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Foglight for SQL Server (Cartridge) - Deployment Guide

Additional configurations for Amazon Oracle RDS instances

There are two user credential options for monitoring Amazon Oracle RDS instances:

Master predefined user that comes as part of Amazon Oracle RDS instance
Separate user who has either of the following:

Permissions for SQL Server databases

If you are using SQL Server®, ensure that these permissions are set.

* Creation of a new user is not required if a domain group with the appropriate permissions is used.

Grant Execute on these master database objects:

Grant Select on these msdb database objects:

Permissions for Sybase databases

If you are using Sybase®, ensure that these permissions are set.

Permission required — Sybase MDA Agent requires mon_role

In case the agent is created with a non-sa user, procedures need to be manually created on the monitored instance. This is achieved by executing the scripts available at the following directory:

<Agent Manager installation directory>\agents\SybaseCartridge\<version#>\config\Sybase\scripts\

Permissions for DB2 for LUW databases

If you are using DB2 LUW, ensure that these permissions are set.

Set Account Privileges on:

Grant Select privilege on:

Grant Execute on:

Required Monitor Switches

*Should be set to at least the base level.


Grant Select on these SYSIBMADM administrative views:

* For DB2 version or later

Grant Execute on to these table functions:

Grant Select on these views:

Related Documents
Foglight for SQL Server (Cartridge) -
Deployment Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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