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PST Flight Deck 9.1.3 - Requirements Guide


This guide defines the system requirements that must be met in order to successfully install and operate PST Flight Deck. The target audience for this guide is professional system administrators. The information included pertains to the operation and configuration of PST Flight Deck. All installation, configuration, and support should be performed by PST Flight Deck qualified administrators.

This guide provides minimum and recommended system requirements.

System Requirements

The PST Flight Deck server should meet the following requirements.

Hardware Requirements

PST Flight Deck is a robust system designed to be scalable and meet the needs of organizations of any size. You should consider project requirements when evaluating the systems to allocate to the PST Flight Deck solution. The hardware requirements we recommend are meant to provide a general guidance for proper hardware configuration.


Core Server and Nodes

We recommend the following hardware requirements for the PST Flight Deck Core server and Nodes. These may be physical or virtual machines.


CPU Cores




8 Gb



12 Gb

The size or requirements of a project can dictate the hardware required. It is best to review sizing for a specific project to ensure the solution meets the project requirements.

It is possible to put a full, or any portion of a deployment on Azure resources. For information on deployment of a full Core in Azure please contact a PST Flight Deck Architect to appropriately size, configure, and deploy your environment.

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