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Download Rapid Recovery 6.10 Agent Installer - RHEL 7,8,9 and CentOS x64


XFS volumes are only supported on RedHat OS 7 and 8 for agentless backup on VMware and Hyper-V.
XFS volumes are not supported on RedHat OS 7 and 8 for agent-based backups.
Please see solution SOL4375656 in our Knowledge Base for further information.

Rapid Recovery Agent Installer - RHEL 7,8,9 and CentOS x64.

Note that there may be specific minor versions of CentOS /RHEL that are or are not supported by this version of Rapid Recovery. For the complete list of supported Linux distributions check out the "Systems Requirement Guide" under the section "Rapid Recovery Agent Software Requirements." There is a button at the bottom of this page that can direct you to the Guide.

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SHA256: B9CCD160E2CAE881162E1C57835F533B45D02441C475AEFCCD0D922D842A781D