SSDM Scheduling Administration utility
The SSDM Scheduling Administration utility lets you control when users can run the SSDM (Self-Service Desktop Migrator) to more evenly distribute the demand on network and server resources. Each user collection is assigned a specific date and time period when its member users are permitted to migrate. When a user runs the SSDM, the program identifies the user by his or her login credentials and checks the schedule to see whether the user is early, late, or “in the window” for his or her migration.
The SSDM Scheduling Administration utility also lets you set per-collection limits on the number of concurrent migration runs to prevent processing bottlenecks that can occur if too many users run the SSDM at the same time. If a user’s SSDM run exceeds the limit, the user has the option of “parking” the run in a waiting queue so that his or her migration would run in the next available slot.
To use these features, you must install and configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and the SSDM Scheduling Administration web service. This procedure differs depending on whether you install IIS IIS version 7 and higher.
To install IIS 7 manually, see Microsoft’s instructions at: windows-server-2008-r2
To install IIS 7 using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
Download and run the Microsoft Web Platform Installer (Web PI) from Microsoft:
Click I Accept to accept the license terms of the associated third-party and Microsoft software.
On the Web Platform tab, select the Web Server option Click to include the recommended products, and click Install.
When the installation completes, click Finish and click Exit.
To configure IIS 7 for the SSDM Scheduling Administration web service:
Create a new virtual directory:
In the IIS Manager window, right-click on Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory from the menu.
On the Add Virtual Directory screen, complete the fields and click OK.
Alias: Enter SSDMSchedulingWebService.
Physical path: Browse ([...]) to locate the SSDMSchedulingWebService path (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest\Migrator for Notes to Exchange\SSDM Scheduling Web Service\).
Convert the new virtual directory to an application: Right-click on SSDMSchedulingWebService, and select Convert to Application from the pop-up menu.
Change the DefaultAppPool's Identity to a user with access to SQL:
Right-click on DefaultAppPool, and select Advanced Settings from the menu.
In the Advanced Settings window: In the Identity field, browse ([...]) to specify a user who has SQL access.
Click OK.
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