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SharePlex 12.0 - Release Notes

Release Notes

SharePlex® 12.0

Release Notes

Revision: 11/18/2024


About SharePlex

For over two decades, SharePlex has provided high speed database replication for mission critical database environments.

SharePlex supports a wide variety of configurations to meet different and complex data availability needs. A primary class of use cases revolves around database scaling and availability.

  • SharePlex supports reliable Oracle and PostgreSQL high-availability and disaster recovery configurations where replication maintains a duplicate database in a different location that is ready for fast, seamless fail-over and failback in planned or unplanned mode.

  • SharePlex also supports bi-directional, active/active configurations with conflict resolution for PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL and Oracle to Oracle to support horizontal scaling and strategic placement of databases near regional users.

  • SharePlex can support cross platform (Oracle ← → PostgreSQL) bi-directional, active-active replication with conflict resolution to de-risk Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations in complex Oracle environments.

  • SharePlex can improve scaling by offloading Oracle or PostgreSQL reporting workloads.

Another class of use cases involves (generally) cross-platform data movement to support application integration, database interoperability and data lake population. Examples include:

  • PostgreSQL and/or Oracle replication to Snowflake to support data warehouse/data lake pipelines

  • PostgreSQL and/or Oracle replication to Kafka for real-time streaming analytic applications

  • PostgreSQL to Oracle (or) Oracle to PostgreSQL replication to provide interoperability between systems to support database refactoring or migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

You can also use SharePlex to replicate data from Oracle source to maintain a change history database in an Oracle target. Rather than updating or deleting target rows based on the source change, SharePlex inserts a new row on the target for every source change. The result is an archive that reflects the chronological history of every change made to the source database.

SharePlex's value and versatility continue to grow with the requirements and requests of our customers. Although SharePlex is a reliable, relatively low-maintenance solution, our top-rated support team is ready around the clock to help with any trouble you may have. To get you started with your deployment, our professional services team is highly experienced and readily available.

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For expert advice and the latest news about SharePlex, join the SharePlex Community at Take advantage of our forums, blogs, videos, and more from our own experts, as well as input from our customers and partners.

New Features

What's New in this Release

Compare and Repair commands support

SharePlex now supports the Compare and Repair commands for Oracle to PostgreSQL data replication on the Linux platform.

Operating System support

This release includes support for the following operating systems:

  • Windows operating system

  • Ubuntu operating system when using Oracle and PostgreSQL as source databases

Database support

This release includes support for the following databases:

  • PostgreSQL 17 as both a sources and target

  • Oracle 23AI only on DBCS and EXACS platforms

  • Alloy DB and Alloy DB Omni as both source and target

  • MariaDB 11.4.2 as a target with Oracle as the source database

Platform support

  • Apache Kafka 3.8

  • Confluent Kafka 7.6

Other features

  • SharePlex now supports data replication from Oracle to Confluent Kafka in AVRO format, with integrated schema registry and JDBC sink connector on the Linux platform.

  • PostgreSQL Capture can now ignore transactions originating from a specific SharePlex port.

  • Users can now configure data transformations during data replication from PostgreSQL to Oracle.

  • Users can now replicate data from an Oracle instance to multiple Kafka instances using a single SharePlex instance.

  • Users can now use data transformation features from PostgreSQL to Oracle.








Resolved Issues and Enhancements

Resolved Issues in this release

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release of SharePlex.

Issue ID Known Issues Source and Target Component/ Feature

During Oracle-to-Kafka replication, when the JSON DDL option is set to "no" (json ddl=no), SharePlex is encountering the following two issues:

  • The object cache file is not being generated after DDL is performed on the data being replicated.

  • After adding a column, inserting a record causes a core dump in Poster with a segmentation error.

