
NetVault 13.2 - Release Notes

Resolved issues

NetVault WebUI displays Labels Placeholders (BTN_SIGN_IN, CLIENT_STATUS_TITLE. etc) instead of displaying the actual labels, in particular, for tabs running WebUI NetVault other than the first tab that is running NetVault WebUI


Datacopy Phase 2 job always failed between two DataDomain (both Datadomains are of same version: DDOS 7.2) when "Use optimised replication” is selected between devices that support this feature on Datacopy Plug-in option.


“Shared Memory (Kb) Used for Process Table” default values in Japanese local


Upgrade to NetVault 13.1.x: RAS device, for example QoreStor getting full as segments seems not to be deleted by NetVault; medmgrretiredrassegment columns actualbyteswrriten, iscdpsegment, and v3imageinfo are missing


Workflows using BACKUP_TARGET may crash; NVBU/base/include/jobs/guijobcontents.h BACKUP_TARGET object format was changed but object magic was not changed to allow to use versions of the BACKUP_TARGET object


After adding missing columns to SmartDisk and NetVault (as per NV-3321), the newly generated segments are not expired in SmartDisk, and the retired RAS segments table keeps growing in NetVault. The indices are deleted with success but the segments are not deleted.


‘nvexpiresaveset’ should also allow editing 'only duplicates’ life


Known issues

When performing a push install from NetVault Server running on a CentOS 6 32-bit operating system to Windows Server 2019, the temporary share created on the target server cannot be mounted on the CentOS machine, which causes the operation to fail. This issue also prevents the share created on the Windows Server 2019 machine from being added as a package store to the NetVault Server running on the CentOS 6 32-bit operating system.


If you are using Huawei OceanStor Device Manager and a snapshot is mounted on multiple NetVault clients, unmounting that snapshot from any one of the NetVault Clients also unmounts the snapshot from all NetVault Clients.

NV-64, NVBU‑18684

When created on a Windows 32-bit operating system with a NetVault 13.0 hybrid installation, array-based persistent snapshots fail.


When multistreaming jobs, the Job Status may not represent the exact amount of data backed up, as aggregation logic is inaccurate for multiple streams.

Workaround: View the Device Activity.


In the WebUI, the configuration setting for the license warning message does not work properly.


On a Windows server, when upgrading and performing a hybrid-to-pure migration, the catalog service does not start.


When a user installs a version of a plug-in that is prior to 13.0, an “installation successful” message appears, along with a warning that the user must manually install a temporary or permanent license.


A DataCopy phase 2 job fails with a crash dump when DataCopy starts from DDOS version 6.0 to 7.2 using DD Boost devices.


In Push Installation, if the installation path is /usr, the installation fails and then removes the contents of the /usr directory on the target machine, which includes the system commands and libraries from /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/lib, and /usr/lib64 directories.

Workaround: When using Push Installation, use /usr/netvault as the installation path.


Resolved an issue where a blank Job Monitor page loaded when using Internet Explorer version 11.


The procedure for creating a continuous data protection (CDP) backup job is not available from the NetVault Guided Configuration screen.


A CDP job that runs for an extended amount of time may prevent a VMware 6.7 VM from being locked again for future jobs.

Workaround: Before you begin taking CDP backups, upgrade VMware to version 7.x.


Unable to run two Instant Restore jobs from two different NetVault Servers at the same time.

Workaround: Run one job after the other by deleting the NFS connection before the second job.


When a CDP saveset has an excluded data disk, Instant Restore fails


While editing a restore selection set on the Edit Selection Set page, the Next button is disabled.

Workaround: Select or clear the data selection tree check box on the Edit Selection Set page.


The diagnostic data for some NetVault Client machines with an older configuration is intermittently collected only partially due to a timeout.

Workaround: Increase the value in the Physical Client Long Timeout field of the Web Service dialog box.


Quest DR Device is not accessible after you change the DR Device user password.


CLI displaying non English characters incorrectly. For example,

NVBU-13974 (31104)

The restore job from NDMP backup data copied to 256Kib drive fails and displays an “NDMP data does not start on a block boundary” error message.

