Displays the list of vtl-related options that can be used as a reference when using the DR Series system CLI.
vtl --help
Usage: vtl --show [--verbose] [--name <name>] vtl --update_carts --name <name> --add --no_of_tapes <number> vtl --activate --name <name> [--force <yes|no>] vtl --deactivate --name <name> vtl --rescan --name <name> [--id <number>] vtl --show_replstate --name <name> vtl --help vtl <command> <command-arguments> <command> can be one of: --show Displays command specific information. --update_carts Add cartridges --activate Activate a replica VTL --deactivate De-activate a replica VTL --rescan Rescan a replica VTL --set_rw Set drives in a vtl container to read write --show_replstate Show replication state of a container For comman-specific help, please type vtl --help <command> eg: vtl --help show