Service Release - v9.2
This release brings several key fixes since the last service release:
Handle directory changes in CCrestartServices - Changed the script generation for CCrestartServices.bat to handle cases where the install path and data path are on different drives.
Fixed ‘Diagrammed on’ relationships not exporting.
Service Release - v9.1.1.0
This release brings out the changes since the last GA release:
•PEGA adapter (hidden by default, enabled for end users through configuration)
•Support for proxy exclusion list for RSA and Service Now adapters.
•Fix for RSA adapter with multi-page reports not being parsed due to ByteOrderMark character.
•Fix for the RSA adapter to deal with additional field types.
•Fix for Cast Highlight adapter dealing with "technologies".
•Fix for grouping datasets when there is an empty dataset.
•Fix for bug in mapping to CM Admin model when not source fields were mapped.
•Fix for bug in workflow engine that resulted in unexpected errors when database read began before write was complete.
Major Release - v9.1
New adapters added to support:
•GLPi - Open Source Asset Tracking
•Apiman - Open Source API Management
•XL Deploy - Automated Software Deployment
•Oracle 12 Support
•Evolve - Diagram Migration Capability [Requires additional PSG Support and Components]
The CMLoader is now able to migrate diagrams between models, under the following conditions:
1.Workflow operation involves the object type DIAGRAM
2.CwImport.exe, CwSingleExport.exe, CwSingleExportAndImport.exe are found into Evolve Suite BIN folder
3.Source and Target models share the same design, at least for diagrammed objects
The original diagrams being overwritten in the target model, based on their UUID, are exported in XML to the following file: 'Diagrams_DT_TARGET_BAK_YYYYMMDD_hh24mmssmillis.xml' Migration is based on the native XML import/export Evolve capability, thus keeping UUID for all diagrammed objects. |
Improvements to:
•ServiceNow Adapter
Improved filename handling ensures a consistent name can be used, allowing UTF-8 configuration in ServiceNow
•Evolve Adapater
Scriptnames being split at underscore prevented properties with underscore in script name from being resolved
Upserting Associations by UUID now copes with renamed Source or Target Objects
•Generic JSON Adapter
Authentication improvements
•MMF Adapter
Blank dates function correctly
Other minor defect fixes and improvements.
Major Release - v9.0
In case you missed it, erwin Collector has been renamed! From this version 8 onwards Collector will be known as erwin DT (Data Transformation). As the product is decoupled from its Casewise roots, and repositioned into erwin's EDGE platform, we feel this name better reflects the products ETL capability.
erwin Mapping Manager Adapter
Pull Mappings and their attributes from erwin Mapping Manager with our new Web Services Adapter and use that data in other applications including the erwin suite*. Users can also bring across hyperlinks for specific Mappings for easy navigation.
erwin Metadata Manager Adapter
Pull data from Metadata Manager with our new Web Services Adapter and use that data in other applications including the erwin suite*.
(*erwin products must have DT Adapter)
CAST HighLight Adapter
•Domains can be read (Name, CHL ID) and used to update the source model, so to provide the context when creating new applications
•All application belonging to a parent domain and its subdomains will be read (Name, CHL ID) and used to update the source model, so to update applications in CAST
•Based on source data (Name, CAST HighLight ID, and the CAST HighLight ID of the Domain which the application belongs to are expected) the domain will be created (ID null or 0) or updated (ID equal to an existing CAST HighLight ID).
•Based on source data (Name, CAST HighLight ID, and the Name and CAST HighLight ID of the Domain which the application belongs to are expected) the application will be created (ID null or 0) or updated (ID equal to an existing CAST HighLight ID).
•Languages other than English used an incorrect encoding
•SQL server authentication
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