Workaround: https://support.quest.com/netvault/kb/212701

DNNDMP-657 (31825)

On the Manage Devices page, in Tree View, clicking Scan starts scanning the selected slot, drive, or library immediately. It does not show the Minimum life for imported backups (days) dialog box or confirmation message.

NVBU-14745 (32197)

On the Manage Devices page, in Tree View, you cannot select multiple media from the list of available media for a bulk blank operation.

NVBU-14758 (32214)

On the Manage Devices page, in Tree View, you cannot select multiple media from the list of available media for a bulk label operation.

NVBU-14759 (32215)

When performing backups with the NetVault Plug-in for Teradata, if the number of parallel streams exceeds the SoftStreamLimit set for the target NetVault SmartDisk, the backup job stops responding.

NVBU-389 (1948)

When a backup that is configured as “restartable” is duplicated, only the data backed up in the last restarted instance of the job is duplicated.

NVBU-1160 (3971, (NVG‑4022)

In NetVault with a non-English locale, the Running Status field does not display a current job status as the output of nvreport command and Report Job.

NVBU-1186 (3997) (NVG‑4206)

On Linux- and UNIX-based systems, the progress message that is displayed during NetVault installation is displayed correctly only if the system is configured to use the UTF-8 character set.

NVBU-10588 (26249)

If the Network Manager process (nvnmgr) stops responding due to any error and fails to exit properly, it prevents the NetVault Service from starting on that machine.

Workaround: If this error occurs, manually stop or end the nvnmgr process before restarting the NetVault Service.

NVBU-11005 (26778)

After upgrading to Firefox 31, if you try to log in to the NetVault WebUI, the following error message is displayed:

Issuer certificate is invalid. (Error code: sec_error_ca_cert_invalid)

The new security library security.use_mozillapkix_verification raises this certification error when you try to access a self-signed certificate.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, do the following:

Locate the preference security.use_mozillapkix_verification, and set it to false.

NVBU-11321 (27189)

On Windows, if a copy of a “.cfg” file is created in the <NetVault home>/config directory, the WebUI may display empty or partly empty dialog boxes when the settings are accessed from the Change Settings page after restarting the service.

NVBU-12734 (29149)

Under certain conditions, the NetVault Server may be unable to determine the status of the push installation task on a remote client. In such cases, the task status may remain in the “Running” state. This error can occur under the following conditions:

Subsequent tasks remain in a “Pending” state until you cancel the previous task.

NVBU-13610 (30508)

When performing push installations, if you use any illegal characters in the machine password for a new client, the remote installer reports an error and fails to install the software on the client.

NVBU-13632 (30537)

If the server IP address is used to configure a local package store (for example, \\\PkgStore), the user credentials are not validated when the package store is added or updated. If you specify invalid credentials, no errors are reported. However, the deployment task fails if the authentication fails and the packages cannot be retrieved from the store. Therefore, Quest recommends that you use the server name when configuring the path to a local store (for example, \\WinServer1\PkgStore).

NVBU-13647 (30558)

Known issues related to Plug-in for RDA on Solaris:

Backing up file system data from Solaris clients to DR Series Systems: When you perform file system backups to DR Series systems, the backups run in the Passthrough mode by default. You can change the default setting on the DR Series system to run backups in the Dedupe mode, but you may experience slow backup performance in this mode.
Restoring data from a DR Series System to a Solaris Client: When you run multiple restore jobs at the same time, it can affect the performance of individual jobs and result in low aggregate throughput.

NVBU-13678 (30596)

Known issues related to DR Series Systems:

When performing a backup using the NetVault Plug-in for VMware (Plug-in for VMware), if you set the client mode type to dedupe, the throughput is lower when compared with the passthrough mode. If you do not set the client mode on the DR Series system, the Plug-in for RDA automatically chooses the best mode for the backup.


On a Linux system, NetVault fails to access a DR Series system if you do the following:

When you remove the plug-in, it deletes the directory /usr/local/oca-libs, which causes an error when NetVault tries to access the device.

