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NetVault Plug-in for Domino 12.4 - Release Notes

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in for Domino 12.4

Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for Domino 12.4
These release notes provide information about the Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug‑in for Domino release.

About this release

Quest NetVault Backup (NetVault Backup) Plug‑in for Domino (Plug‑in for Domino) 12.4 is a minor release, with enhanced features and functionality. For complete product documentation, visit


Added support for multiple instances — partitioned server — of the Domino Server.

DNPD-82, DNPD-315 (15299, LNG‑174)

Added an Ignore No Logged Database Log Warnings in Backups option that lets you skip Completed with warnings messages for backup jobs that do not include logged databases.


Added support for recovery of Full Backups without restoring Incremental Backups.


Improved the plug-in to detect conditions on Linux systems for which a backup or restore job is terminated because the NetVault Process Manager has been stopped on the NetVault Backup Server or Client. If a condition is detected and the shutdown time window allows it, the plug-in terminates the connection to the Domino Server. Note that forced shutdowns might not allow enough time for graceful termination of the processes.


Added support for targeting a Quest DR Series system.


Added support for Windows Server 2016.


Optimized logging for large backups by reducing the number entries in the binary log that NetVault Backup generates.


If you use the Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS) and use the plug-in to back up the items in the DAOS repository, the plug-in performs the restore process as part of a filesystem-style restore instead of using the NetVault Backup Domino agent.


Added support for Windows Server 2019.


Added support for Domino Server 9.0.1 FP10.


Added support for Domino Server 10.0.


Added support for targeting software-defined Quest QoreStor™ storage devices. For more information on creating and using QoreStor devices, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.


Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 7.


Added a Mark transaction log files as archived option for backups. If you use Transactional Logging on your Domino Server and you select this option, the plug-in notifies the Domino Server when the Transaction Logs have been archived and are available for reuse by the Domino Server.


Added support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12.


Added support for Domino Server 10.0.1.


Known issues

DAOS configured on a Lotus Domino Server running on Linux/UNIX: When DAOS is configured for a Lotus Domino Server running on Linux or UNIX, cold backups and cold restores might fail with a message from the client that states: “Plug-in terminated unexpectedly” or “Plug-in is down.”

Workarounds for cold restore:

To change the DAOS_LOAD and DAOS_Enable settings from 1 to 0 (DAOS_LOAD=0 and DAOS_Enable=0), edit the Lotus Domino Server’s “notes.ini” file, and try the restore again. If you try this method and if the “notes.ini” file must be restored, restore it after the other items are successfully restored. This process ensures that the modified settings are retained in the active file.
If you try the latter method and the “notes.ini” file does not have to be restored, edit the file again to change the DAOS_LOAD and DAOS_Enable settings back to 1 before you restart the Lotus Domino Server.

Workaround for cold backup:

To change the DAOS_LOAD and DAOS_Enable settings from 1 to 0, edit the Lotus Domino Server’s “notes.ini” file, and try the backup again. After the backup has completed successfully, edit the “notes.ini” file again to change the DAOS_LOAD and DAOS_Enable settings back to 1 before you restart the Lotus Domino Server.

DNPD-285 (26124)

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