Cmdlet help
To get help on any of the vAPI cmdlets, use the Get-Help command. At the prompt, enter Get-Help command, where command is any of the preceding vAPI cmdlets.
IMPORTANT: For the most up-to-date help contents, see the cmdlet help. To get help on any of the vAPI cmdlets, use the Get-Help command. At the prompt, enter:
Get-Help <command> ‑full
where <command> is any of the following vAPI cmdlets.Add-BackupGroupEntity
Adds a new backup group to vRanger. New-BackupGroupMember cmdlet is used to add members to a backup group created using this cmdlet or the UI.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
• Type [-Type]: This optional parameter specifies the type of backup group: VMware, HyperV, or Physical. If not specified, the default is VMware.Add-BackupJobTemplate
Add-BackupJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑JobEntity] <Entity> [[‑ExcludedVMList] <String>] [[‑IncludedDiskList] <String>] [‑TargetRepository] <Repository> [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [‑Flags] <NoFlags | BackupPoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | UseFiber | PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure | UseCataloging | AllFlags> [‑NumberOfSavePoints] <Int> [‑SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag] <None | Incremental | Differential> [[‑SpaceSavingCountThreshold] <Int>] [[‑SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold] <Int>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [[‑FullBackupDays] <List`1>][<CommonParameters>]
• JobEntity <Entity>: Inventory entity on which the job is going to run on — VMware® ESXi™ host, VirtualCenter, and so on.
• ExcludedVMList [<String>]: List of VM universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to exclude from this job.
• SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag <SpaceSavingTechnologyType>: Spacesaving technology to use: differential, incremental or none.
• SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold [<Int>]: The size to allow as a % of the VM hard disk file before performing a differential backup.
• TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-CIFSRepository
Add-CifsRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑ShareName] <String> [[‑TargetDirectory] <String>] [‑DomainName] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑EnableEncryption] <Boolean>] [[‑EncryptionPassword] <String>] [[‑ImportOption] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Adds an EMC® Data Domain® Boost (DD Boost™) replication repository to vRanger.
Add-DdbReplicationRepository [‑Server] <String> [StorageUnit] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>][‑RepositoryId] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-DdbRepository
Add-DdbRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑StorageUnit] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑ImportOption] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-EsxHost
Adds a VMware® ESXi™ host to the inventory.
Add-EsxHost [‑DNSorIP] <String> [‑Username] <String> [‑RootPassword] <String> [[‑UserPassword] <String>] [[‑Port] <Int>] [[‑AddUser] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-HypervCluster
Adds a Hyper-V® Cluster to the inventory.
Add-HypervCluster [‑DNSorIP] <String> [‑Username] <String> [‑Password] <String> [[‑Port] <Int32>] [[‑IsInstallAgent] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-HypervHost
Adds a Hyper-V® host to the inventory.
Add-HypervHost [‑DNSorIP] <String> [‑Username] <String> [‑Password] <String> [[‑Port] <Int32>] [[‑IsInstallAgent] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-HypervRestoreJobTemplate
Adds a Hyper-V® restore job template. Users also have the option of running the job immediately after the template is created.
Add-HypervRestoreJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑SavePoint] <Savepoint> [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑Flags] <NoFlags | ForceOverwrite | ForcePowerOn | UseFiber | PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure | AddHypervVirtualMachineToCluster | AllFlags>] [[‑NotificationList] <List`1>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑VMName] <String>] [[‑TargetHost] <String>] [[‑VmLocation] <String>] [[‑SkipDisks] <List`1>] [[‑DiskLocations] <List`1>] [[‑TargetNetworks] <List`1>] [[‑SkipAdapters] <List`1>] [<CommonParameters>]
• RunJobNow [<Boolean>]: Whether to run the job now. If not set, the job does not run immediately after creation of the template.
• VmLocation [<String>]: Location on target host where the restored VM is located. If not set, the default for the host is used.
