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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.2 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

ReorgNeed Optons

Use this page to specify settings for Space Manager to use in Reorg Need calculations for the selected database.

Note: Specify options for each database connection, separately.

To specify Reorg Need Options

  1. In the Explorer window, select the database for which you want to specify options.
  2. Select Tools | Options.
  3. Select ReorgNeed.
  4. Enter weight and threshold settings. Review the following for additional information:

    Option Description
    Wasted Space Weight

    Enter a number to be used to weight the Wasted Space factor. Space Manager multiplies the Wasted Space factor by this number when calculating the Reorg Need for an object.

    default = 70.00

    Chained Row Weight

    Enter a number to be used to weight the Chained Row factor. Space Manager multiplies the Chained Row factor by this number when calculating the Reorg Need for an object.

    default = 30.00

    Medium ReorgNeed Range

    Enter a number to set as the lower threshold for medium reorg need. Reorg need values that are above this number, and at or below the high reorg need threshold, are considered Medium Reorg Need.

    The color orange is used to identify medium reorg need in the datafile map and in the Reorg Need column in the Explorer.

    default = 25.00

    High ReorgNeed Range

    Enter a number above which all reorg need values are considered High Reorg Need.

    The color red is used to identify high reorg need in the datafile map and in the Reorg Need column in the Explorer.

    default = 50.00

  5. Click Save to save your settings.



Related Topics

Repository Schedule Options

Use this page to specify options for the Repository.

Note: Specify options for each database connection, separately.

To specify Repository schedule options

  1. In the Explorer window, select the database for which you want to specify options.
  2. Select Tools | Options | Repository Schedule.
  3. Specify the following Repository options:

    Choose number of segments updated during each Repository Job Run

    Select the number of segments that you want the Repository Job to update.

    • Update All Segments—Select to update all segments.
    • Recently Analyzed—Select to update only recently analyzed segments.
    • Percentage—Select to update only a percentage of the segments with wasted space. Then specify a percentage. When the Repository job runs, Space Manager begins updating the segments with the oldest wasted space calculations until it reaches the percentage you specify.
  4. Click Save to save your settings.


Explorer Object Lists

Use this page to instruct Space Manager how to gather the list of database objects to display in the Explorer.

To specify Explorer Object Lists Options

  1. Select Tools | Options.
  2. Select Explorer Object Lists.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Use only Space Manager Repository to list objects in Explorer—Select this option to use only the information collected in the Space Manager Repository when displaying object lists in the Explorer. This option displays object lists quicker, but lists might not be current.

      Note: If you select this option, object lists are current to the date and time the Repository was last updated.

    • Use DBA views to list objects in Explorer—Select this option to use Data Dictionary views when displaying object lists in the Explorer. This option is slower, but the list of objects is current.

      Note: When using this option, the additional object information presented in the Explorer is gathered from the Repository. This information includes estimates and calculations, such as reorg need.

  4. Click Save.
  5. To refresh the list of objects in the Explorer after modifying this option, return to the Explorer window and press F5.

Note: To set or modify the frequency with which the Repository is updated and to schedule the update time, select Tools | Admin | Change Repository Update Schedule.


Related Topics

Reorg Manager Options

Use this page to specify options for the Reorg Manager.

Note: Specify options for each database connection, separately.

To specify Reorg Manager options

  1. Select Tools | Options.
  2. Select Reorg Manager.
  3. Specify the following Reorg Manager options:

    Option Description
    Always use T-Lock switch

    Select this option to force the Reorg Manager to always use the T-Lock switch, even when the Online switch is supported for the table and the Partitioning Option is enabled in the database.

    Note: If the Partitioning Option is enabled but not licensed in the database, you can select Always use T-Lock switch to ensure that the Online switch is not used in the Reorg script.

  4. Click Save to save your settings.


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