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InTrust 11.6 - InTrust Reports

InTrust Report Lists

Administrative Reports

This section contains a list of reports included in the InTrust 11.5.1 Administrative Reports Report Pack.

InTrust Configuration

InTrust agents

This InTrust report summarizes information about InTrust agents deployed in your environment. It also directs you to details of events related to agents.

InTrust servers

This InTrust report shows information about specific InTrust servers and internal InTrust events related to those servers. The report helps analyze how InTrust functions in your environment.

InTrust sessions

This InTrust report summarizes information about InTrust sessions and directs to details of each session. You can use the report to investigate any problems that particular tasks or jobs may have had.

InTrust sites

This InTrust report shows information about specific InTrust sites and internal InTrust objects related to those sites. The report helps analyze how InTrust functions in your environment.

InTrust tasks

This InTrust report summarizes information about InTrust tasks configured in your environment. It also directs you to details of task progress.

InTrust Events

InTrust Server events details

This InTrust report shows details of events logged by InTrust servers, helping you control how InTrust functions in your environment. This report is similar to InTrust events summary except that it does not provide statistics and is meant to quickly provide information on InTrust Server events that you are interested in.

InTrust Server events summary

This InTrust report shows statistics on events logged by InTrust servers, helping you control how InTrust functions in your environment.

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