• SkipDisks [<List`1>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the disks to skip from the savepoint. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• DiskLocations [<List`1>]: Disk locations to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one is supplied, it is used for all disks on the VM. If not set, the default disk location for the host is used for all disks.
• TargetNetworks [<List`1>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one network name is provided, it is used for all adapters on the VM. If not set, the original networks are used when restoring to the original VM.
• SkipAdapters [<List`1>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the adapters to skip in the restore job. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
Add-NfsRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑ExportDirectory] <String> [‑TargetDirectory] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite][<Boolean>]] [[‑EnableEncryption] [<Boolean>]] [[‑EncryptionPassword] <String>] [[‑BlockSize] <Int>] [[‑EnableCompress] [<Boolean>]] [[‑ImportOption] [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• ImportOption [<String>]: Whether to import the save points as read-write or read only. Possible options ReadOnly and ReadWrite.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
Add-NvsdRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑TargetDirectory] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑ImportOption] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• ImportOption [<String>]: Whether to import the save points as read-write or read only. Possible options ReadOnly and ReadWrite.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-PhysicalMachine
Add-PhysicalMachine [‑DNSorIP] <String> [‑Username] <String> [‑Password] <String> [[‑Port] <Int>] [‑IsInstallAgent] <Boolean>] [[‑AgentLocation] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug,‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-RdaRepository
Add-RdaRepository [‑Server] <String> [‑StorageUnit] <String> [‑User] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑Name] <String> [[‑Description] <String>] [[‑Overwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑ImportOption] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• ImportOption [<String>]: Whether to import the save points as read-write or read only. Possible options ReadOnly and ReadWrite.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command adds a repository on server pointing to
storage unit named mystorage using the credentials provided. Existing
Add-ReplicationJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑JobEntity] <VMEntity> [‑TargetHost] <HostEntity> [‑ReplicateName] <String> [‑Type] <String> [[‑TargetNetworks] <String>] [[‑PrimaryDatastore] <String>] [[‑TargetDatastores] <String>] [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑TransportFailover] <String>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [‑Flags] <NoFlags | ReplicatePoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | AllFlags> [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑IncludedDisk] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• TargetNetworks [<String>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas.
• PrimaryDatastore <String>: Primary Datastore on target host where the replicated VM is to be located.
• TargetDatastores [<String>]: Datastores to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas.
• TransportFailover [<String>]: Transport Failover order separated by commas to be attempted until the task is successful. Valid types are VA-HotAdd and VA-Network.
• NotificationList [<String>]: Email notification list for the job. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
• Flags <ReplicationFlags>: Replication flags: NoFlags, ReplicatePoweredOnOnly, CheckDestinationFreeSpace, UseCompression, UpdateNotes, EnableGuestQuiescing, AllFlags. Separate multiple flags with pipes (|).
• IncludedDisk [<String>]: List of disks to include in this job. All VM disks are replicated if none is specified.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-RestoreFromManifestJobTemplate
Add-RestorefromManifestJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑Username] <String> [‑Password] <String> [‑ManifestPath] <String> [[‑EncryptionPassword] <String>] [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑Flags] <No Flags | ForceOverwrite | ForcePowerOn | UseFiber | PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure | AllFlags>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>][[‑VMName] <String>] [[‑TargetHost] <String>][[‑PrimaryDatastore] <String>] [[‑SkipDisks] <String>] [[‑TargetDatastores] <String>] [[‑TargetNetworks] <String>] [[‑SkipAdapters] <String>][[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [<CommonParameters>]
• RunJobNow [<Boolean>]: Whether to run the job now. If not set, the job does not run immediately after creation of the template.
• PrimaryDatastore [<String>]: Datastore on target host where the restored VM is located. If not set, the original primary datastore is used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a datastore attached to the target host.
