Displays the list of all user-related options that can be used as a reference when using the QoreStor CLI.
user --help
Usage: user --show [--users] [--logins] [--verbose] [--name <user name>] [--roles <cifs|ost|rda|ndmp|iscsi|monitor|administrator|secure_connect>] user --add --name <user name> [--roles <cifs|ost|rda|ndmp|iscsi|monitor|secure_connect>] [--full_name <full name>] [--phone <phone number>] [--email_addr <e-mail address (e.g. name@company.com)>] [--description <anything>] user --update --name <user name> [--new_name <user name>] [--add_roles <cifs|ost|rda|ndmp|iscsi|monitor|secure_connect>] [--remove_roles <cifs|ost|rda|ndmp|iscsi|monitor|secure_connect>] [--full_name <full name>] [--phone <phone number>] [--email_addr <e-mail address (e.g. name@company.com)>] [--description <anything>] user --delete --name <user name> user --setpassword --name <user name> user --help user <command> <command-arguments> <command> can be one of: --show Displays command specific information. --add adds a user account. --update updates a user account. --delete delete a user account. --setpassword sets password to a user account. For command-specific help, please type user --help <command> For example: user --help show
This topic introduces the QoreStor CLI commands that you can use for configuring and managing QoreStor backup operations and scheduling when to run Replication and disk Cleaner operations.
The QoreStor CLI commands that provide these capabilities are grouped into the following categories:
This topic introduces the set of QoreStor CLI commands that allow you to manage, configure, and display connection-related settings for cloud_tiers on a QoreStor server. For more information, see Container Command Usage .
This topic introduces the cloud_tier command usage:
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