The Database Unavailable alarm becomes active when Foglight for SQL Server detects that a SQL Server database is not available for reading. Users attempting to access an unavailable database receive an error message.
This alarm detects unusual database statuses, including Suspect, Offline, Recovering, Loading, Restoring, Emergency Mode, and others.
When this alarm occurs, you should:
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Determine which databases are unavailable. Check the Databases table on the Databases drilldown. The Status column shows which databases are unavailable. |
Some of the more common unavailable statuses are detailed in the following sections:
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Setting databases offline can only be carried out manually, using the sp_dboption procedure. If any databases are Offline, consider using sp_dboption or ALTER DATABASE to bring the database online again.
Databases marked as Loading or Restoring are currently being restored by a RESTORE DATABASE or RESTORE LOG command. The database cannot be accessed by anyone while these commands are executed.
This status is also assigned to databases that have been restored using the NORECOVERY option. Specifying this parameter on a RESTORE statement notifies SQL Server that additional transaction logs need to be restored, and that no access to the database is permitted until these transactions are executed.
Check the Sessions panel on the SQL Activity drilldown for active sessions that are processing a RESTORE command (where the Last Command column contains Restore). If no sessions are processing a RESTORE command, the most likely reason for the database’s unavailability is that the last restore was carried out using the NORECOVERY keyword.
Removing the Loading/Restoring status requires completing the RESTORE process. This can involve either waiting for the active RESTORE command to complete, or restoring the remaining transaction logs. The last transaction log should be restored without the NORECOVERY keyword. If the database is mirrored, a Restoring status is shown on the mirror.
Databases are Recovering (or InRecovery) for a while when SQL Server is restarted, or the database is first set online. This is the status SQL Server uses for indicating that it is re-applying committed transactions, or removing uncommitted transactions after a SQL Server failure.
In some cases, it is advisable to bypass the SQL Server recovery process. For example, it would make much more sense to skip a lengthy recovery process when planning to drop the database as soon as the recovery process completes. For details on skipping the recovery process, see Bypassing SQL Server recovery .
Databases can be Suspect if they fail SQL Server's automatic recovery. This status most commonly appears after a SQL Server restart, when the automatic recovery process carried out during restart has failed. Databases can also be marked as Suspect when serious database corruption is detected.
To correct a suspect database, consider taking the following measures:
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Use the sp_resetstatus stored procedure (documented in Microsoft SQL Server’s Books Online) to reset the database status. |
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If the Suspect status was caused by a full disk during recovery, free up disk space and use the sp_resetstatus stored procedure (documented in Microsoft SQL Server’s Books Online) to reset the database status. SQL Server should then be restarted to initiate recovery. |
Activating emergency mode causes SQL Server to skip the recovery of this database, thereby preventing the database being made suspect. However, the database may contain partially-complete transactions, and there may be inconsistencies between data and indexes (logical and physical corruptions). Do not carry out any database changes or updates when SQL Server is started in this way. Emergency Mode is documented at:
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Use the sp_resetstatus stored procedure (documented in Microsoft SQL Server’s Books Online) to reset the database status of any Suspect databases. |
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Stop SQL Server, and then start it from a command line with Trace Flag 3608 and minimal startup (sqlservr.exe -f -c -T3608). This setting causes SQL Server to skip its automatic recovery at startup, thereby preventing the database from being made suspect. However, the database may contain partially-complete transactions, and there may be inconsistencies between data and indexes (logical and physical corruptions). Do not carry out any database changes or updates when SQL Server is started in this way. |
With both Emergency Mode and Bypassing SQL Server Recovery, you may then be able to extract your data using BCP.EXE and/or script the database to get the latest database definitions. This can then be loaded into a new database using BCP.EXE or BULK INSERT. Be aware that the extracted data may not be complete.
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Resolve this issue by freeing up disk space on the disk on which the file resides.
The File Group Utilization alarm is raised when the following scenario takes place:
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On the Databases drilldown, select the Summary panel to review the Log Flush Wait Time counter in the Database History graph. The database with the high graph values is the one experiencing the problem. If a database has a consistently high value that never changes, run SQL command CHECKPOINT on that database to force another log flush and check the value in Foglight for SQL Server again. |
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Select the Transaction Logs panel on the Databases drilldown to find the disks on which the log for this database resides. |
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On the SQL Activity drilldown, click the SQL I/O Activity panel and look at the SQL Server Physical I/O chart, to view whether SQL Server is generating high amounts of disk activity. This chart displays the rate (I/O per second) for each type of I/O that SQL Server is performing. If SQL Server is not generating a lot of I/O activity, the high disk queue length is most likely being caused by some other Windows process, or by Windows itself. |
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On the SQL Activity drilldown, click the Sessions panel to see which SQL Server processes are executing at the time the alarm was raised, and the SQL currently being executed. |
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On the SQL Activity drilldown, click the SQL I/O Activity panel and look at the SQL Server Physical I/O chart, to view the Checkpoint statistic. If the Checkpoint process is generating a lot of I/O, review the Recovery Interval setting in the Configuration drilldown. |
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