• SkipDisks [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the disks to skip from the savepoint. Disks in savepoint are order by their SCSI controller number and disk number. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TargetDatastores [<String>]: Datastores to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one is supplied, it is used for all disks on the VM. If not set, the original datastores are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a datastore attached to the target host.
• TargetNetworks [<String>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one network name is provided, it is used for all adapters on the VM. If not set, the original networks are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a network attached to the target host.
• SkipAdapters [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the adapters to skip in the restore job. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug,‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 4--------------------
Add-RestoreJobTemplate [‑JobName] <String> [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [‑SavePoint] <Savepoint> [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑Flags] <NoFlags | ForceOverwrite | ForcePowerOn | UseFiber | PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure | AddHypervVirtualMachineToCluster | AllFlags>] [[‑NotificationList] <List`1>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑VMName] <String>] [[‑TargetHost] <String>] [[‑PrimaryDatastore] <String>] [[‑SkipDisks] <List`1>] [[‑TargetDatastores] <List`1>] [[‑TargetNetworks] <List`1>] [[‑SkipAdapters] <List`1>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [[‑PhysicalMachineIP] <String>] [[‑RestoreDiskMapping] <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
• Flags [<RestoreFlags>]: Restore flags. If not set, NoFlag. Restore flags: NoFlags, AllFlags, ForceOverwrite, ForcePowerOn. Separate multiple flags with pipes (|).
• NotificationList [<String>]: Email notification list for the job. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
• RunJobNow [<Boolean>]: Whether to run the job now. If not set, the job does not run immediately after creation of the template.
• PrimaryDatastore [<String>]: Datastore on target host where the restored VM is located. If not set, the original primary datastore is used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a datastore attached to the target host.
• SkipDisks [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the disks to skip from the savepoint. Disks in savepoint are order by their SCSI controller number and disk number. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TargetDatastores [<String>]: Datastores to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one is supplied, it is used for all disks on the V M. If not set, the original datastores are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a data store attached to the target host.
• TargetNetworks [<String>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one network name is provided, it is used for all adapters on the VM. If not set, the original networks are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a network attached to the target host.
• SkipAdapters [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the adapters to skip in the restore job. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TransportConfiguration: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• PhysicalMachineIP [<String>]: Physical machine IP address when booted to restore CD to perform the restore to. It must be booted to the restore CD.
• RestoreDiskMapping [<Hashtable>]: Which disk in the repository is mapped to corresponding disks in the physical machine.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 4--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 5--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Add-VirtualCenter
Add-VirtualCenter [‑DNSorIP] <String> [‑Username] <String> [‑UserPassword] <String> [[‑Port] [<Int>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Disable-Job
• JobTemplateIDs <GUID[]>: Job template IDs for which to enable jobs. Disable multiple jobs by passing in comma-separated job template IDs.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command disables the job if it is enabled and returns the job template entity.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command disables the first enabled job in the list and returns the job template entity.
Unmounts VAR disk from the Linux® FLR VA.
Dismount-LinuxVolume [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command enables the job if it is disabled and returns the job template entity.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command enables the first disabled job in the list and returns the job template entity.
Get-Addressbook [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
Get-BackupGroupEntity [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all backup group entities.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
Returns the list of results for the matched search string, repositories, and VMs.
Get-CatalogSearchData [‑SearchText] <String> [[‑RepositoryList] [<String>]] [[‑VMList] [‑Type] <Entity>] [<CommonParameters>]
• RepositoryList [<Repository[]>]: Filter by Repositories. If not specified, all repositories are searched.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Gets the active status of the catalog data for the associated savepoint.
• Type <String>: Valid types are Database, Email, Resources, Timeout, General, LinuxFLR, and Cataloging.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Get-Connection
• Name [<String>]: The name or IP address of the VMware® ESXi™ host, VMware® vCenter™, Hyper-V® host, or Hyper-V cluster.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: “get-help about_commonparameters”--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all Hyper-V host connections.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command gets a list of all vRanger loaded connections.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns a connection to the specified host.
