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Archive Shuttle 11.1 - Administration Guide

Introduction Configuring Archive Shuttle Using HOTS Using the Archive Shuttle user interface Dashboards Manage Configuration Advanced configuration Monitoring Logging Reporting Journal Transformation migration PowerShell guide Troubleshooting

Bulk mappings

This page is used to map containers to either new or to existing containers based on certain criteria.

The following basic information about each container is visible in the grid view:


·Indicator field to show whether the container has an owner or not

·Owner Full Name


·Type of container (e.g., Enterprise Vault)

·Archive Type

·Indicator field to show whether the container has a mailbox or not

·Link Name

·EV Archive Status

·Item Count

·Total Size

·Indicator field to show whether the container is mapped or not

If a Container’s owner / user could not be determined in Active Directory, it is considered “ownerless”, and is marked as such in the Name column.

Actions to be performed on the Bulk Mapping page

Add Mappings: Add mappings for selected containers. A pop-up wizard allows the mapping to be defined. The information that is required depends on the target:

Enterprise Vault - The target user strategy must then be chosen as follows:

·Same User

·Different User (Choose this option if the migration is to take place to another domain. The target domain can be chosen from a drop-down list, and matching criteria must be specified (e.g., Legacy Exchange DN, SID History, User Name))

Run Item Collection: Collect full or delta items for containers.

Run Shortcut Collection: Run full shortcut collection.

Auto Create Mappings: Assigns mapping templates and automatically creates mapping for selected containers(s) once Office 365 user's mailbox is present in the database. To assign a template to automatically create a mapping:

1.Select one or multiple containers to assign a mapping template to.

2.Click Auto Create Mappings.

3.Select the template to assign to the container, then click Save.

4.After a moment, the mapping template should be assigned to the container.

You can check which auto-created mapping templates have been assigned under the columns Autocreate and Template For Autocreate in the grid.

To remove a mapping template for auto-creation:

1.Select the container which has been assigned a mapping template for auto-creation.

2.Click Auto Create Mappings.

3.Select No template, then click Save.



·Only templates with Office 365 as the target can be assigned. Templates for leavers currently cannot be used.

·You currently cannot assign mapping templates to ownerless containers.

·You currently cannot change the template once a mapping has been created.

The container strategy must then be chosen as follows:

Create new containers - Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should create new containers in the target environment.

Using existing containers - Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should use existing containers in the target environment.

Create new if there is no existing - Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should primarily use existing containers in the target environment, and if they do not exist, they will be created.

The target link must then be selected.

Choose the Link where you want to migrate to: - Select an entry from the drop down list that will correspond to a link in the target environment.


Exchange - The mailbox type must then be chosen as follows:

·Primary mailbox: Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should ingest the data in to the users primary mailbox.

·Secondary (Archive) Mailbox: Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should ingest the data in to the users secondary (archive) mailbox. If this option is selected, then an option of what action should be taken if a secondary mailbox does not exist can be specified. The choice of options are to either skip the ingestion or ingest into the primary mailbox instead.


Office 365 - The mailbox type must then be chosen as follows:

·Primary mailbox: Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should ingest the data in to the users primary mailbox.

·Secondary (Archive) mailbox: Choose this option if Archive Shuttle should ingest the data in to the users secondary (archive) mailbox. If this option is selected then an option of what action should be taken if a secondary mailbox does not exist can be specified. The choice of options are to either skip the ingestion or ingest into the primary mailbox instead.

·Enable Secondary (Archive) mailbox: Select this option to create an archive for Office 365 during provisioning.

The target link must then be selected.

·Choose the Link where you want to migrate to:

Select an entry from the drop down list that will correspond to a link in the target environment.


PST - The format must then be chosen as follows:

·PST: The output format will be PST

The target link must then be selected.

·Choose the Link where you want to migrate to:

Select an entry from the drop down list that will correspond to a link in the target environment.

Later in adding this type of mapping, it is required to choose a PST File name policy. This is selected from a drop down list.

The remaining elements in the pop-up wizard are then the same regardless of the target for the migration:

·Workflow Policy: The workflow policy must then be chosen, the list of workflows that are available will be determined by the chosen target. For example, if the migration is to Enterprise Vault, only those workflows applicable to an Enterprise Vault migration will be shown. Additional workflow policies can be defined. This is described in the section Workflow Policies. You are also able to select a pre-migration policy to your mappings.

·Filter Policy: The filter policy must then be chosen from the drop-down list. The will be a default filter which performs no filtering. Additional filter policies can be defined. This is described in the section Filter Policies.

·Choose Container Mapping Settings: Properties for the new mapping can then be set.

·Migration Status: Enabled: Enable immediate migration for the newly added mappings.

·Migration Status: Disabled. Does not immediately start migration for the newly added mappings.

·Item Gathering Status: Enabled. Enables item gathering for the newly added mappings.

·Item Gathering Status: Disabled: Does not start item gathering for the newly added mappings. There will be a summary page displayed at the end of the wizard when creating a new container mapping. This contains all of the information gathered during the wizard and should be reviewed before committing the changes.

·Run Item Gathering: Start Full or Delta item collection for selected containers. The source container will be examined and data relating to each item will be collected and added to the appropriate Archive Shuttle Link database.

Dissociate Archive User

There is an ability to disassociate the user of a source container so the container may be migrated as a leaver. To do this:

1.Select the row(s) with a source container.

2.Click Dissociate Archive User from the top ribbon.