Oracle-to-Kafka JSON DDL
SPO-24942 The Oracle Poster process is displaying the code has triggered message in the OPO logs in all SharePlex environments where version 11.4 is installed. Oracle to Oracle Poster
SPO-24920 The Poster process is displaying the invalid byte sequence for encoding 'UTF8': 0xc3 0x41 error when users insert multiple rows of Western European character data into a table. Oracle to PostgreSQL Poster
SPO-24917 If the table in replication has an IS JSON constraint, the event log displays the warning Command server: JSON column not supported during activation. Oracle to Oracle JSON column
SPO-24908 The SQL Server Poster process stopped with a core dump while replicating data from Oracle to SQL Server due to an out-of-sync issue. Oracle to SQL Server Poster
SPO-24896 While replicating data from one source to three targets, some tables are missing on two of the targets due to name mangling during the Reader process. Multiple source and targets Reader
SPO-24890 Data frequently goes out of sync during the execution of the UPDATE statement while replicating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL. This occurs when the WHERE condition does not include the PK column values, and it retains the pre-image of the changed columns along with some random columns. Oracle to PostgreSQL UPDATE statement
SPO-24885 SharePlex is unable to replicate NULL or empty string from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL or EDB to EDB. PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL, EDB to EDB Empty string
SPO-24884 Users are unable to set a SharePlex PostgreSQL Capture parameter to ignore transactions originating from a specific SharePlex port. PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL Capture
SPO-24879 SharePlex Poster displays the 'TABLE DOESN’T EXIST' error when users do not grant the necessary privileges to existing tables during Oracle to Snowflake replication. Oracle to Snowflake Poster
SPO-24878 The SharePlex Capture process encounters a core dump issue when replicating a table from Oracle to PostgreSQL where the last column has been dropped. However, this issue does not occur if any other column is dropped or if a new column is added after dropping the last column. Oracle to PostgreSQL Poster
SPO-24876 The SharePlex Poster process stops with an error when replicating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL, if the table name, column name, or both exceed 30 characters. Oracle to PostgreSQL Poster
SPO-24872 The PostgreSQL Repair process displays the error 'function concat() does not exist' when replicating a table with more than 34 columns from EDB to EDB. EDB to EDB PostgreSQL Repair
SPO-24862 When replicating data from an on-premise Oracle source to an RDS PostgreSQL target, with SharePlex installed on EC2, the replication speed is slower than expected. Oracle to RDS PostgreSQL  
SPO-24851 During Oracle-to-Oracle replication on SharePlex version 11.3, after executing DML operations, the compare command returns a negative garbage value. Additionally, the repair status shows incorrect "Total Rows" information during the initial phase of execution. Oracle-to-Oracle Repair
SPO-24850 Initial queries executed by SharePlex's open Poster to fetch metadata from the PostgreSQL database and manage the shareplex_open_trans table are entering in an idle_in_transaction state due to missing commits. Oracle to AWS RDS PostgreSQL Poster
SPO-24845 The Poster process does not exit even if the execution time elapsed exceeds the time set through the SP_OPO_MAX_OEXN_TIME parameter. Oracle to Oracle Poster
SPO-24842 Users are unable to replicate LOB column data to the target using a PL/SQL block when the data length exceeds 4000 characters. Oracle to Oracle LOB column
SPO-24812 The SharePlex Capture process displays the '“Log parser error 12” with ORA-22287' error during while executing the remote capture operations in Oracle-to-Oracle replication. Oracle to Oracle Capture
SPO-24747 SharePlex is unable to replicate XML data from Oracle to Oracle due to a duplicate tag in the code. Oracle to Oracle XML data

Deprecated Platforms and Operating Systems

Platforms or operating systems that have been deprecated in SharePlex 12.0 version:

  • Apache Kafka 0.8.x, 0.9.x, 0.10.x, 0.11.x, 1.0.x, 1.1.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.0, 2.3.1, 2.5.0, 3.0, 3.3

  • MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

  • PostgreSQL 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10

  • SQL Server 2012, 2014

  • AIX 7.1, 7.2

  • Windows Server 2012, 2016

Note: If an operating system is no longer supported, it is possible to support the replication with remote capture or remote post through SharePlex processes running on a supported OS platform on an intermediate server. For additional information, see Compatibility Across Operating Systems (Remote Collection and Posting).

Planned platform deprecation in future releases:

No platforms are anticipated to be deprecated at this time.

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