a User that was removed from the target tenant by mistake.

  • Perform the delta discovery for the target tenant within Power365 Tenant-to-Tenant.  The discovery process will identify the removed object and mark the object as deleted.

  • Perform a reconcile read against the tenant in Power365 Directory Sync, the read Workflow will remove the deleted object in the backend.

  • Once the above steps are done, the admin can then proceed to re-Prepare the User.

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