Basically, reports are generated in two steps.
Allows you to either include or exclude inherited ACEs in mailbox ACLs in security reports.
Restricts report content to the users that have the specified administrator roles.
A space-delimited list of keywords used to search the body of items in databases.
Restricts report content to include users with the specified city.
Restricts the report content to the company name that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the server connectors that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the distinguished name of the database that you select.
Restricts the report content to the date range that you specify.
Used to determine whether you want date and time data to appear in UTC or local server time.
Restricts the report content to the business department that you specify.
Note: Ensure that the Department attribute is defined for each mailbox account. If the attribute is not defined, null or blank record sets appear in the report and aggregated departmental information may not be accurate. The Department attribute must be defined using Microsoft Exchange.
Restricts the report content to the destination Exchange organization that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the destination region that you specify.
Note: The Region filter list may contain <NULL> as an option. This is valid option, as some servers in our Exchange organization may not be specifically assigned to a region. If you select <NULL>, the report contains all servers not assigned to a region.
Restricts the report content to the destination server that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the destination servers with the role that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the detail that you select:
Summary indicates that you want to include only aggregated data.
Daily indicates that you want detailed records grouped by day.
Hourly indicates that you want detailed records grouped in hourly increments (where available).
Restricts the report content to the Display Name that you specify.
Note: The Mailbox Profile report requires that you select a mailbox display name. If you do not select a name, the report does not render.
Display Options define the components you want to include on the report:
Data and Graph presents a graph at the top of the report
followed by a corresponding data table.
Data Only presents data table and suppresses the graph
Graph Only presents a graph and suppresses the corresponding data table.
Indicates whether you want to include thresholds on your graphs. By default, threshold lines are not included. To enable threshold lines on the graphs, click Yes. For information about thresholds, see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.
Restricts the report content to the distribution group that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the domain that you specify.
The file extension (such as .doc or .xls) of an attachment to an item in an database.
A space-delimited list of keywords used to search the filenames of attachment of items in databases.
Restricts the report content to the public folder that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the public folder path that you specify.
Inactive for this number of days (Required)
Restricts the report content to the internal namespace that you specify.
The delivery date for an item in an database.
Restricts the report content to the mail contact that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the mailbox email address that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the mailbox distinguished name that you specify.
Allows you to view mailbox growth trends for primary or archive mailboxes or both.
Restricts the report results to the mailbox server or the DAG associated with the mobile device.
Restricts the report content to the public folder mailbox name that you specify.
Restricts the report content to databases with the number of mailboxes that you specify.
Restricts the report content to mailboxes associated with the specified office.
Restricts the report content to the Exchange organization that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the organizational unit that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange organization that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating region that you specify.
Note: The Region filter list may contain <NULL> as an option. This is valid option, as some servers in our Exchange organization may not be specifically assigned to a region. If you select <NULL>, the report contains all servers not assigned to a region.
Restricts the report content to the originating server that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating servers with the role that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the mail originator.
Restricts the report content to aggregations for the period of time that you specify. You can restrict the report content to the most recent week, month, or quarter.
Note: You must have data for at least part of the period you select. The week, month, and quarter periods are absolute, based on the last completed period.
Restricts the report content to the Skype for Business or Lync Server pool that you specified.
Restricts the report content to the public folder that you specify.
Limits the report content to the public folder mailbox that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the mail recipient.
Restricts the report content to the mail recipients.
Restricts the report content to the region that you specify.
Note: Regions must be defined in the MessageStats Console. For information about regions, please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.
Restricts the report content to the specified region where the public folder replica exists.
Note: Regions must be defined in the MessageStats Console. For information about regions, please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.
Restricts the report content to the replica server that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the number of replicas that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the replica server roles that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the number of records that you specify.
Note: When you select a number greater than 50, be aware that MessageStats Reports displays a maximum of 50 records in a graph, but displays unlimited records in a table.
Restricts the report content to the specified Exchange server.
Restricts the report content to the specified Exchange servers.
Restricts the report content to include only the Microsoft Online services that you specify.
Allows you to include archive mailboxes in the displayed report.
Indicates if you want to show hidden mail contacts on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden mail contacts.
Hidden includes only hidden mail contacts.
Non Hidden includes no hidden mail contacts.
Indicates if you want to show hidden distribution groups on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden distribution groups.
Hidden includes only hidden distribution groups.
Non Hidden includes no hidden distribution groups.
Indicates if you want to include mailboxes for hidden users on the report.
All includes both hidden and non hidden mailboxes.
Hidden includes only hidden mailboxes.
Non Hidden includes no hidden mailboxes.
All includes all public folders, both system and noh-system folders.
Non System filters out all the system public folders.
System filters out all the non-system public folders.
Since the public folder reports show only non-system public folders by default, you can use the Show Public Folders filter to include both system and non-system public folders, or to show only system or only non-system public folders. You can insert the Is System Folder to indicate which public folders are system and which are not.
Restricts the report content to the message size that you specify.
Restricts the report content to include only the SMTP domains you specify.
Restricts the report content to the data source that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange organization that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating region that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the originating Exchange server that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the gathering status that you specify.
For more information please see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.
Limits the report content to users that have the specified subscription company name.
Restricts the report content to the used volume percentage that you specify.
Allows you to filter the report by the total number of mailboxes.
A list of recipients of an item in an database.
Restricts the report content to the size of the volume that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the volume of the message databases that you specify.
Indicate your graph display preference for the report.
Display Neither suppresses both trend lines and forecasts.
Trend Only includes trend lines, but not forecasts.
Trend and Forecast includes both trend lines and forecasts.
Restricts the report content to the user account that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the user name that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the volume that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the volumes with the percentage of used space that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the volume size that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the department associated with the user.
Restricts the report content to the Display Name that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the Domino domain that you specify.
Limits the report to the Domino domain in which the mail file is located.
Allows you to limit the report content to specific mail files (.nsf).
Allows you to limit the report content to the specified mail file owners.
Restricts the report content to the Domino mail servers that you specify.
Restricts the report content to the Domino servers that you specify.
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