
DR Series Software - Administration Guide

Introducing the DR Series system documentation Introducing the DR Series system Setting up the DR Series system Configuring the DR Series system settings Managing containers Managing replications Monitoring the DR Series system Using GlobalView Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using Rapid Data Access with NetVault Backup and with vRanger Configuring and using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST software and components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting client-side optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST plug-in Configuring DR Series system information using NetBackup Backing up data from a DR Series system with NetBackup Using Backup Exec with a DR Series system (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting diagnostics by using a Linux utility Guidelines for gathering media server information
Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Supported Ports in a DR Series system About us

Installing an SSL certificate

To install an SSL certificate, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → SSL Certificate.
The SSL Certificate page is displayed.
Next to Certificate File Location, click Browse to locate and select the SSL certificate on your system that you want to install.

Resetting the SSL Certificate

If you have installed a custom SSL certificate, you can reset the SSL certificate back to the factory-installed, self-signed certificate. To reset an SSL certificate, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → SSL Certificate.
The SSL Certificate page is displayed.
NOTE: You can also use the command line interface (CLI) command, maintenance -- configuration --reset_web_certificate. Refer to the DR Series Command Line Reference Guide for more information.

Installing a CA certificate

You can add a custom Certificate Authority (CA) certificate chain in the DR Series system GUI. To install a Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate file, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → SSL Certificate.
The SSL Certificate page is displayed.
Next to Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate File Location, click Browse to locate and select the CA certificate on your system that you want to install.

Generating a CSR

You can generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from the SSL Certificate page. A certificate authority (CA) can use the CSR to create an SSL certificate for you. This CSR will contain information to be included in the certificate, such as organization name, common name (domain name), locality, and country. It also contains the public key that will be included in the certificate. Generating a new CSR generates a new private key therefore certificates signed with a previously generated CSR will no longer be installable.

To generate a CSR, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → SSL Certificate.
The SSL Certificate page is displayed.
On the Action menu in the upper right corner of the page, click Generate CSR. The Generate CSR pane is displayed.
Common Name - The domain to be secured by the certificate.
Organization Name - The organization's legal business name.
Organization Unit - A department in the organization.
Locality - The business location.
State Name - The state/province of the business location
Country Code - The country of the business location.
Email - A contact email address.
Encryption - Select one of the following options: 2048-bit encryption or 4096 encryption. The default is 2048.
Click Generate.
Click Save to File to save it to a file.

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