--------------------EXAMPLE 4--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Get-Datastore
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a list of datastores associated with the host.
Gets the default Transport Failover order for replication jobs.
Get-GlobalTransportFailover [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
This command gets the default Transport Failover order for replication jobs.
• Type [<String>]: Inventory entity type: All, ClusterComputeResource, ComputeResource, DataCenter, EsxHost, Folder, HypervCluster, HypervHost, HypervVirtualMachine, ResourcePool, VirtualCenter, VirtualMachine, VirtualApp, PhysicalMachine.
• Block [<Boolean>]: If set to true, the call blocks if inventory is being refreshed until it is done. Possible timeout might occur on large inventory sets.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all inventory entities.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command gets a list of all loaded VMware® ESXi™ host entities.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns true if Hyper-V is refreshing.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns true if any inventory entity is refreshing.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
Get-Job [[‑StartTime] [<String>]] [[‑EndTime] [<String>]] [[‑JobState] [<String>]] [[‑JobTemplateIDs] [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• JobTemplateIDs [<String>]: Job template IDs for which to retrieve jobs. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns jobs in all states.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns all running jobs.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns completed jobs that started during the specified time span.
--------------------EXAMPLE 4--------------------
This command returns jobs based on the specified template ID.
Get-JobTemplate [[‑Type] <String>] [[‑InventoryIds] <String[]>] [[‑Thin] <Boolean>] [[‑ID] <String>] [‑VersionID] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• InventoryIds [<String>]: The inventory nodes’ virtualization object ref IDs. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
• Thin [<Boolean>]: Whether to return a thin version of job templates. Returning thin objects can speed up commands and avoid performance-related errors. By default, full objects are returned.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all job templates.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command gets a list of all backup jobs.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns backup job templates in the specified inventories.
Displays the vRanger Windows® error events.
Get-MonitorLog [[‑EventId] <Int32>] [[‑StartDateTime] <DateTime>] [[‑EndDateTime] <DateTime>] [‑Verbose] [‑Debug] [‑ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [‑WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [‑ErrorVariable <String>] [‑WarningVariable <String>] [‑OutVariable <String>] [‑OutBuffer <Int32>] [‑WhatIf] [‑Confirm]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a list of networks associated with the host.
Creates a Physical Machine disk map to be used in AddRestoreJobTemplate.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Creates a Physical Machine disk map to be used in AddRestoreJobTemplate.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all vRanger repositories.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command a repository with the specified ID.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
Returns a list of associated jobs based on the input repository ID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a list of jobs associated with the repository with the specified ID.
Get-RepositorySavePoint [‑Id] <String> [[‑StartTime] [<String>]] [[‑EndTime] [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a list of savepoints associated with the repository with the specified ID.
Get-RestoreDiskMap [‑PhysicalDiskMap] <PhysicalDiskMap> [‑ManifestFile] <ManifestFile> [<CommonParameters>]
• ManifestFile <ManifestFile>: The manifest from the savepoint that contains file map entries for the disks backed up.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Get-SavepointDisk
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns all disks that have been backed up into the savepoint specified.
• ID <ID>: The Savepoint ID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Get-Savepoints
Returns a list of savepoints for a specified BackupJobTemplateID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a list of savepoints associated with the backup template with the specified ID.
Gets the Transport Failover order for replication jobs by TemplateVersion ID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Gets the Transport Failover order for replication jobs by TemplateVersion ID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets all the VA entities.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command gets the VA entity for the VA specified.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Get-VirtualApplianceReconfigStatus
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command gets the status of the VA deployment in progress.
Gets the child VM entities of the entity — host, cluster, and so on — provided.
• Thin [<Boolean>]: If set to true, the call returns thin inventory objects.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"The managed object reference ID of an inventory entity node such as a VMware® ESXi™ host or resource folder.
