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erwin Evolve 2020.2.1 - Release Notes

erwin Evolve 2020.2.1 Release Notes

What's New in erwin Evolve 2020.2

What's New in erwin Evolve 2020.2


erwin Evolve 2020.2 is the latest release of the erwin Evolve Suite and Erwin Evolve Web Platform.

Major Release 2020.2

Major Release 2020.2

Following the positive reception of Web Modeler in Evolve 2020.1, this release brings new key features and some significant enhancements, including; a new UI for the Diagram Manager, improved Draft Management, automatic diagram template synchronization and in-place editing of shapes. 

In addition to these welcome improvements, there have been some significant enhancements to erwin Evolve and Communicator for Word.

Features and Fixes of release 2020.2.0:

Web Modeler:

Key Feature: Improved draft management user experience on the Web modeler home page

oMore useful information on the thumbnail, with additional details on the preview
(e.g., Created By, Creation Date, Updated Date).

oSwitch between Name and Title view.

oFloating buttons on the preview panels to reduce wasted space.

oLarge preview on clicking on the thumbnail.

oSearch and sort by name or by title, and additional sort by date modified.



oFilters to reduce the list to a more manageable number of panels

Filter by Diagram Type and Diagram Creator

Also filter using a ‘From Date’, a ‘To Date’ or Between Dates

Key Feature: A new UI to create a draft diagram from the diagram manager in Web Modeler.

oEasy selection of the diagram type, with helpful type-based images and a search box.

oName can be chosen prior to creating the draft.

Key feature: Diagram Template Synchronization

oNo need to re-publish your site or use the template synchronizer each time a diagram template is changed. They now sync automatically, and new templates are available immediately.

Key Feature: Association names are now displayed on association links (NB: Regions on lines are not yet supported)


Other Web Modeler improvements:

oMove shapes using the cursor keys. Select a shape, and use the arrow keys to move it up, down, left, and right in steps. Using CTRL + Cursor key will move it pixel by pixel for fine control. Use of the arrow keys without a selected shape will move the diagram view, as before.

oIn-place editing of shapes – use a second click on a shape to allow the naming of the shape directly within the shape. This incorporates global search to find existing objects, during in-place edit.

oWarning now given if user tries to change styles on shapes that have style controlled by regions. Helps the user understand why a change they make, has no impact.

oUndo / Redo is now featured on the toolbar and supports restore of objects as well as shapes, in a more intuitive way.

oWarning now given if the user dismisses their changes (or changes selection) on the right hand panel. The option to save the changes is offered in a simple dialog.

oTitle shape and Version Control shape now available on the palette, and the Version Control includes the ability to switch on and off the desired fields in the block.

Other Evolve enhancements:

Key Feature: Draft management in evolve now has added details on draft tiles

oIncluding; Created By, Updated By, Created Date, Updated Date.

Key Feature: Draft preview now available on Draft Management pages in Evolve. Just click on the image in the panel for a larger preview.

Key Feature: When creating a draft diagram from a published diagram, Evolve will now ask if you wish to use a previously created draft for this published diagram, if one (or more) exist.

Notification for diagram draft creation from Evolve now includes a hyperlink, to get you to the draft diagram.


Word Reporting (Document Generator):

This release brings a major re-architecture for our Word reporting solution (Document Generator). As we have moved more to the Web Platform, it felt time that our long-standing reporting solution was brought along too. In order to achieve this, extensive new REST APIs have been added to the product. to enable the Microsoft Word based plugin, to communicate live to the Evolve Web Platform. This means that it is no longer necessary to run XML exports from the desktop tool to design reports in Word, and more significantly, it is no longer necessary to generate XML to produce a report.

The new solution offers a login to the Evolve REST API (simple authentication only at present) and will dynamically acquire the meta model and content to allow report design without the complexity of XML files. Once your report is designed, a press of the generate button will fetch only the data needed to produce the report, and the report will be displayed as it always has been.

Batch mode has not been forgotten in this upgrade. It is also possible to batch generate reports using this new technology, again simplifying the process, and reducing the data load time and stress on the database server.


Security and Maintenance:

Many third-party components updated to improve security, including:

oUpdate to .NET Framework 4.8


Extended Service Release 2020.2.1

Extended Service Release 2020.2.1

What is new in this release?

erwin Evolve 2020.2.1 is the new release that comes with significant enhancements and updates including an effortless auto display of associations between the shapes, a new button to place the missing associations, new UI in the draft manager page. And a lot more improvements and fixes for a much better experience.

Evolve Web Platform

oEvolve site updates improved. It is now possible to publish an Evolve site while in use, without side effects. This means new objects and properties added to the meta model will take effect immediately without the need to recycle the Evolve web application. This provides a more seamless experience for your end users.

oAble to delete draft diagrams from the draft selection dialog in Evolve

oEvolve REST/API improvements for Document Generator Live

oGlobal Search in the Web Platform has been upgraded to use the latest version of Elastic Search, taking advantage of the most recent security updates, particularly around Log4J.

