The specific type of the view component, such as a Tree Table. The component is set in the Add View dialog box after you click the Add button in the Module Contents pane. | |
The Priority setting is used to control which views are presented in the view pane of the Data tab when a node in the list pane is selected. The Data tab presents another way to browse Foglight data. A running Foglight system instantiates as many objects as it can from the data models defined in its agents and in its core system. These data objects are presented in the list pane. When one of these data objects is selected, the Foglight™ system searches for any dashboard or monitor views that have as their sole context input a data object of this type. If a priority has been set for the view, it is displayed in the view pane. High priority views are shown first, and then those of lesser priority. If a priority has not been set, the view does not appear even though it has the proper input. Choices for the Priority setting are: None, 1 - 9, (Low=8, Medium=5, and High=2) | |
Each view can be marked as having one or more purposes. The standard shipped purposes are:
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Dashboard: A dashboard is a page that cannot have required context inputs. The filtered list of views that you can add to a dashboard can contain any view that is purposed as a Pagelet as long as the dashboard contains the appropriate context to make the view useful. Any view marked as a dashboard can be accessed byselecting it in the navigation panel. |
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Data View: A data view is a view that is presented in the list of view choices in the data browser (accessible by choosing Dashboards > Configuration > Data from the navigation panel) when an object compatible with the single required input of this view is selected from the data tree. Note that a priority (other than none) must also be set. |
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Diagnostic: Useful for identifying views that are meant to be the beginning of a diagnostic work flow. This is the opposite of Monitor. If it is used as a drill-down page, it freezes its time range so that even if the page is updated the time range does not update. |
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Dialog: A view that is designed to not update automatically. Useful for identifying views that are designed (in shape, size, and interactivity) to be Dialogs, either temporary or full. |
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Feed: This view is useful as a syndication feed (for example, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) or Atom) used to frequently update content. Only a view based on Feed View Component should be purposed as a feed. A component purposed as a Feed can be used as a way to query data from Foglight because it provides a well-defined XML stream that you can parsed to extract the information you want. For more information, see Setting up RSS Feeds. |
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Global Action: When set, a link to this view is shown in the right panel (page/action panel) under Other Actions as long as the user is permitted to see the view. A Global Action view cannot have required inputs. |
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Home Page: Useful for identifying views that are designed to be home pages. It cannot have required context inputs. A link to a view with this designation appears in the Homes list in the navigation panel. |
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Menu: Useful for identifying views that are designed to be menus. |
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Monitor: A view marked as a monitor is meant to reload itself periodically, since it is meant to monitor the data it is presenting. By default, the refresh interval is obtained from the user preferences but can be specified using the refresh interval property of the monitor view. The policy for refreshing views is as follows: |
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Child views marked as monitors but whose input timeRange do not have an idea of now (the current time) do not get refreshed. For a child page’s timeRange to have a notion of now it must be passed a timeRange. |
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Page: A page is a view that is designed to be used as a page – one that is drilled down to from another page or dashboard or portlet. It can have required context inputs. |
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Pagelet: A pagelet is a view that is designed to be added to a page or dashboard. |
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Portal: The result of using Create Dashboards in the action panel. A portal is page that a user can customize by dragging views onto it. The filtered list of views that you can add to a portal can contain any view that is purposed as a portlet as long as the portal contains the appropriate context to make the view useful. If used in a remote interface, for example, in a WebLogic, a drill-down to a portlet takes place in the remote window. A drill-down to a page with any other purpose directs the browser to the Foglight™ browser interface. |
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Portlet: A portlet is a view that is designed to be added to a portal. |
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Report: A report does not require any input. The filtered list of views that you can add to a report can contain any view that is purposed as a reportlet as long as the Report contains the appropriate context to make the view useful. Scheduled reports that have been generated appear in the Reports view. |
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Reportlet: A reportlet is a view that is designed to be added to a report. |
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Summary: Useful for identifying views that are designed to be small read-only summaries of data. Often useful for dwell actions. |
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