Returns a list of VmDisks for the VM list in the same order of the input.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command gets a list of VMDisks objects for the input VM list.
Get-VMDKVolume [‑VmdkID] <String> [‑Repository] <Repository> [‑RepositoryPassword] <String> [SavepointManifest] <ManifestFile> [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Install-VirtualAppliance
Install-VirtualAppliance [‑VAName] <String> [‑SelectedHost] <HostEntity> [‑OVFLocation] <String> [‑DownloadOVF] <Boolean> [[‑IPAddressOverride] <String>] [[‑ClusterDefault] <Boolean>] [‑CPUAllocation] <Int32> [‑MemorySizeInMB] <Int64> [‑VADatastore] <Datastore> [‑NetworkEntity] <Network> [[‑ScratchDiskDatastore] <Datastore>] [[‑ScratchDiskSizeInKB] <Int64>] [[‑NewPassword] <String>] [[‑UseVAForLFLR] <Boolean>] [[‑PowerOnVA] <Boolean>] [[‑VADeployStatus] <Boolean>] [[‑UseDHCP] <Boolean>] [[‑NetMask] <String>] [[‑StaticIP] <String>] [[‑GateWay] <String>] [[‑UseStaticDNS] <Boolean>] [[‑PrimaryDNS] <String>] [[‑SecondaryDNS] <String>] [[‑Domain] <String>] [[‑Search] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• IPAddressOverride [<String>]: IP Address to use for the VA instead of the one retrieved from the VirtualCenter API.
• ClusterDefault [<Boolean>]: If the selected host belongs to a cluster, share the VA among all hosts in the cluster.
• NewPassword [<String>]: New password for the VA; if this word is not mentioned, Original password (vzroot1) is used.
• VADeployStatus [<Boolean>]: Retrieves VA deployment status if set to true. Defaults to false if the parameter is not passed in.
• UseDHCP [<Boolean>]: Specify use of DHCP to set IP address. If false, StaticIP, NetMask, Gateway, and PrimaryDNS must be specified.
• PrimaryDNS [<String>]: Mandatory address of primary DNS server for VA. Required if UseStaticDNS is true.
• Domain [<String>]: Optional Local domain name for DNS resolver on VA. For more information, see the Linux manual (man) page for resolv.conf.
• Search [<String>]: Optional Search list for host name lookup for DNS on VA. For more information, see the Linux man page for resolv.conf.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Mount-LinuxVolume
Mount-LinuxVolume [‑ManifestFileMaps] <FileMapEntryLine[]> [‑Repository] <Repository> [‑RepositoryPassword] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"New-BackupFlag
New-BackupFlag [[‑BackupPoweredOnOnly] <Boolean>] [[‑CheckDestinationFreeSpace] <Boolean>] [[‑UseCompression] <Boolean>] [[‑UpdateNotes] <Boolean>] [[‑EnableGuestQuiescing] <Boolean>] [[‑EnableABM] <Boolean>] [[PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure] <Boolean>] [[‑UseFiber] <Boolean>] [[‑UseCataloging] <Boolean>] [[‑LanFree] <Boolean>] [[‑AllFlags] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure [<Boolean>]: [Deprecated] Formerly, whether to perform the backup using the network if there is a problem during the fiber or iSCSI backup.
• UseFiber [<Boolean>]: [Deprecated] Formerly, whether to use fiber or iSCSI to perform this backup. Currently, whether to perform a LAN-free backup. Use LanFree instead.
• EnableVSSApplicationLevelQuiescing [<Boolean>]: Whether to enable VSS Application Level Quiescing for this backup.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns a new BackupFlags object with the value of NoFlags.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns a new BackupFlags object with the values of EnableGuestQuiescing and EnableABM.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns a new BackupFlags object with all flags set to on.