Due to changes in the Elastic database, a reindex of Global Search is required.


NB: In some systems the memory usage for Elastic Search can be higher than the previous version. If this is an issue it can be adjusted by performing some simple settings changes in the JAVA options file. See Troubleshooting in the Evolve Web Platform documentation



Web Modeler

oAutomatic display of associations when existing objects are added to a diagram

oNew button to add missing association to diagrams



oDraft Manager now has better filtering and pagination

Evolve Suite

oAdded support to Validate Repository to fix issues with Global Search Data. Now able to correct missing items or remove ghost items.


Evolve Web Platform and Evolve Suite must be installed on the same machine



oAdded support for Quest licensing (note that Casewise licenses will still work in this release). This will be the final release that Casewise licenses will function. New licenses will be issued with the 2022.0.0 release later in the year.


oUpdated many components to ensure Evolve is up to date on security patches

List of Enhancements and Fixes

2020.2.1 Service Release (329/455)

RFA / Issue



[Evolve Web] – Now displays the date a static page was last rendered, to help understand how accurate the data might be


[Evolve Web/Web Modeler] – Improved display of draft diagram cards in both Evolve and Web Modeler


[Web Modeler] - Region for Macro process object in Hierarchy template is now displayed in web modeler.


[Web Modeler] - Fixed an issue where the z-order could be incorrect for association lines


[Evolve] - Able to delete draft diagrams from the draft selection dialog in Evolve


[Web Modeler] - Fixed an issue where Title and Version control shapes could block editing of draft diagram


[Web Modeler] - Fix publish diagram issue on Conceptual Data Model template


[Web Modeler] - Add missing associations to a diagram on demand


[Web Modeler] - Add missing associations to a diagram when existing shapes added to a diagram


[Web Modeler] - Drafts popup now displays correctly


[Evolve] - Live update of Evolve site is now more seamless


Updated Software Transaction Agreement [STA]


[Evolve Designer] - No longer need to manually press button to encrypt passwords


[Diagram Draft Manager] - Now using thumbnail images in Evolve and Web Modeler, to improve performance


[Workflow] - Task history now shows all items, even if multiple tasks made by the same user.


[Web Modeler and Evolve] - Various styling changes to improve user experience.


Replace Elasticsearch 6.4.0 with the current latest 7.16.2 to mitigate risks with Log4J –

 Note: This requires a reindex of global search


[Web Modeler] - Draft Manager now improved with pagination support


[Web Modeler] - Draft Manager filters are now saved with the user profile


[Web Modeler] - Now displays rich text (enhanced/html) properties in the popout.

Note: They are not editable.

2020.2.0 Major Release (254/435)

RFA / Issue



[Web Modeler] [6961911] – Shape previews on tool palette now vanish correctly


[Web Modeler] [9849187, 9849196] –Title now displays better inside tiles when the title is long


[Web Modeler] [8046669] – Better error message when user has insufficient rights to create a diagram


[Web Modeler] [9851120] – Object properties correctly filled in some specific cases


[Web Modeler] [9851121] - Object names are now selectable when the category matches


[Global Search] [9851287] – Handling of text containing < > braces in a Description, now consistent with plain text


[Global Search] - Model names with trailing spaces issue, now fixed


[8571292] Cache selection now correctly defaults to Off


[4268070/1] Server-side Jump and Merge now correctly sorts forwards and backwards


[Web Modeler] [9849086] – Duplicating a diagram now has the correct diagram name


[Global Search] [9848072] – now allows < > braces in the search


[Global Search] [9850746] – No longer stalls when the audit has large gaps in history


[Global Search] [9850744] – Correctly removes all traces of a model when the model is deleted


[Global Search] [9852247] – Some deleted items were remaining in the search indexes, now fixed


[4089753] Pie chart now shows the number separator (comma or space) correctly


[6695574] Dates of 12/30/1899 now correctly display as blank


[4057176] Removing a site from Evolve, now correctly cleans up the site file


[9155754] IN filter now works correctly for integer-based values


[9849197] Breadcrumbs now display correctly when the text becomes too long to fit


[9852465] Evolve designer no longer gets stuck on invalid IN operators when designing a filter


[9852552] When using SAML2 an App Pool recycle no longer causes authentication to get stuck. User no longer gets an empty response, instead asked to click, to re-authenticate. (AKA – Timeout issue)


[9854655 / SR4928946] Switching the sanitizer off (not recommended) no longer causes Social Comments fail to save.


[9849195] Fixed an issue where Web Modeler appears to ‘go to sleep’. If left, Evolve would be shut down by IIS, and on restarting would be unresponsive in Web Modeler for up to 3-5 mins, before operating correctly


[9858893] Evolve no longer fails to complete the site generation if a single auto-diagram fails to generate. It will continue, and report the failed diagram


Several incorrectly reported error messages are now removed from the log output to improve clarity of the reports

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