The latest version of Foglight for Active Directory is Upgrades from version 5.6.9 and later are supported.
To upgrade the Foglight for Active Directory to the latest version:
Important: For a list of issues that you may encounter after upgrading the Foglight for Active Directory to version, and ways to troubleshoot these issues, see section Potential issues after upgrading the cartridge to version
Note: If you are also running Foglight for Exchange, you must upgrade the Exchange agents as well. It is strongly recommended that you run the same version and patch level of both cartridges.
The following is a list of product versions and platforms compatible with this release.
Product Name |
Product Version |
Platform |
Foglight Management Server | 5.9.4 | All platforms supported by this version of the Foglight Management Server |
Foglight Agent Manager | 5.9.4 | All platforms supported by this version of the Foglight Agent Manager |
Foglight For Virtualization, Enterprise Edition | 8.8.5 | All platforms supported by these versions of the Foglight For Virtualization, Enterprise Edition |
Before installing Foglight for Active Directory, ensure your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:
Platform |
Any supported Foglight or Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition platform. For more information, see the System Requirements and Platform Support Guide. |
Memory |
As specified in Foglight or Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition documentation. |
Hard Disk Space |
As specified in Foglight or Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition documentation. |
Operating System |
As specified in Foglight or Foglight for Virtualization, Enterprise Edition documentation. |
Additional Software |
Monitored Domain Controllers must be Windows Server® 2008 or newer. Note: If you are using Windows Server 2008 R2, refer to the prerequisites described in the Prerequisites and Troubleshooting sections. Small Business Systems (SBS) versions have not been tested. Read Only Domain Controller (RODC) versions are not supported. |
The following prerequisite conditions must be in place in order to successfully initialize an Active Directory agent. Failure to meet these prerequisites may result in missing metrics in Foglight for Active Directory dashboards.
Note: The Remote Access Diagnostics utility, provided with this product, checks the connectivity between the Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM) and Active Directory and Exchange servers that are being monitored. It also tests for the prerequisite conditions that must be met in order to initialize an Active Directory agent. For more information on running the Remote Access Diagnostics utility, see the Remote Access Diagnostics User Guide.
Note: Make sure to give minimum required privilege to your Active Directory® or Certificate Authority agent; otherwise this agent can not start data collection.
An Active Directory account with Administrator permissions (domain or built-in administrators) must be specified in agent properties. This is the account used to run remote scripts. Foglight for Active Directory uses the userPrincipalName in the agent properties, so the sAMAccountName and the account CN must be identical. Also, they must not contain spaces, or LDAP authentication errors may occur.
To run remote scripts, a Certificate Authority agent requires an account with relevant privileges:
Server objects do not appear until at least one piece of data has been collected and recorded. If communication fails completely, you will not see objects.
Configuration steps:
Since Foglight for Active Directory uses an agent-less design, remote execution of scripts must be enabled on all domain controllers. If communication fails completely, you will not see server objects. If partial data is collected, the server object will appear in the UI and the metrics with values will be displayed.
Distributed COM (DCOM) must be enabled on all Domain Controllers (Active Directory Servers) or all Certificate Authority Servers.
To enable Distributed COM (DCOM):
For details about this topic, refer to the "Configuring Windows Remote Management (WinRM)" section in the Foglight Agent Manager Guide.
The Remote Registry service must be running to allow agents remote access to the registry.
The account specified in the agent properties must have Full Control permissions on the registry keys for the following:
Note: In Windows operating systems prior to Windows Server 2008 R2, these permissions are granted to members of the Administrators group by default. In Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012, these permissions must be explicitly granted.
Symptom: Depending on the prerequisite, you will encounter a complete failure to collect data (missing servers) or subsets of missing values (empty charts).
We recommend that you create a backup copy of the Windows Registry before making any changes so that you can revert the changes, if necessary.
To grant permissions on these keys:
The Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) is the database engine used by Active Directory®. Foglight for Active Directory collects metrics and will fire alarms on ESE performance. It is recommended to verify that the Win32_PerfRawData_ESENT_Database WMI class is registered on each monitored domain controller by confirming the 'Database' Performance Object within Performance Monitor (Perfmon) exists. If this class is not registered, ESE queries will fail with 0x80041010 errors.
To check and register the ESENT WMI Class:
This procedure sets registry keys and refreshes the WMI database so it is aware of the change.
The Kerberos configuration file should be located in the following folder in the Fglam server:
/etc/krb5/krb5.conf [Solaris®]
%WINDOWS_ROOT%\krb5.ini [Windows]
/etc/krb5.conf [Linux®]
The krb5.ini or krb5.conf file should contain the realm info and hostname of the KDC for this realm. For example:
default_realm = MY.REALM
kdc =
Important: Starting with version, Foglight for Exchange trusts (by default) any certificates for secure LDAP connections, and does not require users to import the SSL certificate any longer. The only case when users need to import the certificate is when they set the vm parameter "quest.ldap.ssl.trustAnyCert" as False to disable any certificate trust.