Adds members to a backup group created using Add-BackupGroupEntity cmdlet or UI. You can add any inventory item as a member.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"New-Daily Schedule
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns a daily job schedule that runs weekdays at midnight.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"New-IntervalSchedule
New-IntervalSchedule [[‑IntervalDays] <Int>] [[‑IntervalHours] [<Int>]][‑IntervalMinutes] <Int> [‑StartTime] <String> [[‑RangeEndDate] <String>] [[‑RangeByOccurrence] <Int>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns an interval job schedule that runs every hour.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns an interval job schedule that runs every 30 minutes until 2010-12-31.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns weekly job schedule that runs on the first of every month at midnight.
New-ReplicationFlag [[‑CheckDestinationFreeSpace] [<Boolean>]] [[‑UpdateNotes] [<Boolean>]] [[‑EnableGuestQuiescing] [<Boolean>]] [[‑EnableABM] [<Boolean>]] [[‑AllFlags] [<Boolean>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns a new ReplicationFlags object with the value of NoFlags.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns a new ReplicationFlags object with all flags set to on.
New-RestoreFlag [[‑ForceOverwrite] <Boolean>] [[‑ForcePowerOn] <Boolean>] [[‑UseFiber] <Boolean>] [[‑PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure] <Boolean>] [[‑LanFree] <Boolean>] [[‑AllFlags] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• UseFiber [<Boolean>]: [Deprecated] Formerly, whether to use fiber or iSCSI to perform this restore. Currently, whether to perform a LAN-free restore. Use LanFree instead.
• PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure [<Boolean>]: [Deprecated] Formerly, whether to perform a network restore on a LAN-free restore failure.
• AddHypervVirtualMachineToCluster [<Boolean>]: Whether to add the restored Hyper-V® VM to the cluster.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command runs RestoreFlags with the value of NoFlags.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command runs RestoreFlags with the values of ForcePowerOn.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"New-TransportConfiguration
New-TransportConfiguration [‑AutoSelectTransport] <Boolean> [‑RunLocal] <Boolean>[‑UseAdvancedTransport] <Boolean> [‑UseLanTransport] <Boolean> [[‑UseSsLforLan] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• UseAdvancedTransport <Boolean>: Whether the job should attempt to use an advanced transport (SAN/HotAdd) first.
• UseSsLforLan [<Boolean>]: Whether the job should use an encrypted connection when attempting a network transport.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns a new transport configuration object with the configuration set to Automatic.
New-VirtualAppliance [‑VAEntity] <Entity> [‑RootPassword] <String> [[‑IPAddressOverride] <String>] [[‑ClusterDefault] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"New-WeeklySchedule
• ExecutionDays <String>: Days of the week on which the job runs: Monday, Tuesday, and so on. Separate multiple days with commas.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns weekly job schedule that runs on Mondays at midnight.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns weekly job schedule that runs on Mondays and Tuesdays at midnight.
New-YearlySchedule [‑ExecutionMonth] <Int> [‑ExecutionDayOfMonth] <Int> [‑StartTime] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command returns weekly job schedule that runs on the January 1 each year at midnight.
Remove-Allmount [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Remove-BackupGroupMember
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Remove-Catalog
Deletes the catalog data from the database for a list of savepoints.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Removes the catalog data associated with the savepoint from the database.
Removes the EMC® Data Domain® Boost (DD Boost™) repository from vRanger and deletes all savepoints in the repository from the disk. The storage unit is also removed from the DD Boost device.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Remove-JobTemplate
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command removes the job template with the specified ID from vRanger.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Remove-VirtualAppliance
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Remove-VirtualApplianceConfiguration
Removes the VA configuration from vRanger with an option to delete the VA from host.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command removes a VA configuration from vRanger and also deletes the VM from Host.
Runs jobs specified by their template IDs. Use the Get-JobTemplate cmdlet to view the template IDs of configured job templates.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Run-ReplicationFailover
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command runs replication failover based on the job template ID.
