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The Plug-in Offline Client includes a component known as VaultOS. VaultOS is a minimal OS that is used to boot a target DR client system to prepare it for backup or restore, depending on the plug-in in use. This minimal OS starts the target client, loads all applicable device drivers, and leaves its hard drive in a state suitable for either backup or restore.
There are two versions of the VaultOS, one that uses a Linux boot loader and one that uses a Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). The version that you choose to use also affects which Plug-in Offline Client features are available to use.
Review the following list of important notes regarding VaultOS. The things that you should be aware of varies depending on whether you are using the Linux-based VaultOS or the Windows PE-based VaultOS.
This topic details deployment scenarios for the following NetVault Bare Metal Recovery products.
This scenario is deployed when you want to perform offline or cold backups of Intel x86 Clients and you have deployed a Windows-based NetVault Backup Server.
The Plug-in Server for Windows component is installed on the Windows-based NetVault Backup Server, and the Plug-in Offline Client is used to perform the backup and recovery of the Intel x86 Clients.
For more information, see Using the Plug-in Offline Client.
This scenario is deployed when you want to perform offline or cold backups of Intel x86 Clients and you have deployed a Linux-based NetVault Backup Server.
The Plug-in Server for Linux component is installed on the Linux NetVault Backup Server, and the Plug-in Offline Client is used to perform the backup and recovery of the Intel x86 Clients.
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