
SharePlex 12.0 - Reference Guide

About this guide Conventions used in this guide SharePlex Commands for Oracle SharePlex parameters SharePlex Commands for PostgreSQL SharePlex Parameters for PostgreSQL Heterogenous compare-repair commands General SharePlex utilities Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SharePlex environment variables

edit config

Use the edit config command to modify an inactive configuration file. This command opens the configuration in SharePlex’s default text editor. Modify and save the configuration using the tools provided by the editor.

To modify an active configuration, it is recommended that you copy the active configuration with the copy config command, and then edit the copy with the edit config command. When you activate the copy, the original configuration deactivates.

To view a list of configurations on a system, use the list config command. To view the contents of a configuration, use the view config command.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Operator (2)
Issued for: source system
Related commands: activate config, copy config, create config, list config, remove config, rename config, verify config, view config


Basic command Remote options
edit config filename

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Syntax description
Component Description

The name of the configuration that you want to edit. Configuration names are case-sensitive.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysA)> edit config sales

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example:sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304


Exit command

Use the exit command to close the current session of sp_ctrl. Closing sp_ctrl does not shut down replication; all replication processes continue without interruption unless they have been stopped by a user. This command merely discontinues your session with sp_ctrl on that system. To run sp_ctrl again, change to the directory containing the SharePlex binaries and enter the ./sp_ctrl command (for Unix and Linux systems) or run sp_ctrl in administrator mode(Windows systems).

There are no [on host] options for the exit command. It must be issued on the system where you want to stop running sp_ctrl.

This command is the same as the quit command.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Viewer (3)
Issued for: source or target system
Related commands: quit


Basic command Remote options
exit | e not available


Expand command

Use the expand command to expand a wildcard specification and display it to the screen. This is particularly useful if you are not sure whether a wildcard specification will produce the list of tables that you want to replicate. For more information on how to use wildcards in the configuration file, see the SharePlex Administration Guide.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Viewer (3)
Issued for: source or target system
Related commands: create config, edit config, show config, verify config


Basic command Command options Remote options
expand filespec

[not (list of exclusions)]

[for o.source_sid]

[on host]

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Syntax description
Component Description

The wildcard specification (including the owner) that the command will verify. Without the for o.source_sid option, it is assumed that there is an active configuration file that contains the wildcarded objects.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> expand scott.%

In this example, the result will display all objects in the scott schema.

not (list of exclusions)

Exclusions to the wildcard specification. Listed objects are excluded from the expansion.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> expand scott.% for o.oraA not (%"sal"%)

In this example, the result displays all objects in the scott schema from the oraA instance, except for any objects with names that contain “sal.” Please note that in this example, "sal" is enclosed within quotation marks because it is case sensitive.

for o.source_sid

Use when there is no active configuration file to specify the Oracle instance against which the command will be executed.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> expand scott.% for o.oraA

In this example, the result will display all objects in the “scott” schema from the oraA instance.

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example:sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304


Flush command

Use the flush command to stop the Post process at a certain point. It puts a marker in the data stream and automatically stops the Post process at the marker point. You can issue this command at a certain time or date – when month-end reports need to be generated, for example – and the data on the target system will reflect what was on the source system at the time the command was issued.

When you are performing backups, or when following certain documented SharePlex procedures, you issue the flush command after you stop user access on the source system to ensure that the last transaction gets posted to the target database before Post is stopped.

Starting Post again

Changes generated after the flush command accumulate in the queues and are applied to the target instance after you start Post again. Post remains stopped until the start post command is issued. Post keeps a record of where it stopped and resumes posting from that point to maintain synchronization.

Important: If users continue making changes on the source system while Post is stopped, data will accumulate in the post queue and possibly consume all available disk space. Remember to start Post as soon as permissible.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Operator (2)
Issued for: source system
Related commands: stop


Basic command Command options Remote options
flush datasource

[to host]

[queue queuename]

[to host queue queuename]

[to host@target_SID]

[to host@target_SID queue queuename]

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Syntax description
Component Description

This argument specifies the source data that the command will affect. Without additional options, it flushes the data through all queues on all target systems and stops Post.

datasource is expressed as o.SID, where SID is the ORACLE_SID of the source Oracle instance.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA

In this example, the data for instance oraA is flushed to all target systems.

to host

This option flushes all of the data replicating to a designated target system. Replication to other target systems is unaffected.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA to sysB

In this example, the data is flushed from sysA to sysB.

queue queuename

This option flushes data for a designated post queue. It flushes data flowing through all queues of that name on all target systems. This option is most useful when there are named post queues.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA queue sales

In this example, the data is flushed for post queue sales on all target systems that have a post queue of that name.

to host queue queuename

This option flushes data for a designated post queue on a designated target system. Other post queues on that and other target systems are unaffected.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA to sysB queue sales

In this example, the data is flushed for post queue sales on sysB.

to host@datadest

This option flushes data to a designated target instance on a designated target system. It does not affect:

  • Other target instances on that system.
  • Other target instances with the same ORACLE_SID on other target systems

In the syntax:

  • host is the target system’s name.
  • datadest is expressed as o.SID, where SID is the ORACLE_SID of the target instance.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA to sysB@o.oraB

In this example, the data is flushed to instance oraB on sysB.

to host@datadest queue queuename

This option flushes data for a designated post queue and target instance on a designated target system. It does not affect:

  • Other post queues for that instance or any other target instance on that system.
  • Other post queues on any other target system.

In the syntax:

  • host is the target system’s name.
  • datadest is expressed as o.SID, where SID is the ORACLE_SID of the target instance.
  • queuename is the name of the post queue.


sp_ctrl(sysA)> flush o.oraA to sysB@o.oraB queue sales

In this example, the data is flushed for post queue sales for target instance oraB on sysB.

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example:sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304


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