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NetVault Plug-in for SnapShot Manager 11.4.5 - Release Notes

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in for SnapShot Manager 11.4.5, Revision 1

About this release

Quest NetVault Backup (NetVault Backup) Plug‑in for SnapShot Manager (Plug‑in for SnapShot Manager) lets you generate, schedule, and recover snapshots through the NetVault Backup Console — a key factor in simplifying NetApp filer snapshot management as part of your overall data protection strategy.

Plug‑in for SnapShot Manager 11.4.5 is a minor release.

System requirements

For complete supported-platform information, see the Quest NetVault Backup Compatibility Guide available at

Upgrade and compatibility

Select the correct installation package on Linux and Windows: NetVault Backup offers separate client‑only and server-only installation packages for Linux- and Windows-based systems. Both the server and the client packages are available in hybrid and pure 64-bit versions:

Hybrid server and client packages: The hybrid packages are intended for users who do not have a pure 64-bit-only requirement.
Pure 64-bit server and client packages: The pure 64-bit packages are intended for pure 64-bit operating systems. If you have a specific reason that you cannot use any 32-bit components (for example, you are using a Linux distribution that does not run 32-bit code), use these packages.

Depending on your OS type, make sure that you select the correct installation package to install the NetVault Backup Server software:

netvault-<RYYYYMMMDD>-vx.x.x.x-Server-{LinuxX86Hybrid|WindowsX86Hybrid}: Use this package to install or upgrade NetVault Backup Server on 32-bit or 64-bit systems.
netvault-<RYYYYMMMDD>-vx.x.x.x-Server-{LinuxX86Pure64|WindowsX86Pure64}: Use this package to install or upgrade NetVault Backup Server on pure 64-bit systems.

For client installations, make sure that you select the appropriate package based on your system.

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NetVault Plug-in for SnapShot Manager - 11.4.5
Release Notes
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