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Foglight Agent Manager 7.3.0 - Foglight Agent Manager Guide

Configuring the embedded Agent Manager Installing external Agent Managers
Understanding how the Agent Manager communicates with the Management Server Deploying the Agent Manager cartridge Downloading the Agent Manager installer Installing the Agent Manager Starting or stopping the Agent Manager process Frequently asked questions
Configuring the Agent Manager Advanced system configuration and troubleshooting
Configuring Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Configuring Windows Remote Management (WinRM) UNIX- and Linux-specific configuration
Monitoring the Agent Manager performance Deploying the Agent Manager to large-scale environments

Installing the Agent Manager from the command line

The command-line installer prompts you for information and informs you of the progress of your installation.

UNIX® platforms only. If required, change the permissions for the installer file to make it executable (as described in To download and run the Agent Manager installer using the Agent Managers or Agent Status dashboard: ).
IMPORTANT: On Windows® 7 and Vista, you must run the command-line installer from an administrator version of cmd.exe or PowerShell (not just logged in as administrator) if you want the installer to install the Agent Manager as a service.
Where <platform> and <version> reflect the platform of the machine on which the Agent Manager is about to be installed and its version number. Consult the matrix in Downloading the Agent Manager installer for more information.

FglAM-<version>-<platform>.exe --headless --allow-unsecured

FglAM-<version>-<platform>.exe --headless --no-start-on-exit

For more information about these options in the installation interface, see Step 8: Install init.d Script (Unix) and Step 9: Windows Service .

When the installer finishes loading, the Introduction step appears.

Review the information in the Introduction step and press Enter.
When the first part of the License Agreement step appears, press Enter to page through the license agreement.
At the prompt Do you accept the terms of the license agreement? [Y/N], type Y and press Enter to accept the terms, and to continue the installation.
IMPORTANT: If you are running an AIX® operating system with IPv6 support enabled and the Agent Manager installer detects problems resolving IP addresses and host names, an AIX compatibility warning appears. This warning provides information about an alternate command-line option for running the installer and a URL that you can consult for more information. See Frequently asked questions for more information.

The Installation Directory step allows you to specify the directory where you want to install the Agent Manager.

The Host Display Name step allows you to configure the host name that the Agent Manager uses to identify itself. This is also the name under which the Agent Manager submits metrics to the Management Server.

By default, the Agent Manager uses the host name that is automatically detected for the machine on which it is being installed.

There are certain cases in which you should explicitly set the host name in this box: for example, if the host name is already in use by another machine. If necessary, you can replace the host name with a different (non-host name) value that suits the needs of your environment; for example, WebServer (Unix Cluster 1) or (Databases).

The Log a warning if the detected host name changes prompt appears.

The Server URLs step provides multiple ways to configure the connection between the Agent Manager and the Management Server. For example, you can specify the URL of a single Management Server to which you want the Agent Manager to connect, or configure multiple Management Server URLs for failover purposes. You can also specify the URL of an Agent Manager concentrator to which you want the Agent Manager to connect.

If you specify a localhost address at the URL prompt (described in Step 1), and then search for HA peers, a URL that shows the real machine name appears along with the localhost URL. See Frequently asked questions for more information.
alias is the name that you want to associate with the certificate.
file_name is the full path to the certificate file.
For example, on a Windows machine, you can type the following: NewCert1=C:\certificates\example_ca_certificate.crt
Press Enter.
Type 9 and press Enter.
Press Enter.

Continue with Step 6: Downstream Connection Configuration.

Foglight Agent Manager can accept incoming connections and be configured as a concentrator that acts as an intermediary connection to aggregates one or more downstream Agent Manager clients. A concentrator configuration provides a single connection through either a firewall or proxy for all downstream clients, or as an aggregated connection directly to the server.

Configuring the Agent Manager to act as a concentrator involves configuring queue and heap sizes to adequately support accepting and transferring data from one or more downstream connections. You can configure downstream connections when the Agent Manager needs to accept connections from the Management Server and enable reverse data polling. This is useful when the Agent Manager cannot connect to the Management Server due to its location.

Using this installer step, you can configure:

User-provided certificates or keystores are supported, but can be configured after the installation.