Resumes test replication failover based on the test replication task ID.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Run-TestReplicationFailover
Runs test replication failover based on the replication job’s template version ID.
Run-TestReplicationFailover [‑TemplateVersionId] <GUID> [[‑EnableNetwork] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Set-Cataloging
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Set-CBTonVM
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command enables CBT on the VM xyz if it is supported on the VMware® ESXi™ host.
• Volume <Volume>: The volume to mount.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command mounts the specified volume in the savepoint to the E:\ drive.
Set-Resources [[‑NumberTasksVRanger] <Int>] [[‑NumberTasksLUN] <Int>] [[‑NumberTasksHost] <Int>] [[‑NumberTasksRepository] <Int>] [[‑NumberTasksLocal] <Int>] [[‑Timeout] <Int>] [[‑MinimumSpaceHost] <Int>] [[‑NumberTasksVA] <Int>] [<CommonParameters>]
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"Sets the maximum tasks run on vRanger and the Timeout for each task.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command cancels the job if it is running and returns the success or failure message.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command cancels the first running job in the list and returns the success or failure message.
Update-BackupJobTemplate [‑JobTemplate] <BackupJobTemplate> [[‑JobName] <String>] [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [[‑ExcludedVMList] <String>] [[‑IncludedDiskList] <String>] [[‑TargetRepository] <Repository>] [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑Flags] <NoFlags | BackupPoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | UseFiber | PerformNetworkBackupOnFailure | UseCataloging | AllFlags>] [[‑NumberOfSavePoints] <Int>] [[‑SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag] <None | Incremental | Differential>] [[‑SpaceSavingCountThreshold] <Int>] [[‑SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold] <Int>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [<CommonParameters>]
• SpaceSavingTechnologyTypeFlag [<String>]: Space saving technology to use: differential, incremental, or none.
• SpaceSavingPercentSizeThreshold [<String>]: The size to allow as a % of the VM hard disk file before performing a differential backup.
• TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters".Update-GlobalTransportFailover
Updates the default Transport Failover order for replication jobs.
• TransportFailover <String>: Transport Failover order separated by commas to be attempted until the task is successful. Valid types are VA-HotAdd and VA-Network.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command updates the default Transport Failover order for replication jobs.
• RunJobNow [<Nullable`1>]: Whether to run the job now. If not set, the job does not run immediately after creation of the template.
• VmLocation [<String>]: Location on target host where the restored VM is located. If not set, the default for the host is used.
• SkipDisks [<List`1>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the disks to skip from the savepoint. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• DiskLocations [<List`1>]: Disk locations to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one is supplied, it is used for all disks on the VM If not set, the default disk location for the host is used for all disks.
• TargetNetworks [<List`1>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one network name is provided, it is used for all adapters on the VM. If not set, the original networks are used when restoring to the original VM.
• SkipAdapters [<List`1>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the adapters to skip in the restore job. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, ‑WarningAction, ‑WarningVariable, ‑OutBuffer, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command updates a restore job template to restore a different
Update-Inventory [<CommonParameters>]<CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
Update-ReplicationJobTemplate [‑JobTemplate] <ReplicationJobTemplate> [[‑JobName] <String>] [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [[‑TargetHost] <HostEntity>][[‑ReplicateName] <String>] [[‑Type] <String>] [[‑TargetNetworks] <String>] [[‑PrimaryDatastore] <String>] [[‑TargetDatastores] <String>] [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑TransportFailover] <String>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑Flags] <NoFlags | ReplicatePoweredOnOnly | CheckDestinationFreeSpace | UseCompression | UpdateNotes | EnableGuestQuiescing | EnableABM | AllFlags>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑IncludedDisk] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• PrimaryDatastore [<String>]: Primary Datastore on target host on which the replicated VM is located.
• TargetDatastores [<String>]: Datastores to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas.
• TransportFailover [<String>]: Transport Failover order separated by commas to be attempted until the task is successful. Valid types are VA-HotAdd and VA-Network.
