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Foglight 6.3.0 - Installing Foglight on Windows with an External Microsoft SQL Server Database

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Step 12: Foglight repository database type

Step 12: Foglight repository database type

This step allows you to select the Foglight database type. The server on which the database is located must be running before you complete this step.At the completion of this step, the installer creates the user (foglight is the default user ID) in the database and sets the appropriate permissions.

Select SQL Server (External database) and then click Next. See the following section for instructions.

If the Management Server you are installing is configured to be part of an HA cluster, you must also configure it to connect to the same database instance as all other members of the cluster. In this case, you set Server name and Database Name to the same values as the values used for the other members. In some rare cases, certain settings might be different. For example, the value for Server name might be different if there is a firewall between the database and certain members of the cluster in your environment.

When using gMSA for authentication, you must install Foglight using SQL Server Authentication. Once Foglight is installed, you can configure the appropriate gMSA account for repository authentication. Refer to Planning for authentication with gMSA for more information.

In the Server name box, type the database host name or IP address (the default is localhost).
From the Repository User Account Authentication drop-down list, select a method of authentication (Windows® or SQL Server®).
If you select Windows Authentication, your Windows user name is populated in the User Name box.
NOTE: For Windows authentication, using the LAN Manager Authentication security policy Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse LM & NTLM is not supported. If the authentication level on the host is set for this policy, change the policy before continuing the installation.
In the Repository User Name box, type the user name if it is not already pre-filled. The Management Server uses this account to connect to the database.
In the Repository User Account Password box, accept the default password (foglight) or type an alternate one. The Management Server uses this password to connect to the database.
In the Repository User Account Retype Password box, accept the default (foglight) or, if you have provided an alternate password, re-type the password for verification.
In the Database Name box, type the name of the database (the default is foglight). This name is the name of the Microsoft® SQL Server instance to which you want the Management Server to connect.
Select one of the following Repository Creation options:
If you select Manually create the repository database, there are two methods you can use to create the database. For more information, see Manual database configuration.
If you select Automatically create the repository database, select the Repository Administrator Account Authentication Method, and then type the Repository Administrator Account User Name and Password. The Management Server uses the administrator account credentials to create the SQL Server database.
Click Next.
If you chose Manually create the repository database in step 7, and did not create the database at that time, an error message appears. For more information, see Manual database configuration.

Step 13: Foglight ports configuration

Step 13: Foglight ports configuration
NOTE: In certain configurations, the Management Server uses other ports than the ones that you can set on this screen; for example, when Foglight is running in High Availability (HA) mode. See the Administration and Configuration Help for details.
Click Next.
NOTE: If there are any port assignment conflicts, an error message dialog box appears. Click Review Ports, if you want to return to the Foglight Ports Configuration screen to configure the conflicting port(s), or click Ignore and Continue to continue with the installation without resolving the port conflicts. Select one of these options to continue.

Step 14: Add Foglight license file

Step 14: Add Foglight license file
Specify the path to the Foglight license file in the Install a license from the following file box, or browse to a license file by clicking the Browse button.
IMPORTANT: See the Administration and Configuration Guide for information about license requirements, managing licenses, and the different categories of cartridges (based on their license requirements).
Click Next.

If you selected Enable Foglight as a Service in Step 6: Foglight Service, the Management Server service is enabled and started at this point.

Step 15: Add Foglight to system service

Step 15: Add Foglight to system service

The Foglight Server Startup step enables to add Foglight to the system service.

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