If you are configuring the Agent Manager as a concentrator in order to enable connections from the Management Server, additional setup is required. For more information about this procedure, or to find out to configure non-SSL connections and user-provided certificates, see Configuring the Agent Manager to accept connections from the Management Server .

Type the SSL certificate password, and press Enter. Retype the password, and press Enter.

If you are installing the Agent Manager on Windows, proceed to Step 9: Windows Service . Otherwise, continue with Step 7: Secure Launcher and Step 8: Install init.d Script.

UNIX platforms only.

The Secure Launcher step defines the external launcher used by the Agent Manager to provide certain Foglight agents with the required permissions to gather system metrics. See Configuring Agent Manager agent privileges for more information.

To edit the path to point to a different sudo executable, type that path and press Enter.
To edit the path to point to the executable for a sudo-like application, type that path and press Enter.

UNIX platforms only.

The Install init.d Script step allows you to configure the Agent Manager to run as a daemon. You do that by instructing the installer to installing an init.d-style script called quest-fglam in the init.d directory on your system. See Locating the init.d script for the location of this directory on your operating system.

The system calls the quest-fglam script when the host on which the Agent Manager is installed starts up or shuts down. See Configuring the Agent Manager to run as a daemon for more information.

Installation as the root user only: The installer prompts you to specify whether you want to install the init.d script.

Installing as a non-root user only: The installer does not prompt you to specify whether you want to install the init.d script. However, the installer generates two scripts that perform the necessary setup for later use. See Configuring the Agent Manager to run as a daemon for more information.

In the UNIX init.d Script step, complete one of the following steps:
To apply customized configuration options, type N, and press Enter. Then, proceed to Step 2.
Using the Select the Unix/Linux distribution menu, specify the number in the identifies your operating system.
At the Enter the user the service will run as prompt, specify the user account that runs the Agent Manager daemon.
To specify a different user, type N and press Enter. At the prompt, specify the user name.
Type 0 and press Enter.
NOTE: The default answer to this question is Y (Yes). However, if you started the installer with the --no-start-on-exit option, the default answer to this question is set to N (No). For more information, see Installing the Agent Manager from the command line.

Windows platforms only.

The Windows Service step allows you to specify if you want to install the Agent Manager as a Windows service. A Windows service operates in the background while the system on which it is installed is running. Installing the Agent Manager as a Windows Service causes the Agent Manager to start automatically on your system startup.

NOTE: The default answer to this question is Y (Yes). However, if you started the installer with the --no-start-on-exit option, the default answer to this question is set to N (No). For more information, see Installing the Agent Manager from the command line.

The Summary step informs you that the installer has sufficient information to complete the Agent Manager installation.

The Agent Manager installer calculates the amount of disk space required to complete the installation, and copies the required to the machine on which it is being installed.

If you choose to install it as a Windows service, the Agent Manager starts automatically.

When using gMSA authentication, the Log On user for the Agent Manager service must be changed after installation.

Update the Log On User with the gMSA account. Leave the password field empty.

Configuring Management Server URLs from the command line

As described in Step 5: Server URLs of Installing the Agent Manager from the command line and Using the Agent Manager silent installer , you can configure the Foglight® Agent Manager connection parameters using the fglam command and the arguments passed to its fms command option. For example:

fglam --headless --configure [--fms url={http|https}://host:port
[proxy={http|https}://host:port [proxy-user=user_name] [proxy-pass=password]
[proxy-ntlm-domain=domain]] [address=IP_address]
[ssl-allow-self-signed={true|false}] [ssl-cert-common-name=name]
[compressed={true|false}]][[--downstream "<port=<port>,key-password=<password>>
[--deletedownstream <port>]|[--deletealldownstream]]



Launches the Agent Manager and configuration interface on the command line, when used with the configure option.



Launches the Agent Manager and configuration interface.



Specifies the URL to the Management Server that you want to configure.




The URL to the Management Server, where host and port specify the host name of the machine on which the Foglight Management Server is installed, and the port number the server uses to communicate with the Foglight Agent Manager.




The URL to the proxy server needed to connect to the Management Server.




