The Top Procedures set of agent properties affect the information that appears on the Top Procedures dashboard. For more information, see Top Procedures Tab .
The Top Users set of agent properties affect the information that appears on the Top Users dashboard. For more information, see Top Users Tab .
The Cached Objects set of agent properties affect the information that appears on the Data Cache Activity dashboard. For more information, see Data Cache Activity Tab .
1 |
Click the list from the Limit Incoming Rows List that you want to update. |
2 |
Click Edit. |
3 |
Add an entry to the list by clicking Add Row. |
4 |
Click Save Changes. |
5 |
Enter the maximum number of top applications to monitor in the Top Applications - Max Rows Returned box. |
7 |
Select a sorting criteria from the Top Applications - Sort Criteria list. For more information, see Minimum Threshold Value Sorting Criteria . |
• |
There is room on the list based on the Top Applications - Max Rows Returned value specified in Step 5. |
8 |
Enter the maximum number of top SQL statements to monitor in the Top SQL -Max Rows Returned box. |
10 |
Select a sorting criteria from the Top SQL - Sort Criteria list. For more information, see Minimum Threshold Value Sorting Criteria . |
• |
There is room on the list based on Top SQL - Max Rows Returned value specified in Step 8. |
11 |
Select Top SQL - Include Stored Procedure Lines - YES to display the list of stored procedures. Select NO if the stored procedures list is not to be displayed. Enabling this property allows you to collect the SQL statements inside stored procedures. The number of collected SQL statements depends on the values set by the Top SQL - Max Rows Returned property (see Step 8). It also requires a certain configuration of ASE parameters: the parameter statement pipe max messages should be greater than sql text pipe max messages. For more information about these parameters, refer to your Sybase documentation. |
12 |
Enter the maximum number of top users to monitor in the Top Users - Max Rows Returned box. |
14 |
Select a sorting criteria from the Top Users - Sort Criteria list. For more information, see Minimum Threshold Value Sorting Criteria . |
• |
There is room on the list based on the Top Users - Max Rows Returned value specified in step 10. |
15 |
Enter the maximum number of cached objects to monitor in the Cached Objects - Max Rows Returned box. |
17 |
Select a sorting criteria from the Cached Objects - Sort Criteria list. For more information, see Minimum Threshold Value Sorting Criteria . |
18 |
Select the Cached Objects - Object Type from the list. The types are: |
• |
All tables |
19 |
Click Save. |
20 |
Go to Setting Benchmark Properties to set sample frequency agent properties. |
The Limit Incoming Rows List table displays a set of criteria which limits the amount of data written to the Foglight database.
• |
The number of buffers written to disk. This maps to the physical_writes field in the TopUsers table. | |
The number of transactions being processed by the top users. |
Use the Benchmark set of agent properties to configure BenchMarkTimes table collection parameters.
1 |
Click the Read Benchmark SQL from a File radio button, True or False, to enable or disable this function. |
2 |
Specify the SQL Benchmark in the Benchmark SQL or Path box. Either: |
NOTE: Do NOT select true for the Read Benchmark SQL from a File property if you enter the SQL statement directly. |
3 |
Enter the maximum amount of time in seconds that the SQL query should run in the Benchmark Response Time (seconds) box. |
4 |
Click Save. |
5 |
Go to Setting Configuration Properties to set sample frequency agent properties. |
Use the Configuration set of agent properties to set the log collection configuration properties.
1 |
Enter the full path to the Adaptive Server error log in the ASE Error Log Path box. |
2 |
Enter the full path to the Backup Server error log in the Backup Server Error Log Path box. |
3 |
Click the list from the Message Trap List that you want to update. |
4 |
Click Edit. |
5 |
Add an entry to the list by clicking Add new row. |
a |
Search Pattern—Indicates the regular expression pattern used to match the log message. |
b |
Action—When set to Include, any error messages that match the search pattern are printed to the log. When set to Exclude, the matched messages are excluded from the log. |
c |
Severity—The severity of the alarm that is triggered by any error messages that match the search pattern. |
6 |
Click Save Changes. |
7 |
Select whether or not databases are to be included or excluded from the Use (Include DBs or Exclude DBs or None) list. Click one of the following: |
• |
None to indicate that neither of the Exclude DBs or Include DBs lists is to be used. Every database is treated according to standard behavior for the Limit Incoming Rows agent property. For more information, see Setting Data Retrieval Properties . The default is none. |
• |
Select Exclude DBs to monitor most databases and exclude a few databases. |
• |
Select Include DBs to exclude most databases and monitor a few databases. |
• |
In the Include DBs field, change the name of the of the agent property list from DB_Include_List_Dflt to SYBM_DBInclusion_<Modified Agent Instance Name>. |
• |
For inclusion, <Modified Agent Instance Name> is a placeholder for the agent instance name as Foglight understands it. The Modified Agent Instance Name usually looks like Sybase_MDA@dbhost1. The '@' in the instance name is converted to a '_', so the modified name looks like Sybase_MDA_dbhost1 and the full list name looks like SYBM_DBInclusion_Sybase_MDA_dbhost1 for the inclusion list. |
8 |
9 |
Click Edit. |
10 |
Add an entry to the list by clicking Add Row. |
a |
For the Status Alerting, Database Space Alerting, Transaction Log Alerting, or Space Trend lists, the options are: |
b |
In the Space Trend list, the options are: |
c |
Click True or False on the Disable All radio button to enable or disable this function. Set this value to true to exclude this database from Status Alerting, Database Alerting, Transaction Log, Alerting and Space Trend Alerting. |
11 |
Click Save Changes. |
12 |
IMPORTANT: The agent pre-populates the inclusion and exclusion lists. The Add and Delete buttons should not be used. |
13 |
Click Edit. |
14 |
Add an entry to the list by clicking Add Row. |
a |
For the Status Alerting, Database Space Alerting, or Transaction Log Alerting lists, the options are: |
b |
In the Space Trend list, the options are: |
c |
Click True or False on the Disable All radio button to enable or disable this function. Set this value to true to exclude the database from Status Alerting, Database Alerting, Transaction Log, Alerting and Space Trend Alerting. |
15 |
Click Save Changes. |
16 |
Click Save. |
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