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NetVault Plug-in for Nutanix AHV 13.0.1 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Plug-in for Nutanix AHV

NetVault Plug-in for Nutanix AHV: at a glance

NetVault Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV: at a glance

Quest® NetVault® Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV (Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV) uses a web-based user interface (WebUI) and automated workflow process to support a centralized way for configuring backup and restore policies for virtual environments. The plug-in offers a detailed level of control that minimizes downtime by letting you restore complete virtual machine (VM) images or individual disks. Through integration with a range of backup devices, your data is protected and stored offsite to meet your disaster-recovery and business-continuity goals.

Key benefits

Increase confidence when deploying the plug-in: Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV is flexible enough to account for many recovery scenarios. By relying on the plug-in to implement your backup policies, you can focus on more critical tasks without risking your ability to recover what is needed if a failure occurs. Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV also empowers you to create a comprehensive and flexible backup policy and reduces the need for scripting, which may increase the risk of syntax or human errors.
Reduce risk with flexible backup and recovery options: Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV equips administrators with a powerful set of tools to simplify backup and recovery of business-critical VMs. Crash-consistent snapshots protect VMs with file-level consistency. Application-consistent snapshots protect VMs with application-level consistency. Full image-level backups protect the VM from failures while also providing flexibility to support test environments and disaster recoveries. Individual-disk recovery supports the attachment of a disk to an applicable VM, which provides the flexibility of restoring a disk instead of a complete VM. Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV offers the choice to restore a complete VM image or individual disks.
Shorten backup windows and improve device usage: Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV speeds VM image-level backups with high-performance Incremental and Differential Backups for data stored in VMs. The plug-in uses the Change Regions API from Nutanix to track changed data, thereby backing up only changed data.
Maximize information technology (IT) efficiency: Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV reduces administrator involvement in the recovery process while delivering faster and more reliable recoveries. Less-experienced personnel can initiate restores, thus reducing downtime and improving business continuity and freeing administrators from being available 24x7. Less-experienced personnel can also perform routine administrative options, thus empowering administrators to create comprehensive backup policies with a reduced need to understand Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV internals. The plug-in uses an automated workflow with point-and-click options for tasks such as defining backups and submitting job scheduling.
Ensure business continuity: With offsite backups being an important part of the data-protection plan for business-critical applications, the plug-in takes advantage of NetVault’s integration with a range of backup devices. Plug‑in for Nutanix AHV gives you the confidence that your virtualized environments are protected and stored offsite for disaster-recovery purposes.

Feature summary

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NetVault Plug-in for Nutanix AHV - 13.0.1
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