• NotificationList [<String>]: Email notification list for the job. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
• Flags [<ReplicationFlags>]: Replication flags: NoFlags, ReplicatePoweredOnOnly, CheckDestinationFreeSpace, UseCompression, UpdateNotes, EnableGuestQuiescing, AllFlags. Separate multiple flags with pipes (|).
• IncludedDisk [<Int>]: List of disks to include in this job. All VM disks are replicated if none is specified.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"This command updates a replication job template with a new name.
Update-RestoreJobTemplate [‑JobTemplate] <RestoreJobTemplate> [[‑JobName] <String>] [[‑JobDescription] <String>] [[‑SavePoint] <Savepoint>] [[‑JobSchedule] <Schedule>] [[‑Flags] <NoFlags | ForceOverwrite | ForcePowerOn | UseFiber | PerformNetworkRestoreOnFailure | AllFlags>] [[‑NotificationList] <String>] [[‑RunJobNow] <Boolean>] [[‑VMName] <String>] [[‑TargetHost] <String>] [[‑PrimaryDatastore] <String>] [[‑SkipDisks] <String>] [[‑TargetDatastores] <String>] [[‑TargetNetworks] <String>] [[‑SkipAdapters] <String>] [[‑TransportConfiguration] <TransportConfiguration>] [<CommonParameters>]
• SavePoint [<Savepoint>]: Savepoint to restore. This parameter is not required if the restore job template contains only one savepoint.
• Flags [<RestoreFlags>]: Restore flags. If not set, NoFlag. Restore flags: NoFlags, AllFlags, ForceOverwrite, ForcePowerOn. Separate multiple flags with pipes (|).
• NotificationList [<String>]: Email notification list for the job. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
• RunJobNow [<Boolean>]: Whether to run the job now. If not set, the job does not run immediately after creation of the template.
• PrimaryDatastore [<String>]: Datastore on target host where the restored VM is located. If not set, the original primary datastore is used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a datastore attached to the target host.
• SkipDisks [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the disks to skip from the savepoint. Disks in savepoint are order by their SCSI controller number and disk number. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TargetDatastores [<String>]: Datastores to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one is supplied, it is used for all disks on the VM. If not set, the original datastores are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a datastore attached to the target host.
• TargetNetworks [<String>]: Networks to use on the target host. Separate multiple values with commas. If only one network name is provided, it is used for all adapters on the VM. If not set, the original networks are used when restoring to the original VM; otherwise the application randomly selects a network attached to the target host.
• SkipAdapters [<String>]: Sequence number — base 0 — of the adapters to skip in the restore job. Separate multiple numbers with commas.
• TransportConfiguration [<TransportConfiguration>]: The transport configuration options to use for this job.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command updates a restore job template name.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command updates a restore job template to restore a different savepoint.
Update-VirtualApplianceConfiguration [‑VirtualApplianceEntity] <VirtualApplianceConfig> [‑IPAddressOverride] <String>] [[‑ClusterDefault] <Boolean>][[‑CPUAllocation] <Int>] [[‑MemorySizeInMB] <Int>] [[‑ScratchDiskDatastore] <Datastore>] [[‑ScratchDiskSizeInKB] <Int>] [‑NewPassword] <String>][[‑UseVAForLFLR] <Boolean>] [[‑DeleteScratchDisk] <Boolean>] [[‑VAReconfigurationStatus] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
• IPAddressOverride [<String>]: IP Address to use for the VA instead of the one retrieved from the VMware® vCenter™ API.
• ClusterDefault [<Boolean>]: If the selected host belongs to a cluster, share the VA among all hosts in the cluster.
• NewPassword [<String>]: New password for the VA, if this word is not specified, the password remains unchanged.
• VAReconfigurationStatus [<Boolean>]: Retrieves VA deployment status if set to true. If the parameter is not passed in, the default is false.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug,‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"
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