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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - General

Working with Multi-Axis Bar Charts

The Multi-Axis Bar Chart behavior requires that you have a two specific Whole Number or Decimal Number properties on your object which are used to store the values you want displayed on the chart.

The Multi-Axis Bar Chart behavior displays a simple bar chart on your Index Page, which compares the values of two properties of the objects referenced.

The chart has two scales, one for each property shown.

To create a Multi-Axis Bar Chart on your Index Page:


Description automatically generated

Make sure you use the Filter Properties controls on the Object Type node to ensure you filter the list of displayed objects so that not too many are returned.

Always use lower case to enter Scriptnames.

  1. On the Object Type node, in the Selected Properties area, select the two properties you want to be referenced on the chart

  2. Ensure the Layout node for your element is set to List (Empty)

  3. Right-click the Layout node and choose Add Behaviors > Bar Charts > Bar Chart (Multi-Axis)

Bar Chart (Multi-Axis) node is added below the Layout node

  1. Select the Bar Chart (Multi-Axis) node and set the properties:

  1. Use the Node Name field to set the title of the chart as it is displayed in the web page.

  2. Use the Value Axis-1 field to enter the Scriptname of the first property you want to be displayed.

  3. Use the Value Axis-2 field to enter the Scriptname of the second property you want to be displayed.

  4. Use the Axis-1 Unit field to enter the name of the unit that is displayed for the first property.

  5. Use the Axis-2 Unit field to enter the name of the unit that is displayed for the second property.


Description automatically generated

The name displayed on the legend at the top of the bar chart is taken from the Name of the Property Types you are referencing.


  1. Use the Direction drop-down to choose whether you want the chart to be displayed horizontally or vertically

  2. Use the Legends Min/Max/Step field to specify the scale of each axis, setting the low end of the scale, the top end of the scale and the interval value - using for format low:high:int,low:high:int

    For example 0:100:10,0:500:100 means that Axis 1 starts at zero and ends at 100 with steps of 10 units, while Axis 2 starts at zero, ends at 500 and has steps of 100.

  3. Use the Hide Empty Data check box to specify that the chart should not display any objects where the two properties referenced have no value

  1. Save your Site.

The Site is saved and the chart is created.

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