The user name needed to connect to the proxy server.




The password associated with the user name needed to connect to the proxy server. The password is saved encrypted in the Agent Manager configuration file (<fglam_home>/state/<state name>/config/fglam.config.xml) the next time you start or restart the Agent Manager




The Windows domain to which the proxy server belongs.




The IP address of the Foglight Agent Manager that is used to connect with the Foglight Management Server.




Indicates if self-signed certificates are accepted (true) or not (false).




The common name of the expected certificate. Specifying this argument causes a certificate with a common (host) name, that is different than the one reported by the Management Server, to be accepted.




Indicates if HTTP compression is enabled (true) or disabled (false). HTTP compression is enabled by default. When enabled, it is applied to both request and responses, and used when connecting to either Agent Management concentrators or Management Servers.





When used with --configure, this option creates a downstream connection.

The port argument specifies the number of the port the Agent Manager uses to listen for downstream connections.




This argument specifies the password needed to access the private key contained in the keystore.




Specifies the host name to be set in the certificate.




Specifies the type of the supported protocol.




Specifies the amounts of the disk and memory resources.

Small allocates 10 MB for the disk queue and 512 MB of memory.


Medium allocates 100 MB for the disk queue and 768 MB of memory.


Large allocates 500 MB for the disk queue and 1 GB of memory.


Huge allows unlimited amounts of disk space for the queue, and up to 4 GB or 85% of system memory, whichever is less.


Maximum allows unlimited amounts of disk space for the queue, and 85% of available system memory.





When used with --configure, this option deletes a downstream connection given its port number.


When used with --configure, this option deletes all downstream connections.

In addition to managing connections to the Management Server from the command line, the fglam command also provides arguments for removing Management Server URLs, when required. You can delete one URL at a time, or all of them, as required. Deleting all Management Server URLs can, for example, be useful in situations when you need to migrate an Agent Manager from oneManagement Server to another.

fglam --headless --configure --deletefms url=<http|https>://
fglam --headless --configure --deleteallfms

In some configuration scenarios, after dissociating your Agent Manager from one or all of your Management Servers, you typically need to connect it to another Management Server. The fglam command is flexible enough to allow for multiple operations on a single command line, as long as you first specify the arguments to first delete the existing URLs, and then add a new one. For example:

The fglam command also allows you to detect High Availability (HA) failover servers (peers) using its detectha argument. When used with the configure option, this option instructs the installer to detect and test any available Management Server HA peers.

Using the Agent Manager silent installer

The Agent Manager silent installer allows you to install the Agent Manager non-interactively—for example, to install the Agent Manager from the command line onto a remote, headless machine.

If you are running Foglight® in High Availability (HA) mode, you can configure the Agent Manager to work with a set of primary and secondary Management Servers in an HA cluster.