3.This container will be marked as ownerless.

Manual mappings

Allows an administrator to create mappings for single containers. The source as well as target container must already exist. Performing a mapping operation in this manner is useful for containers such as Enterprise Vault Journal Archives, or where containers need to be merged to a target container.

The following basic information about each container is visible in the grid view:


·Owner Full Name



·Mailbox Type

·Link Name

·Content Count

·Content Size

·Link name

·Mapping Counts for the source and target

Actions to be performed on the Manual Mapping page

·Add Mapping: Adds a mapping for the selected containers. A source and target container must have been selected before this navigation bar item is available.

·Add to Group: One or more containers can be added to an existing or new group. This group membership can then be used for filtering and batching of users for migration.

·Refresh: Refreshes source and target container tables.

·Reset: Resets the source and target container tables back to the default list of columns, and removes any currently defined filters.

Existing mappings

Containers that have already been mapped are listed on the Existing Mappings page. This page gives the ability to Enable/Disable mappings for migration and perform other container mapping related actions.


NOTE: Additional columns are available if the ‘Advanced view’ is enabled (under the ‘Views’ tab) though this makes the user interface slower if there are a large number of mappings.

The table shows the following information for each existing container mapping:

·Container Mapping ID

·Source Container Type

·Source Container User

·Source Group

·Source Container Link Name

·Flag to indicate if the container has an owner

·Flag to indicate if the container has a mailbox

·Target Container Type

·Target Container User

·Target Group

·Target Container Link Name

·Workflow Policy


·Filter Policy

·Mapping Template


·Item Gathering Enabled: Indicates whether the container mapping is enabled for item gathering (container level).

·Migration Enabled: Indicates whether the container mapping is enabled for migration. Archive Shuttle does NOT start to export / import when a container mapping is disabled for migration.

·Pre-Migration Enabled

·Pre-Migration Finished

·Stage 2: Indicates whether the container mapping has been switched to the target. If it has, Stage 2 of the Workflow has been started.

·Stage 2 Finished: Indicates whether Stage 2 has finished for this mapping

·Target Switch Date Utc

Actions to be performed on the Existing Container Mappings page

These actions can be performed on this page:

Item Collection

·Enable: enable mappings for item collection.

·Disable: disable mappings for item collection.

·Items: Run full or delta items for collection.

·Shortcuts: Run full shortcut collection.


·Enable: enable mappings for migration.

·Disable: disable mappings for migration.

·Delete: Delete selection mappings.


·Set Priority: Adjust the priority for the selected container mapping(s)

·Enable Stage 2: Switch the selected container(s) to the target

·Set Template: Assign container mapping template.

·View Mappings Health: Navigate to Container Mappings Health page.

·Comment: Comment on selected mapping.

·Switch Target: Change target of migration from a primary mailbox to a secondary or archive mailbox. Select one or more mappings to switch targets, and click OK to confirm.



·You can currently only switch targets for Office 365 migrations.

·Once a target has been switched, the action cannot be reverted.

·Leavers, virtual journals and journal transformations are not currently supported to switch targets.



·Change & Reset: Change and reset workflow for selected mappings (Stage 2 or pre-migration policies)


NOTE: You cannot change or set a pre-migration workflow policy for a mapping already enabled in Stage 1.


·Set Policy: Set filter policy for selected workflows.

Failed Items

·Set Threshold: Set the failed items threshold.

Staging Area

·Cleanup per Mapping: Start cleanup staging area for selected mappings.


·Add to Group: One or more containers can be added to an existing or new group. This group membership can then be used for filtering and batching of users for migration.

·Tag Assignment: You can assign tags to workflows to identify special subset of containers.

Mapping templates

On the Mapping Templates page, you can create new bulk mapping templates that you can then apply on the Bulk Mapping page when creating a new mapping.

Below is a list of actions you can take on the Mapping Templates page:

·Add: Create a new mapping template.

·Copy: Duplicate a previously created template.

·Edit: Edit a template.


NOTE: Mapping templates cannot be edited if the template is applied to a mapping.

·Delete: Delete a template.


NOTE: If a user removes a workflow policy used by the template, the template will be marked as invalid. This will be shown with an exclamation mark in the IsValid column of the grid.

·Validate: This validates the links and policies associated with the template.

·Refresh: Refresh the guid.

·Export: Export the grid in a .pdf, .xls, .xlsx or .csv format.


Creating a mapping template

1.On the Mapping Templates page, click Add.

Enter a name and description for the template, and click Next.

2.Select the target container type for the template, and click Next.

3.Select the migration type, and click Next.

4.Select the target link from the drop down menu, and click Next.

5.Select the Workflow Policy and Ownerless Workflow Policy from the drop down menus. Optionally, add a pre-migration Workflow Policy from the drop down menu. Then click Next.

6.Select a filter policy from the drop down menu, then click Next.

7.Select a settings template from the drop down menu, then click Next.

8.Select a file name policy from the drop down menu, then click Next.

9.Choose whether to enable or disable item collection and migration to begin immediately, and click Next.

10. Enter a numeric value to set priority, and click Next.

11. Review the summary of the bulk mapping template, and click Confirm.


Applying a mapping template

1.Go to the Bulk Mappings page, and click on the container to apply the template to. Then click Add Mappings.

2.Select the template from the drop down menu, then wait for a few moments as the template is applied. Click Next.

3.Review the summary, then click Next. The template is now applied to the container mapping.

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