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In a dependency map, some objects are represented with container tiles, others with single-object tiles or just icons. Dependencies between the objects in a map are illustrated with single-directional arrows.
The complexity of the information representing an object depends on its type and any dependencies it has with other objects in a monitored environment. Object dependencies are represented with arrow lines.
Every object is represented with an icon, representing its type. This allows you quickly recognize main elements in a dependency map.
The organization tile displays the levels of resource utilization (CPU, memory, and disk storage) for an entire organization. It also shows the organization’s alarm severity state. These tiles also contain one or more tiles representing organization vDCs associated with that organization.
Foglight™ for vCloud Director populates the organization tile using the values stored as metrics collected from monitored organizations.
The amount of the organization’s CPU resources spent on executing system code and user programs.
VMVCloudOrganization cpuUsed
The amount of the organization’s memory resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganization memoryUsed
The amount of the organization’s disk resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganization storageUsed
The organization vDC tile displays the levels of CPU, memory, and disk storage usage, and the amounts of allocated resources. It also shows the alarm severity state of the organization vDC.
Foglight for VMware populates these tiles using the values stored as metrics collected from monitored organization vDCs.
The percentage of the organization vDC’s CPU resources spent on executing system code and user programs during the selected time period.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC cpuUtilization
The amount of CPU resources spent on executing system code and user programs.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC cpuUsed
The total amount of CPU resources allocated to the organization vDC.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC cpuAllocated
The percentage of the organization vDC’s memory resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC memoryUtilization
The amount of the organization vDC’s memory resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC memoryUsed
The total amount of memory resources that are allocated to the organization vDC.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC memoryAllocated
The percentage of the organization vDC’s disk resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC storageUtilization
The amount of the organization vDC’s disk resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC storageUsed
The total amount of disk resources that are allocated to the organization vDC.
VMVCloudOrganizationVDC storageAllocated
The provider vDC tile displays the percentages of resource utilization (CPU, memory, and disk storage) for a provider vDC, and its severity state. It also shows the current resource usage and the total amount of resources available to the provider vDC.
Foglight for VMware populates these tiles using the values stored as metrics collected from monitored provider vDCs.
The percentage of the provider vDC’s CPU resources spent on executing system code and user programs during the selected time period.
VMVCloudProviderVDC cpuUtilization
The total amount of CPU resources available to the provider vDC.
VMVCloudProviderVDC cpuUsed
The percentage of the provider vDC’s memory resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudProviderVDC memoryUtilization
The total amount of memory resources that are available to the provider vDC.
VMVCloudProviderVDC memoryAllocated
The amount of the provider vDC’s memory resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudProviderVDC memoryUsed
The percentage of the provider vDC’s disk resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudProviderVDC storageUtilization
The total amount of disk resources that are available to the provider vDC.
VMVCloudProviderVDC storageAllocated
The amount of the provider vDC’s disk resources that are currently in use.
VMVCloudProviderVDC storageUsed
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