Workaround: After removing the plug-in, complete the following steps:

Ensure that the /usr/local/oca-libs directory has been removed. If not, remove the directory.


The Delete Non-Scheduled Jobs option is intended to delete unscheduled jobs after a specified period. Because the jobs using the Triggered schedule type have no physical scheduled time, they are also deleted after the specified period elapses. If you are using Triggered jobs in your NetVault environment, do not use the Delete Non-Scheduled Jobs option.


When using NetVault Plug-in for NDMP (Plug-in for NDMP), if you run multiple jobs with the auto-deletion option set to “On,” the parent and child jobs may still be listed on the Job Status page.

Workaround: To correct this issue, close the NetVault WebUI, and start it again. There is no need to stop and restart the NetVault Service.


The canned report “Disk Storage Devices — General” is intended for the NetVault SmartDisk devices; this report does not show details about the DR Series systems and Data Domain Systems.


After restoring the NetVault Database, when you restart the NetVault Service, the job status shows “Scheduler Aborted Whilst Job Running.” This message can be ignored.


On a Solaris (SPARC or x86-64) system, when the LANG variable is set to en_US.UTF-8, the restore job wizard does not display the filenames on the Create Selection Set page. This issue is not encountered when LANG is set to C.


If the default locale is changed (for example, from UTF8 to EUC or from EUC to UTF8), the EULA may not be displayed properly.

Workaround: To view the EULA, use a terminal that can display EUC character set.


Beginning with NetVault Backup 11.1, if Plug-in for Oracle or Plug-in for Informix is installed on a Linux machine where NetVault Server is also installed, the backups of the plug-ins may fail due to certain libraries loading.

Workaround: Add the NetVault library path to the NetVault startup.sh script. For example, on a Linux-based NetVault Server:



Pre-configured reports, including Disk Storage Devices - General, Front Side Data, Storage Utilization, and Storage Utilization - RAS, did not report the correct value for Licensed Protected Capacity.


Job details are not displayed when you click a policy job in the Job Status widget on the NetVault Dashboard page.


After running a job, when you go to the Job Status page to monitor the status of the job, it shows all the jobs with previously applied filters instead of showing all current activity.

Workaround: Select the Current Activity option in the View By job status filter option.


You cannot restore the data items of a network share backup located using the catalog search feature.


If you perform multi-stream backups to tape, select the Archive and Migration options in Backup Life, and identify an expiration date, the savesets are corrupted after the expiration is reached.



When a LUN is mounted on an unsupported volume and the disk information is retrieved for a snapshot, the disk properties shows for VMware disk and not Huawei or Compellent disk. This causes the snapshot to fail.

NV-47, NV-49, (NVBU-18642, DNFSP-1016)

In the NetVault WebUI, when editing the Notification Profile, Extra Environment variables do not display.


In specific instances, changing the time window in the server monitor from 8 hours to another time range then back to 8 hours results in an incorrect graph.

Workaround: Use the 12-hour or 24-hour setting.


The Unusable Media widget on the dashboard does not show media that must be recovered.


The error “duplicate key value violates unique constraint” message appears multiple times in the pg_sql log files.


For LTO-7 tapes, the Explore Storage page inaccurately displays the size of an unused tape.


When running a historic job report by date on a Japanese Standard Time server, not all information displays in the report.


The Storage Utilization report shows the wrong licensed capacity for SmartDisk.


While choosing a default plug-in option after switching the language, the Web UI goes into deadlock, and performs no further operations.


When you try to reset the locale from French to English from the Server Change Setting page, the NetVault Server goes into Safe Mode.


On Linux, when creating a Large_VTL, if the WebUI times out due to inactivity or the user closes the WebUI while the creation is still in progress, the VTL creation does not occur.

Workaround: In the WebUI, create a VTL using the “Re-add previously generated virtual device” option, and then, in the webservice.cfg file, increase the SessionExpiryTime.


