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A memory structure. Equates to a page that is currently held in memory (RAM).
SQL Server's main memory cache. The buffer cache is an in-memory copy of recently used database pages, and contains database, free, and stolen pages.
The buffer cache’s size is calculated by <free pages> * 8K / 1024.
The buffer pool is the total buffer memory used by SQL Server.
When the SQL Server starts, it begins by computing the upper size of the buffer pool, which is the maximum size to which the Server allows the buffer pool to grow. The lower value between the maximal buffer pool size and the amount of physical RAM on the disk is the total amount of memory currently allocated to SQL Server.
If the dynamic memory management mechanism is properly tuned, SQL Server can automatically tune its memory allocations based on the load it is processing and the demands of other Windows processes on the Server.
See BCP (Bulk Copy Program) .
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