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NetVault Bare Metal Recovery 14.0 - User Guide for NetVault Server

Introducing NetVault Bare Metal Recovery for NetVault Server

About NetVault Bare Metal Recovery for NetVault Server

Quest® NetVault® Bare Metal Recovery for Quest® NetVault® Server is a specially packaged version of NetVault Bare Metal Recovery that provides offline bare metal protection for NetVault Servers running on x86/x86-64-based operating systems that use locally-attached tape-based devices. The bare metal recovery (BMR) image of the NetVault Server is taken by a CD that is preloaded with a NetVault Server, the Plug-in Server, and the drdaemon process. The BMR image can then be transferred to a direct-attached tape-based library or standalone tape drive for recovery in case disaster recovery is needed for the NetVault Server.

NetVault Bare Metal Recovery for NetVault Server:

Does not support shared VTLs (SVTLs) or NetVault SmartDisk.

Offline backup process overview

Offline backup of a NetVault Server for bare metal recovery is achieved by performing the following:

For more information, see Performing an offline backup.

Offline recovery process overview

Offline bare metal recovery of a NetVault Server is achieved by performing the following steps:

For more information, see Performing an offline recovery.

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