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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
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Workloads tab

The Workloads tab on Workload Management Analysis drilldown shows real-time information about each workload defined on the current database. DB2 workloads are objects to which database connections are automatically assigned. Connection attributes determine to which workload a specific connection is assigned.

Once a connection is assigned to a workload, DB2 Workload Manager can apply thresholds and resource controls to manage the execution of activities in the workload. The Workload Manager can also collect data about individual database activities and about the workload as whole to help you troubleshoot performance issues currently occurring and to avoid similar issues in the future.

Workload Summary Details

The tab lists the workloads currently defined in your Workload Manager environment on the database. These include both user-defined and system default workloads. Expand a workload node to view the following summary statistics collected for the workload at each database partition:

Information About Specific Workloads

To access in-depth information about a specific workload, click its entry and view any of the following sub-drilldowns:

Shows details and statistics for each occurrence in the workload (that is, each database connection assigned to this workload). View the attributes used to assign the connection to the workload, the current status of the occurrence, and the volume and success and failure rates of its activities.

Provides details about the agents handling activities associated with occurrences in this workload.

Threshold Queues
Lists statistics for queued activities across all occurrences in the workload. These statistics include queue times and sizes.

Workload Activity
Graphically depicts activity totals for the workload across all occurrences in the workload.


Related Topics

Work Classes tab

The Work Classes tab on Workload Management Analysis drilldown shows real-time summary and drill-down information about each work class defined on the current database.

A DB2 work class is a database object that groups activities by their work type, such as READ, WRITE, CALL, DML, DDL, LOAD, or ALL. Work classes help the Workload Manager identify activities in a workload. However, to activate a work class, you must assign at least one work action to it. (See the help for Work Actions tab.) Work actions associated with the work class actually manage the identified activities.

Work classes are grouped in work class sets so that you can isolate multiple types of activities related to a certain area of work (for example READs and WRITEs involved large queries).

Work Class Summary Details

The tab lists the work class sets currently defined in your Workload Manager environment on the database. Expand a work class node to view the work classes assigned to it. The following information displays for each work class:

Set Name -- The name of work class set to which the selected work class belongs.

Class Name -- The name of the selected work class.

Information About Specific Work Classes

To access in-depth information about a specific work class, click its entry and view any of the following sub-drilldowns:

Shows details about each activity currently associated with this work class.

Threshold Queues
Shows details about each threshold queue containing activities associated with this work class.


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Work Actions tab

The Work Actions tab on Workload Management Analysis drilldown shows real-time summary and drill-down information about each work action set defined on the current database.

A work action set contains a set of actions, or tasks, that you can perform on activities assigned to a given work class. (The work actions in a work action set are mapped to work classes in a given work class set.) These actions can include applying thresholds, collecting data, preventing execution, setting restrictions, and other actions.

Work Action Summary Details

The tab lists the work action sets currently defined in your Workload Manager environment. Expand the node for a work action set to view the work actions assigned to the set. The following information displays for each work action:

Set Name

Action Name


Work Class Set Name

Work Class Name

Information About Specific Work Action Sets

To access in-depth information about a specific work action set, click a work action or work action set entry, and view any of the following sub-drilldowns:

Lists the number of activities performed for each work class belonging to the work class set assigned to the work action set.

Provides details about each activity currently assigned to selected work action.

Threshold Queues
Provides details about each threshold queue currently in existence for the selected work action set.


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Activities tab

The Activities tab on Workload Management Analysis drilldown shows real-time information about each activity running in applications connected to the current database. DB2 workloads are objects to which database connections are automatically assigned. Connection attributes determine to which workload a specific connection is assigned. Type topic text here.

Activity Summary Details

The tab lists the activities currently running in your Workload Manager environment. The activities are organized by application. Expand the node for an application to view its activities. The following information displays for each activity:

Information About Specific Activities

To access in-depth information about a specific activity, click its entry. Any information returned for the WLM_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function is shown in the following format:

Partition -- The database partition from which activity information was collected.

Element Name -- Name of the data element that WLM_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS returns.

Value -- The value of the data element.

Refer to your IBM DB2 LUW 9.5 documentation for more information about the elements returned by the WLM_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function.


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Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
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