When a large number of jobs are in Running state, the Job Status page hangs.


When using file immutability, removing a full backup saveset with no immutable files also removes persistent immutable Incremental Backup savesets.

Workaround: In the Advanced Options > Backup Life section, do NOT select Make Backup Immutable. If you select this option for an incremental backup but you do not select it for a full backup, if you try to delete the saveset, then an error occurs.

NV-2044, NV-2045

According to Plug-in for Advanced Encryption Release Notes:

The Plug-in for Advanced Encryption is incompatible with the following NetVault Backup Plug-ins:


If you enable the encryption for a backup, the saveset header indicates that the backup is encrypted, and when you try to restore the data, the plug-in requests for the encryption key. However, the saveset does not contain any encrypted data.

Plug-in Offline Client : It ignores the encryption settings as the client is taken offline for backup.
Plug-in Live Client : It cannot recover encrypted backups.


NDMP Plugin: Sec copy with “Use Life of Original” and 1 Day immutability not being honored.


Immutability not set as expected for phase 2 job which is created with ‘Duplicate’ option


NetVault job fails if it uses the same container with data stubbed for new jobs.


An Plug-in for Oracle restore job passes silently with errors when it should fail because the data is still on a QoreStor glacier tier.


A Plug-in for NDMP restore job succeeds when it should fail immediately as the data is archived with QoreStor.


QoreStor does not support multi-tenancy.

QS-437, DNR3‑71

If you run parallel backup or restore jobs on an AIX client with a QoreStor target, the jobs fail with a “Job Manger has lost the message channel unexpected” error message.

QS-4252, DNR3-870

When the Broadcast details to machines on local networks setting is disabled on a client, the nvclient utility fails to add the client.

Workaround: Use the nvclientadd -clientip <Client IP address> command to add the client.

NVBU-12966 (28829)

The asf_load_media command fails if the machine name contains any spaces.


When the asf_release_drive command is issued to various brands of library devices (for example, those containing various Exabyte or 9840 drives), a delay of up to eight (8) minutes may occur before a piece of media is unloaded.

Workaround: The workaround is to issue the “Unload” command from the NetVault WebUI.

In the Navigation pane, click Manage Devices, and then in the list of devices, click the applicable drive or the corresponding Manage Device icon.
On the Tape Drive Management page, click Unload.
The drive remains in and “Idle” state, and media are not unloaded as expected. If the logs for the selected device are viewed, an entry stating “Unload media in drive <X> failed — Device unavailable” is displayed. Repeat Step 2 to unload the media.


The range function does not work properly for the nvacslsmedia command.

Workaround: The workaround is to explicitly run this command for each media item that you want to allocate or deallocate. You can use a script to do this task.


When a space character is all that is specified for a library name with the nvcleandrive command, the first library on the Manage Devices page performs a clean operation on the specified drive. For example, if you run the command nvcleandrive libraryname “<space character only>” -librarydrivenumber <X>, NetVault automatically targets the first library on the Manage Devices page and perform a clean operation on drive <X>.


When a null value is specified with the nvexpiresaveset command, any random saveset is expired.


When you run the nvjobmodify command, the job is submitted to run, even if you do not include the “‑submit” option in the syntax.


When a null string is specified with the nvremovemedia command, the first entry is deleted from the Media Database.


The nvsetcleaninglives command does not report any errors if you configure incorrect values for the lives option.


The “-include” option for nvsetcreate cannot be used to specify data selections below the “Fixed Drives” node in the selection tree.


The nvsetmodify command cannot be used to modify Schedule Sets. You can create a set using nvsetcreate, and assign it the same name to overwrite the existing set.


On Windows-based installations, the nvsyncronizesilomedia command does not update the media status on the Manage Devices page.


In an environment where the NetVault Client is installed on a Linux machine and the NetVault Server is installed on a Windows machine, if a non-default user password contains eight or more characters, the Command-Line Interface (CLI) utilities fail.

Workaround: Reset the user password to one that contains seven or fewer characters.