On UNIX® platforms, if necessary, change the permissions for the installer file so that it is executable (as described in To download and run the Agent Manager installer using the Agent Managers or Agent Status dashboard: ).
IMPORTANT: On Windows® 7 and Windows Vista®, you must run the silent installer from an administrator version of cmd.exe or PowerShell (not just logged in as administrator) if you want the installer to install the Agent Manager as a service.
fglam‑<version><platform> --silent --installdir <install_directory_path>
[--fms <url_and_other_parameters>] [--noservice] [--host-display-name
<display_name>] [--spid <path_to_SPID>] [--certificate <alias=path>]
[--downstream "<port=<port>,key-password=<password>>[,type=<https|http>,
host=<host>,size=<Small|Medium|Large|Huge|Maximum>]"] [--allow-unsecured]
[--no-start-on-exit] [-h|--help] [-v|--version]
[<-m|--javavm> <path>] [--installer-properties <file_path>]
[--headless] [auth-token <token>] [--noservice] [--host-display-name <name>]
silent prevents the installer from prompting for configuration options. It uses default values unless they are specified on the command line.
<version> is the version number of the Agent Manager.
<platform> is the appropriate installer name for your operating system. Consult the matrix in Downloading the Agent Manager installer for the installer name.
<install_directory_path> is the full path to the directory where you want to install the Agent Manager. The installdir option is mandatory.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that there is no existing installation of the Agent Manager in the directory that you specify with the --installdir <install_directory_path> parameter. If there is an Agent Manager installation in the directory, you must specify a different directory or the installer fails. The installer aborts, to protect you from overwriting your existing installation. Consult the Foglight Upgrade Guide for upgrade instructions.
--fms <url_and_other_parameters>, where <url_and_other_parameters> is a comma-separated list of parameters for configuring the connection to a Management Server. See Step 10: Change service credentials [Optional] for a description of the parameters for the --fms option.
If you are running Foglight in High Availability (HA) mode, add the --fms option once for each member of the HA cluster to which you want the Agent Manager to connect. You must do so to configure the connection to more than one Management Server (or Agent Manager concentrator) within the cluster.
--noservice (on UNIX) prevents an init.d-style script from being installed (that would automatically start the Agent Manager). On Windows®, this option causes the Agent Manager not to be installed as a service.
--host-display-name <display_name>, where <display_name> is the host display name that you want to set manually for the Agent Manager. This is the host name that the Agent Manager uses to identify itself and the name under which it submits metrics to the Management Server. By default, the Agent Manager uses the host name that it automatically detects for the machine on which it is being installed. There are certain cases in which you should explicitly set the host display name: for example, if the host name is already in use by another machine.
--spid <path_to_SPID>, where <path_to_SPID> is the path to an existing SPID installation. This allows you to (optionally) migrate agents from an existing SPID installation to the new Agent Manager installation. The Agent Manager automatically detects any agents managed by SPID from the old installation and copies the agent instances to the new Agent Manager installation.
--certificate alias=<path> allows you to add an SSL certificate, where <path> is the directory path to the SSL certificate file.
--downstream allows you to create a downstream connection.
port=<port> specifies the number of the port the Agent Manager uses to listen for downstream connections. This argument is mandatory.
key-password=<password> specifies the password needed to access the private key contained in the keystore.
type=<https|http> specifies the type of the supported protocol.
host=<host> specifies the host name to be set in the certificate.
size=<Small|Medium|Large|Huge|Maximum> specifies the amounts of disk and memory resources that are allocated to downstream connections.
--allow-unsecured enables the configuration of HTTP downstream connections.
--no-start-on-exit prevents the Agent Manager Windows service or Unix daemon from starting immediately after the installation.
-h or --help lists the arguments available with the installer executable and exits.
-v or --version display the Agent Manager version number and exits.
-m or --javavm sets the location of the Java virtual machine, for example, the directory that JAVA_HOME points to.
--installer-properties sets the path to the installer properties file. This file contains the default installer values used during installation. Its contents must be in a Java Properties format and can include a mix of installer arguments and arbitrary properties for use by the installer runtime. All installer options can be defined here but must be prefixed with “installer.” and have the “--” removed from the argument name. All other argument value setting constraints still apply. For installer arguments that can be declared multiple times, a numeric value must be appended to the end of the property name in order to make the key unique. For example:
If the --installer-properties argument is not declared, the installer runtime searches for a file named in the root directory of the installer binary, or in the extraction root directory of the installer payload. When located, the properties file is automatically loaded during startup.
--headless launches the Agent Manager and configuration interface on the command line. If not specified, the graphical interface is displayed.
--auth-token registers an authentication token during the installation. The token is generated from the Management Server and provides authorization for this Agent Manager to connect.
--noservice prevents the Agent Manager service from being installed on Windows. On UNIX, it prevents the installer from installing an init.d script that automatically starts the Agent Manager.
--host-display-name specifies the display name used to identify this Agent Manager instance.
--detectha locates and configures additionally available high availability (HA) servers.

Installing the Agent Manager as a Windows service

If you did not install the Agent Manager as a Windows® service using the installer, you can do so from the command line after installing the Agent Manager.

To install the Foglight® Agent Manager Windows service:
Where STATE is the name of the Agent Manager instance that you want to install as a Windows service. For more information, see Configuring multiple Agent Manager instances.

To remove the Foglight Agent Manager Windows service, follow the instructions in To remove the Foglight Agent Manager Windows service: .

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