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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.2 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Generate DML Profile Reports

To generate a DML Profile report

  1. In the Explorer, right-click an object or segment and select DML Profile | DML Profile Report.

  2. Select a From and To date at the bottom of the report, if needed.
  3. Select each of the tabs to view report details.


  • To create a DML Profile, right-click an object or segment and select DML Profile | Create/Modify Collection. See Smart Start for DML Profiler for more information.
  • To open the DML Profile Collections window for an owner in the selected database, expand the DML Profile Collection node in the database tree-list and select the owner.

Export a report

You can export a report to one of a number of different file formats, such as PDF or Excel. See Preview and Export Reports for more information.


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Manage Storage

Monitor Storage from the Explorer

Monitor Storage from the Explorer

The Explorer provides a comprehensive overview of space use throughout a database—at the database, tablespace, datafile, object, and segment levels. You can drill down from the database level to the tablespace and object levels.

Pie-chart-style graphs let you see at-a-glance how much space is allocated and how much space is free at the database and tablespace levels. The Properties and the Statistics panels, as well as columns in the Segments (objects) grid, provide numeric information on space usage, various counts, and object sizes.

Note: The Explorer displays automatically when you launch Space Manager. If you have multiple connection profiles, each connection is displayed in the Explorer tree-list (left pane).

In databases that are Oracle 11 or higher, Recycle Bin information is displayed. At the database and tablespace levels, the Explorer reveals how much space is being used by dropped objects. This lets you see how much can be reclaimed for use by other objects.

What You Can Do From the Explorer

Use the Explorer to view storage information. In addition, the Explorer serves as the central launch point for Space Manager functionality. Many functions are available from the right-click menu when you select a database, tablespace, or segment in the Explorer.

From the Explorer window you can perform the following tasks:

In addition, you can launch other Space Manager tools from the Main menu. Actions you perform are applied to the currently-selected database in the Explorer.

  • Generate a report—Use the Main menu to open the Reports window and generate a report for the selected database.
  • Open the Script/Job Monitor—Use the Main menu to open the Script/Job Monitor for the selected database.
  • Open the Options dialog—Use the Main menu to open the Options dialog and specify options for the selected database.

Tip: You can drag and drop databases in the Explorer tree-list to rearrange the list.


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