When used to select nodes for backup and restore, the nvsetcreate command does not interpret a single quote and instead changes it to a blank space.

Workaround: To avoid this issue, write the string argument into a parameter file and use the nvsetcreate -parameters switch to specify the file.


The start date of some jobs in the CLI report is not the same as the GUI report for the Historic Jobs by date template.


Table 6. Plug-in for FileSystem known issues

On Snap Appliance Filers, data must only be relocated to existing directories. Items relocated to directories that do not exist cannot be accessed due to permissions settings on the newly created directories.

DNFSP-113 (13979, (FSG‑188)

On ZFS, if the backup data contains ACLs on extended attributes, the restore job fails when you use the default restore options. If errors occur on restore of metadata, select the Discard Metadata option to restore the data.

DNFSP-456 (14324, (FSG‑514)

On Solaris ZFS and UFS file systems, the files and directories for which only the extended attributes have changed do not qualify for Incremental Backups.

DNFSP-636 (14504, FSG‑684)

When restoring a Linux or UNIX backup to a Windows-based NetVault Client, the items are restored successfully, but the job generates the following warning and log context:

Log message: <num> items and their contents could not be restored

Log context: <filename>: writing to file: Incorrect function

These messages can be ignored.

DNFSP-718 (14586, FSG‑760)

NetVault does not allow Apple Xsan restores when there are no affinity tags on the target server.

DNFSP-727 (14596, FSG‑770)

The exclusion list is not enforced for a corrupt file in an Incremental Backup.


On Oracle Solaris hosts, enabling a multi-stream FileSystem backup causes Incremental Backup performance to appear similar or worse than a Full Backup.


If the name of a network share folder includes Japanese characters, NetVault does not add it.


The FileSystem backup and restore job fails to write an entry into the log file when the Path to Backup log and Path to Restore log options are selected.


On Windows 2008 and Windows 2003, the System State node does not include the Removable Storage Manager Database node.


The Verify After Backup option does not work for a restarted job instance.


When you submit a policy job created for a UNIX file system on a Windows system, the job status shows “Completed with Warnings,” but no data is backed up.


The following known issues apply to the Backup Windows File Short Names and Restore Windows File Short Names options:


Although VSS backups complete successfully, the message “Error deleting volume snapshot(s): VSS_E_BAD_STATE” is written to the NetVault logs.


If a job restores a Windows symbolic link (file created using mklink, not Windows shortcut), where the symbolic link file exists on the target file system and the data file the symbolic link targets also exists, the data in the targeted data file is lost. Ensure that the data files targeted by symbolic links are included in backups. Quest recommends that you delete the existing symbolic links that you want to restore from the target file system before running a restore job. To avoid any risks of data loss, you can also perform backup of data files possibly at risk before running the restore job.


When a symbolic link is restored, GuardianOS applies the Xattr attribute user.SnACL to it. This behavior is expected and does not have any negative effects.


Backups on GFS and GFS2 can stop responding if the files or directories are frozen.


In an environment with many direct automounts on Solaris Clients, a backup job may remain at “Waiting for Job Options” status while the Plug-in for FileSystem attempts to load the automounts temporarily to determine whether they are on remote systems. This delay can be alleviated by selecting the “Backup through Remote Mounts” option. If necessary, clear or exclude remote mounts or add the following stanza to the file nvfs.cfg:




Restore operation of multi-volume selection for an offhost backup fails after successful off-host backup for multi-volume selection.

NV-48 (NVBU‑18349)

The nvreport utility does not work in the MSP environment.


A tenant user can see and delete other tenant users’ Plug-in Options and Source sets.


System requirements


For complete supported platform information, see the Quest NetVault Compatibility Guide available at https://support.quest.com/technical-documents.


Memory requirements on a target system can vary based on the intended use.

Hard disk space

A NetVault server installation requires about 800 MB of disk space on Windows-based systems and 800 MB of disk space on Linux-based systems.

Operating system

NetVault Server

The server can be installed on the following operating systems:

NetVault Client

The client can be installed on the following operating systems:

For more information, see the Quest NetVault Compatibility Guide available at https://support.quest.com/technical-documents.

