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Spotlight on DB2 6.9.3 - User Guide

Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows)
New in This Release Getting started with Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Desktop features specific to Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns
About Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW drilldowns Buffer Pool Analysis drilldown Client Application Analysis drilldown Database Analysis drilldown Database Manager Summary drilldown Diagnostic Log drilldown FCM Analysis drilldown Tablespace Analysis drilldown Top SQL drilldown Operating System drilldown Workload Management Analysis drilldown
Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW alarms Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW Options Tuning SQL statements in Spotlight on IBM DB2 LUW
Spotlight Basics
Spotlight Connections Monitor Spotlight Connections Alarms Charts, Grids And Home Page Components View | Options Troubleshooting
Spotlight History Spotlight on Windows
Connect to Windows Systems Background Information Home Page Alarms Drilldowns View | Options Troubleshooting
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Disk Activity Panel


The Disk Activity panel shows information on disk usage:

Activity Guages

Activity Gauge (1)

The percentage activity of the disk with the highest read/write rates.

Activity Gauge (2)

The percentage activity of the disk with the second-highest read/write rates.

Least Space


By default, this is the mount point of the disk that has the least amount of free space, and that is not already 100% full. (Because of this, no CD-ROM devices are shown.)

You can configure this control to display the total and used space on ANY available disk on the system. To do so, right-click the control and choose Disk Options from the shortcut menu.


The total amount of free space that has been allocated to this disk.

Used (MB/GB)

The amount of disk space that is currently being used by this disk.

Used (%)

The amount of disk space that is currently being used by this disk, expressed as a percentage.

Data flows between the Memory panel and the Disk Activity panel

Disk I/O (Memory to Disk Activity)

The number of writes that the system makes to disk per second.

Disk I/O (Disk Activity to Memory)

The number of reads that the system makes from disk per second.


Related Topics


Spotlight is powerful diagnostic and problem-resolution tool for Unix and Linux operating systems. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on your host machine.

For information on Spotlight on Unix, see these sections



Background Information

Introductory material to Spotlight on Unix.

Connect to a Unix System Create / Modify / Delete connections to Unix systems.
Home Page The Spotlight home page shows the flow of information and commands between various sub-components and the size and status of internal resources such as processes, disk files and memory structures.

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

Drilldowns When you have isolated a problem, you can display a drilldown page, whose charts and tables provide a detailed breakdown of the underlying statistics.
View | Options Customize Spotlight.
Troubleshooting Solve problems using Spotlight.

For information on using Spotlight applications See

Spotlight Basics


Spotlight Alarms

Spotlight alerts you to problems with your system by issuing an alarm. You can configure Spotlight in the level of severity that constitutes an alarm, to disable an alarm, and the actions Spotlight takes on raising the alarm.

When an alarm is raised Spotlight performs one or more of the following actions:

  • Changes the color or intensity of relevant components.
  • Gives audible warnings.
  • Sends email notifications.

Actions you can take on an alarm being raised include:

  • View details of the statistics that caused the alarm in a Spotlight drilldown page. Spotlight Drilldowns
  • View the Spotlight online help.
  • View details of the alarm in the Spotlight Alarm Log drilldown.
  • Snooze the alarm.
  • Save the alarm details.
  • Filter the list of alarms.

Following are the alarms specific to Spotlight.


Related Topics

Blocked Process Alarm

The Blocked Processes button in the CPU panel shows the number of processes waiting on information to become available in memory.

Processes can also become blocked when they are waiting for:

  • disk I/O completion,
  • network I/O completion, or
  • a shared resource.

A high level of blocked processes may indicate an under-configured machine.

The type of alarm that is activated is determined by the number of blocked processes waiting on information.


Related Topics

Documents connexes
Spotlight on DB2 - 6.9.3
Getting Started Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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