When collecting data using LDAP through SSL communication, a new Certificate Authority must be added to the Agent Manager’s Java® Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE includes a command-line tool keytool which can be used to add the new Certificate Authority.
keytool -import -file <importCertPath> -alias <someName> -keystore <cacertsPath> -storepass <changeit>
keytool -list -alias <someName> -keystore <cacertsPath> -storepass <changeit>
Here are example commands that import and list a new root certificate:
<FMS_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -import -file MySSL.cer –alias -keystore <FMS_HOME>\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit
<FMS_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -list -alias -keystore <FMS_HOME>\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit
The initial password of the cacerts keystore file is changeit. System administrators should change this password and the default access permissions of this file when installing the SDK. The file can be found in the directory <FMS_HOME>\jre\lib\security\cacerts (embedded Agent Manager) or <FglAM_HOME>\jre\<JRE_VERSION>\jre\lib\security\cacerts (external Agent Manager).
Note: The certificate file that you want to import should be the public certificate for the Certificate Authority that signed the server's SSL certificate, not the SSL certificate itself. The Agent Manager must be restarted for the certificate to take effect. If security LDAP is enabled when creating the Active Directory agent via the Agent Setup wizard, the root certificate also needs to be added to the Foglight Management Server’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
This section provides information about problems that you might encounter while monitoring your environment with Foglight for Active Directory, and describes the solutions available to troubleshoot these problems.
Symptom: In some circumstances, DCs on Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 systems may experience high CPU usage when monitored by the Active Directory agent. This issue only appears when using WinRM connections. Using WMI/DCOM connections prevents this issue.
If this issue is encountered, contact Support for assistance.
To troubleshoot this issue directly, use the Windows Task Manager to look for an increasing number of active conhost.exe or svchost.exe processes. If this problem is observed, the problem can be confirmed by adding the optional "Command Line" column to Task Manager (View > Select Columns > [ x ] Command Line). You should then see WinRM commands associated with the conhost.exe or svchost.exe instances.
If many of these processes are observed, increase the WinRM message envelope size from the default size of 500, as follows:
winrm set winrm/config @{MaxEnvelopeSizekb="1000"}
Microsoft® offers a workaround for this issue in the "Svchost.exe uses excessive CPU resources on a single-core Windows Server 2012 domain controller" article (KB 3118385).
The following procedure is a best practice that is recommended for optimal performance.
Do NOT allow the Microsoft® automatic update feature to force an update of the server hosting the Foglight Management Server. This automatic update feature does not allow enough time for the Foglight Management Server to shutdown gracefully, which may leave your agents in a broken state.
Symptom: Cartridge agents will appear to be deactivated on the Agent Status dashboard.
Resolution: Using the Agent Status dashboard, select the deactivated agent and select the Activate button. If you cannot activate the selected agent, delete and reinstall the agent.
When upgrading to version, you encounter an error message similar to the following message (actual values may vary):
Error deploying package … Cause: The addition of 2097152kb to the negotiated JVM Max heap size would adjust to 2359296kb, which would exceed the total available physical memory of 1780736kb. Rejecting memory request.
This message indicates that the Agent Manager does not have sufficient heap memory to allocate to the requesting Foglight for Active Directory agent package. It is not possible to directly increase the amount of heap memory available to the Agent Manager, as it uses as much memory as the monitoring host can provide to it before issuing this message. The amount of memory available to be allocated to the Agent Manager must be increased, for example by adding more physical memory to the host. If the monitoring host is a virtual machine, more memory may be allocated to the VM.
If this is not possible, consider moving some agents, or the Agent Manager and all agents, to another monitoring host which has more memory capacity.
2013-12-19 17:57:56.129 ECHO <ActiveDirectory/5.6.6/ActiveDirectory/ad0-dc7.domain7.local-agent INFO> [Thread-33] - Validate credentials for host: dc7.domain7.local
2013-12-19 17:57:56.130 ECHO <ActiveDirectory/5.6.6/ActiveDirectory/ad0-dc7.domain7.local-agent> ERROR [Thread-33] - Could not establish a connection to host : dc7.domain7.local.
2013-12-19 17:57:56.130 ECHO <ActiveDirectory/5.6.6/ActiveDirectory/ad0-dc7.domain7.local-agent> ERROR [Thread-33] - Data collection failure. Could not establish a connection to host : dc7.domain7.local
"A Credential with purpose xxxx has been encrypted with a lockbox that has not been granted to this Agent Manager"
. Resolution:
The following exception message may be found in the Active Directory agent log.
2013-12-19 18:00:02.317 ECHO <ActiveDirectory/5.6.6/ActiveDirectory/ad0-dc7.domain7.local-agent> ERROR [Thread-35] - Data collection failure.
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Time out when query AD / EXC credentials.
Resolution: Re-start the data collection.
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