Web browser

The NetVault WebUI supports the following browsers:

Upgrade and compatibility

FIPS and NetVault Plug-in for Encryption: As of version 13.0.3, NetVault Plug-in for Encryption includes both a FIPS compliant AES-256 option and a non FIPS compliant AES-256 option. For more information about the NetVault Plug-in for Encryption FIPS compliant AES-256 and non FIPS compliant AES-256 encryption algorithms, see the Quest NetVault Built-in Plug-ins User’s Guide.
Licensing: NetVault Server 13.2 uses License Validator, which was introduced with NetVault 13.0. If you are running a NetVault Server version prior to 13.0, before you upgrade to 13.2, you must install the new license file on the NetVault Server. For more information, see “Upgrading NetVault” in the Quest NetVault Installation Guide.
Previous versions: NetVault 13.2 Server installations are backwards compatible with previous releases of the client and plug-ins. However, before you upgrade NetVault Server, download the license file for each licensed plug-in. Without the license file, the plug-in may stop working. For more information, see the Quest NetVault Installation Guide.
NetVault Server OS requirements: The NetVault Server installation is supported on Windows and Linux operating systems. The NetVault Server installation is not supported on Mac OS X and UNIX operating systems. For information about supported operating system versions, see the Quest NetVault Compatibility Guide available at https://support.quest.com/technical-documents. For information on migrating NetVault Server 9.2 from Mac OS X or UNIX to Windows or Linux, see https://support.quest.com/kb/SOL126805.
NetVault Database migration: Upgrade from 9.2 involves the migration of NetVault Database from proprietary format to the PostgreSQL database. The migration can take a significant amount of time depending on the size of your NetVault Database and other factors such as system performance.
Select the correct installation package on Linux and Windows: NetVault offers separate client‑only and server-only installation packages for Linux- and Windows-based systems. Both the server and the client packages are available in hybrid and pure 64-bit versions:
Hybrid server and client packages: The hybrid packages are intended for users who do not have a pure 64-bit-only requirement.
Pure 64-bit server and client packages: The pure 64-bit packages are intended for pure 64-bit operating systems. If you have a specific reason that you cannot use any 32-bit components (for example, you are using a Linux distribution that does not run 32-bit code), use these packages.
netvault-<RYYYYMMMDD>-vx.x.x.x-Server-{LinuxX86Hybrid|WindowsX86Hybrid}: Use this package to install or upgrade NetVault Server on 32-bit or 64-bit systems.
netvault-<RYYYYMMMDD>-vx.x.x.x-Server-{LinuxX86Pure64|WindowsX86Pure64}: Use this package to install or upgrade NetVault Server on pure 64-bit systems.
IMPORTANT: Before installing the hybrid package of NetVault on 64-bit Linux machines, ensure that all the required 32-bit libraries are installed on the system. For more information about the requirements, see the Quest NetVault Installation Guide. The installation process may fail silently if the installer is unable to find the required libraries on the system.
Table 9. Pure64 builds







































Licensed plug-ins: After upgrading to the latest version of NetVault, you may be unable to create new backup jobs with previously installed licensed plug-ins. This issue occurs in the following upgrade scenarios:
SNMP Trap Notification Object Identifier (OID): After you upgrade from NetVault 9.2, the OID for the SNMP Trap Notification method is changed.
NetVault Plug-in for NetWare (Plug-in for NetWare): NetVault 10.0 and later do not support Plug-in for NetWare.
Plug-in for VMware and NetVault Plug-in for Hyper-V (Plug-in for Hyper-V): After installing the Plug‑in for VMware or Plug-in for Hyper-V, if you upgrade the NetVault software, you must re‑install the plug-in on that machine. If you do not reinstall the plug-ins, you cannot open the Drives node of a mounted virtual machine to create any new file‑level backup jobs.
Device names containing multibyte characters: After upgrading from NetVault Server 9.2, a device that uses multibyte characters in its name must be removed and added again.

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